
Classroom of the Elite: illimitable until death edition

short notice: This Fanfiction is not mine. I am just trying to translate this in English to the best of my capabilities, So if any of you have some problem with that massage me and we can talk. The one that I am translating is just a extra story that the original author started after finishing the main story; So there are only 290 something chapters only and I am going to translate those all, if you are interested then check it out. Original novel name is: illimitable until death Peace ✌

Cain_101 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 88 Encountered Such An Unexpected Incident.


With a clear and distinct sound effect, Fang Li opened his phone and displayed a video in front of everyone.

"That is..."

Seeing the footage displayed on Fang Li's phone, Horikita Manabu, Chabashira Sae, and Tachibana Akane were all taken aback.

As for the members of Class C, including their homeroom teacher, Sakagami Kazuma, all four of them widened their eyes.

In the video playing from Fang Li's phone, the situation in front of the Special Teaching Building was presented.

It was the footage captured on the day of the incident.

The video clearly captured the scene of Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, and Kondou Reo entering the Special Teaching Building, and even more clearly, it captured Fang Li and the eyewitness entering one after another.

Shortly after, the eyewitness stumbled out of the Special Teaching Building.

Then, Fang Li, carrying his backpack and a digital camera, walked out of the building as well.

After about ten minutes, Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, and Kondou Reo also walked out, seemingly cursing someone as they left.

Naturally, the three of them had no signs of any injuries.

Fang Li pressed the pause button at this point.

Moreover, Fang Li zoomed in on the footage, showing the unharmed appearances of Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, and Kondou Reo.

"This footage should be sufficient to prove that I did not injure the three members of Class C inside the Special Teaching Building, right?"

Fang Li surveyed everyone present, with a faint smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"Can this serve as evidence?"

Can it?

Is there even a need to ask?

There is no more compelling evidence than this.

"How... how did you manage to obtain this?"

Sakagami Kazuma's voice rang with disbelief.

Indeed, everyone present, including Sakagami, couldn't comprehend where Fang Li had obtained this footage from.

The positions of the surveillance cameras had been thoroughly investigated by Ryuuen Kakeru, meticulously planned to leave no room for error. How could there be such footage?

But this was the reality.

Fang Li had already explained.

"It's not only surveillance cameras that can capture footage."

Amidst the stunned silence, Fang Li began his explanation.

"The Advanced Nurturing High School has strict measures in place to maintain complete secrecy, prohibiting any contact between students and the outside world, and forbidding anyone from leaving the campus without permission."

Fang Li continued, narrating to the entire audience.

"However, the school still requires external resources, such as goods for the Keyaki Mall, which are all brought in from outside."

This was the information Fang Li had obtained during his holiday.

"The trucks responsible for transporting the goods can only enter the school grounds during the time slot before school in the morning and after school in the afternoon, and only during lunchtime on holidays, with each stop lasting for an hour."

Fang Li glanced at Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, and Kondou Reo, his expression bordering on a smirk.

"Coincidentally, we entered the Special Teaching Building after school that day, right?"

Fang Li's words triggered a sudden realization in Horikita Manabu, Chabashira Sae, and even Sakagami Kazuma.

"Could it be...?"

Horikita Manabu seemed to have grasped the situation.

"That's right." Fang Li nodded, confirming Horikita Manabu's guess, and continued, "Besides the surveillance cameras, the truck's onboard recorder also captured the footage of the hour after entering The Advanced Nurturing High School."

And inconveniently for them, the truck's transportation route passed right by the Keyaki Mall.

Fang Li had already confirmed that during the holiday, it was entirely possible to see the Special Teaching Building from the direction of the Keyaki Mall.

Therefore, the truck's onboard recorder captured the footage at that time.

Yesterday, Fang Li had found the driver of that truck and confirmed the footage captured by the onboard recorder. Through negotiations, he managed to copy the footage onto his phone and brought it here.

"I originally didn't intend to use this method, but I didn't expect this unexpected turn of events," Fang Li said calmly. "This should prove that I didn't injure them in the Special Teaching Building, right?"

Concrete evidence was right in front of them.

The outcome was now certain.


Sakagami Kazuma fell completely silent.

Meanwhile, Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, and Kondou Reo were in a panic.

"Oh... Oh, I remember!" Ishizaki Daichi suddenly exclaimed as if he had come up with a brilliant idea. "He didn't injure us in the Special Teaching Building. He waited until we left and then retaliated, causing us to end up like this!"

Ishizaki Daichi's statement triggered a series of outbursts from Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo.

"Yeah... Yeah! I remember too!"

"That guy injured us after the incident!"

The two of them clung to the last straw.

Just as Ryuuen Kakeru instructed, they had to relentlessly accuse Fang Li and frame him no matter what.


"If it's true that Nanaya retaliated after the incident, it proves that he wasn't like what Sakagami-sensei just said, acting purely on impulse when he injured you. Instead, he must have carefully considered before laying a hand on you."

Horikita Manabu said coldly.

"In that case, he could naturally use the methods mentioned earlier to beat you without leaving obvious injuries."

Horikita Manabu's point left Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo speechless.

Only Ishizaki Daichi refused to give up.

"He... He deliberately hurt us in this way, just like Sakagami-sensei said, trying to use it as an excuse!"

Ishizaki Daichi made a final struggle.

Such struggling made Fang Li smile involuntarily.

"If that's the case, why don't you tell me where I violently confronted you after leaving the Special Teaching Building?"

Fang Li reminded them kindly.

"Ryuuen may know the locations of most of the cameras in this school, but I don't believe you have been paying attention to such details. Go ahead, tell me where I hit you. And if there's a camera in that location but no footage of me attacking you, then you won't be able to escape the accusation of false claims, right?"

Fang Li's words caused Ishizaki Daichi's face to stiffen, and cold sweat once again streamed down his face.

However, this time it wasn't due to pain but sheer panic.

In reality, Ishizaki Daichi could have easily mentioned a location, like a restroom, where cameras wouldn't be installed no matter what.

Alternatively, he could have randomly chosen a spot along the route that Ryuuen Kakeru planned for them to leave, knowing that there would be no cameras there.

But in his extreme panic, Ishizaki Daichi was incapable of considering such possibilities.

Not to mention, the inconsistencies in their testimonies had already created a fatal lack of trust.

The Student Council couldn't be deceived by such poor excuses.

"It seems the verdict is already clear."

Horikita Manabu concluded, announcing the end of the deliberation.

Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo, and Kondou Reo's faces turned pale instantly.

They understood.

This time, passing Ryuuen Kakeru's test would be difficult.

Chapter 88 complete what do you all think

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