
Classroom of the Elite: illimitable until death edition

short notice: This Fanfiction is not mine. I am just trying to translate this in English to the best of my capabilities, So if any of you have some problem with that massage me and we can talk. The one that I am translating is just a extra story that the original author started after finishing the main story; So there are only 290 something chapters only and I am going to translate those all, if you are interested then check it out. Original novel name is: illimitable until death Peace ✌

Cain_101 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 50 Within the Scope of the Rules

"What...what exactly is going on now?"

"I'm a bit lost in the conversation..."

"What the heck are you guys talking about? Hey!"

Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken seemed to have not yet grasped the truth revealed by Fang Li, looking perplexed and anxious.

It's understandable, though.

Initially, the three of them thought they were expelled for failing grades.

Who would have thought that this could involve the school's system and rules, as well as the future of the entire class?

Therefore, Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken were completely unable to keep up with the current situation and could only stand there bewildered and anxious.

The rest of the students seemed to understand the current situation to some extent.

"Nanaya-san, what's going on?"

Led by Hirata Yousuke and Karuizawa Kei, the students in the class looked at Fang Li with surprised eyes.

Kushida Kikyou remained silent, her eyes flickering.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was also silent, trying to lower his presence.

As for Horikita Suzune, her silence was the most depressing of all.

Because at this moment, Horikita Suzune could no longer boldly declare that she had not done anything wrong as she did before.

As Chabashira Sae said, in order to be promoted to Class-A, Horikita Suzune had made the resolute decision to abandon Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken.

"You can still be proud of your own academic achievements and resolutely abandon those who lag behind in academic achievement. But in the future, when this school conducts exams in other areas, you may become the one who is left behind and others will abandon you," Chabashira Sae said in a sympathetic tone to Horikita Suzune.

"And what will become of the class that has always been abandoning people?" This was a question that didn't need an answer.

If Class D really became like that, it would ultimately achieve nothing, or even self-destruct.

"Your individualism that you are so proud of is poisonous, at least in this school and even in society in the future," Chabashira Sae threw down this final comment.

And she spoke so calmly.

"Of course, it's too late to say anything now. You've already taken the wrong first step, and it's time to pay the price."

What is the price?

Naturally, it would be the loss of potentially valuable human resources.

In other words, the withdrawal of Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken.

It's just that...

"Is it too late to say anything now?" Fang Li's voice sounded amused.

"You're not quite right with that statement, Chabashira-sensei," he continued.

This sudden remark left the entire class D stunned on the spot.

"Well..." Chabashira Sae seemed interested and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"It's simple," Fang Li said frankly, "Can't the failing grades of Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou be remedied?"

This shocking statement caused an uproar among everyone.


Horikita Suzune raised her eyelids.


Hirata Yousuke and Kushida Kikyou's eyes lit up.


Led by Karuizawa Kei, many students in class D looked at each other in confusion.


Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki and Sudou Ken widened their eyes.

Only three people did not show this reaction.

One was Kouenji Rokusuke, who had stopped looking at the mirror and turned towards Fang Li as if he had finally noticed his presence.

The second was Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who kept silent and continued to lower his own presence.

The third was, of course, Chabashira Sae herself.

Chabashira Sae stared at Fang Li, seemingly urging him to continue.

Fang Li glanced at Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken and said indifferently, "Do you remember the answer you gave me when I asked you for the rules and details of the S-System last time?"

At that time, Chabashira Sae had answered with such a sentence.

"Grasping the truth about the point system rules is the key to conquering this school. In this school, nothing is more important than points."

Fang Li repeated the words that Chabashira Sae had said before, and his gaze towards her became profound.

Then Fang Li said, "At that time, when you mentioned 'points,' it was not just about the class points, right?"

Indeed, at that time, Chabashira Sae only used the term "points" and did not specifically refer to class points.

In other words...

"In this school, private points also play an extremely important role."

Fang Li announced to everyone, "This role is not only limited to consumption."

On the first day of school, Chabashira Sae had said, "As long as it is in this school, there is nothing that cannot be bought with points."

Fang Li's gaze changed from being profound to thought-provoking.

"Can I understand this statement as the literal meaning?" he asked.


That is to say, "There is nothing that cannot be bought with points".

"That means if a person has enough private points, they can even buy things beyond material possessions, right?" Fang Li asked. "Such as midterm exam scores."

Fang Li's voice fell, and everyone in the classroom opened their mouths in shock.

And Chabashira Sae's reaction was even more exaggerated.


Laughter erupted from Chabashira Sae's mouth.

The homeroom teacher, who was always calm and cool to everyone, burst into a happy laugh as if she found it amusing.

She laughed harder than ever before.

"Interesting." While still laughing, Chabashira Sae said, "If I say yes, how much of your private points are you willing to spend to buy the midterm scores of Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou to pass?"

This question was answered without hesitation by Fang Li.

"Don't get me wrong, teacher. I didn't say I would use my private points to buy scores for these three." Fang Li said calmly, "I just said what you wanted me to say. Does that mean I'm not a coward?"

"But I didn't want you to reveal the fact that private points can be used to buy exam scores, did I?" Chabashira Sae tapped the podium in front of her and said, "Anyway, your answer exceeded my expectations, so as a teacher, I will give you extra points."

How will she give Fang Li extra points?

"I'll answer your question." Chabashira Sae said candidly, "private points have a significant role to play, even in exam scores. As long as it is within the rules, buying and selling scores is allowed."

Regarding the midterm exam, is buying and selling scores allowed within the school's rules?

The answer is — yes.


"The problem is, do you have enough personal points to buy Ike, Yamauchi, and Sudou's passing grades?" Chabashira Sae raised the biggest issue.

By the previous chapter I have written more then 50k words so cheers to that

Chapter 50 complete what do you all think

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