
the break through?

3:00 am in the morning the sun was not yet risen Alisa was wide awake staring into the abyss regretting her life decisions even though she is only in highschool.

Alisa and arisu are mostly non twins,I say mostly because they both have the same hair colour,but Alisa is slightly taller and widely agreed upon being extremely attractive,Alisa has a more well renowned physique.

Arisu's strength is academical abilities only,Alisa excels in everything such as academics most notably, physical strength,skills,etc.

*Alisas alarm clock goes off*

Alisa turns of the alarm clock in the mid night at an unusual time of 3:04,she sits on her study table and gets out her notebooks and starts revising calculus and theories.

Why? Well simple she just wants to hone her mathamatics skills..or does she?

*In the morning*

It was a usal day as Alisa was going to her class except today was the end of the first month of the school.

Alisa entered class 1-B as usal but she was kind of confused to see ichinose a little down.

She sits on her seat not bothered to know about why ichinose is extremely down.

"Eh sakayanagi san?" Ichinose asked Alisa,Alisa knew this would take 180⁰ turn on her if she doesn't ask why ichinose is down today.

"Actually ichinose san I been meaning to ask you,why are you extremely down today? Did I do something wrong."

Ichinose replied with a small smile lying her head down on the bench."well.....you have a small part in this but for the most part no."

Alisa was now intrigued."well could you please abid me now?"

Ichinose begun by saying."well I am sad that you forgot to mention you are sisters with arisu sakayanagi from class 1-A!"

Alisa replied "i thought you could tell because of how we look and our last name,and I don't generally like to bring her in for reasons I cannot tell you,so please don't pry into it."

Ichinose looked more worried them curious."Alisa san I notice you never smile, are you truly okay?.."

Alisa just sighed and went out of the classroom to take a breath of fresh air leaving ichinose in her own wonders.

There was about 1 hour before class starts,and yes ichinose and Alisa where the only ones there.

Alisa just stood next to the railings looking outside of the campus,but she was met with a voice she was not very pleased to hear.

"How long do you intend to hide from me?" A girl with liliac hair and a thin cane on her hands to support her.

She also had 2 students behind her following her wherever she goes.

Alisa immediately turned to exit.

But her hand was caught by a blonde dude.

"Let go of my hand." Alisa said

"Well that's for me to decide sweet sister." Arisu said.

Alisa really didn't want anything to do with her sister for now,she didn't even want to utter a word to her,but if Alisa was ever going to utter a word to her that one word is going to be murder.

"Let go off me before I put you upside down head cracked." Alisa warned the blonde guy who was forcefully holding her from moving anywhere.

"Don't let go of her I need answers."

Arisu said as she walked closer to her sister.

Alisa had noticed that her sister who was reserved individual who wanted no means of violence was not the same around her.

On one hand she felt disgusted but personally she liked it

Alisa kept walking even though the blonde dude was trying to hold her still,she walked away with ease being able to move her own body weight with the body weight of the dude on top of it.

"Let go." Sakayanagi commanded as he let go but Alisa didn't let go actually,she holded his hand as hard as possible which made the dude scream in agony breaking serval bones.

Alisa let go and said."I just let you know now airsu if you plan on reporting this to the school I be immediately resigning,afterall you where the one who forced me in here."

Alisa said not even glazing at her sister before walking away to mind he own business.

"You do you cannot rest happily here right?" Arisu said with a devilish grin.

"Hell is nothing new to me." Alisa disappeard in the shadows.

"I will find the truth..." Sakayanagi said to her self quietly as she called for aid for her goons broken wrist and hand.

short chapter cause me the big lazy

Fungodlolcreators' thoughts