
Classroom of the elite: Assassin/butler

"Akihito Aoki, a child genius, becomes entangled in his parents' accident, which leaves him alone. He is then adopted by an organization that uses him to create the perfect assassin. One day, Akihito decides he has had enough of the torture he has to go through. He escapes the facility and attempts to survive in the cold days of Tokyo. When Akihito is on the verge of death, he meets Mr. Sakayanagi, who offers him the chance to be adopted into the Sakayanagi family. The twist is that he has to become Arisu Sakayanagi's butler." Female Ayanakoji Kiyotaka →→→→ Ayanakoji Kiyoko "P.S.: I don't own any of the characters except for the OC, and I obtained the cover from Google. If the owner wishes for me to take it down, please contact me."

FkNyaw · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Sakayanagi family

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Akihito POV:

The doors of the Sakayanagi estate swung open, and the scent of wealth and enveloped me. Mr. Sakayanagi, a figure of power in todays Japans society, he greeted me with gaze that felt like he was assessing me that seemed to dissect the layers of my history. As we settled into the plush chairs of his study, a palpable tension lingered in the air, demanding acknowledgment.

"Hello Mr.Sakayanagi sir I heard that you wanted to see me?"

"yes Akihito have a seat" he gestured me to a chair opposite of his desk. As I settled down Mr.Sakayanagi pushed a papper in front of me that read "contract". 

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Mr.Sakayanagi POV:

"Indeed, Akihito. I've summoned you to discuss the the conditions for you to join the Sakayanagi family." I stated while my gaze swept through young Akihito revealing little of the intricate thoughts weaving behind my eyes. "You've been through quite an ordeal, and your resilience has not gone unnoticed."

Akihito's eyes for a brief moment widened then and returned to normal. "thank you sir" quietly said Akihito. 

"lets go through the contract and sign if everything is okey with you" when finished talking I proceed to read the contract out aloud.

This Employment Contract ("Contract") is entered into on this [2010], by and between:

Party A: Akihito Aoki [Full Name of Akihito Aoki] 

Party B: Mr. Sakayanagi [Full Name of Narumori Sakayanagi]

1. Position and Duties: Party A shall assume the position of butler and confidant to Arisu Sakayanagi within the Sakayanagi family. Duties include, but are not limited to, ensuring the well-being and comfort of Arisu Sakayanagi, managing household affairs, and maintaining confidentiality in all matters concerning the Sakayanagi family.

2. Compensation: Party B agrees to compensate Party A for their services in the amount of [200,000 yen] per [month] This compensation covers all responsibilities outlined in Section 1 and any additional tasks deemed necessary by Party B.

3. Working Hours: Party A's working hours shall be [24 hour] on [7 days a week], with flexibility to accommodate the needs of the Sakayanagi family. 

4. Duration of Employment: This Contract is effective as of [2010] and shall continue until terminated by any reasons stipulated in Section 5.

5. Termination: Either party may terminate this Contract with written notice. Termination may also occur due to breach of contract, violation of confidentiality, or other justifiable reasons as determined by Party B.

6. Confidentiality: Party A agrees to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all matters related to the Sakayanagi family. Disclosure of sensitive information may result in immediate termination and legal consequences.

7. Governing Law: This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Specify Jurisdiction].

8 . By agreeing to this contract party A will be protected by party B from the organization that party A is affiliated with.


[Party A's Signature]


[Party B's Signature]

When I was done reading the contract Akihito looked up from the contract, our eyes met. His nod, measured and resolute, conveyed a sense of understanding and acceptance. It was a pivotal moment, one that marked the commencement of his journey as a butler and confidant within our family. When he wrote his signature I followed with my own signature and this concluded our deal. 

"Thank you, Akihito. I believe this this arrangement will be mutually beneficial."

"No I am the one that has to thank you for giving me this chans and I promises to do my outmost best to serve miss Arisu." 

Hmm, I was satisfied by his answer one should alway know to be grateful and never lose oneself. Lets see what my little prinsess reaction gonna be when she learns that I got her a butler.....friend.

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Arisu Sakayanagi POV:

Daddy told me that he had a big surprise for me today, I could hardly contain my excitement as I bounced down the grand staircase. 

When I reached where daddy was there was also another person looking my age and I wondered who he was but my answers soon was answered. 

"Arisu this here is your new butler Akihito Aoki that I adopted into our family from today onwards he is your butler" 

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Akihito's POV:

I could see little to no reaction in little Miss Sakayanagi as Mr.Sakayanagi introduced me, the air was filled with anticipation, and I was curious to see how she'd react to the surprise her Father had in store.

"Hello, Miss Sakayanagi!" I greeted with a smile, but my emotions veiled behind a mask of professional calm.

When I waited fo the response for my greeting I was met with a hmph from Arisu "humph I don't like your fake emotionless smile, I don't want you" and then she walked back to where she came from leaving me and Mr. Sakayanagi standing alone awkward?

I don't understand 

Emotions, an enigma I grappled with in the intricate dance between my assassin past and the societal expectations of today. The narrative of my life, forged in the crucible of shadowy exploits from age five, cast emotions as potential pitfalls, capable of compromising the precision required for survival.

In the realm of assassins, emotions were currency, traded for manipulation and strategic advantage. They were instruments in a deadly orchestra, each note carefully orchestrated to achieve a nefarious end. My past, tainted by the shadows, left me with a perspective that viewed emotions not as genuine expressions but as tools in a calculated arsenal.

My stoic expression, a byproduct of a life where emotions were meticulously veiled, seemed to clash with Arisu's perception. I couldn't comprehend why my reserved, emotionless smile failed to resonate with her. The intricacies of human connection, particularly the subtleties of emotional expression, remained an elusive puzzle.

Perhaps, my upbringing as an assassin had left me blind to the nuances of interpersonal dynamics, especially the unspoken language of emotions. The Sakayanagi mansion, with its complex web of relationships, demanded an understanding I found myself grappling to achieve.

But sill....I don't understand.....why is it important? 

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(Author's note: Yay, two chapters a day! I hope you enjoyed them. I'm not sure about the quality of my grammar, so I used GTP for corrections and to fix any wrong wordings. I hope it was helpful. Thanks for reading!)



 P.S: Thanks to Satan_Club for my first ever power stone really appreciate it