
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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262 Chs

-245- The calm before the storm

Afterwards, as if everything had entered a predetermined development, all matters became mired in an inexplicable state of lethargy.

Class A continued to adhere to their strategy of not participating in discussions or speaking up. No matter which group they were in, they maintained silence. Once a discussion session ended, they would leave the room at the first opportunity. Even after the standby duty ended, they would all gather together, avoiding contact with students from other classes, fortifying their defenses thoroughly and giving no one any opportunities.

Class B, on the other hand, seemed to have completely lost confidence in winning this situation. Under Ichinose Honami's lead, they had entered a dead end where they could not break the stalemate, completely at a loss.

Class C was even more scattered. Whether due to Ryuen Kakeru's instructions or because they didn't want their progress hindered by small fry, the inherently distrustful Ryuen Kakeru didn't let too many people help him. He simply allowed the others to indulge themselves, as they had on the uninhabited island, getting into a vacation mood and enjoying themselves to the fullest. Only Ryuen Kakeru himself would occasionally appear around the ship with Ibuki Mio, interacting with various people, likely continuing to accumulate results.

As for Class D, there was nothing to say. No one had the capability to turn the situation around. Only the groups with VIPs held some initiative; the rest were utterly powerless against Class A and were extremely anxious.

Especially Ike Kanji, Yamauchi Haruki, and Sudou Ken. As time passed, one could often hear them complaining to those around them, venting their frustrations.

Frankly, this situation was very dangerous.

Once overwhelmed by excessive anxiety and impatience, only bad things could result.

Imagine if someone crumbled under this anxiety and impatience, unable to bear the psychological pressure, affecting their judgment and making rash decisions. This would only harm the class.

To prevent this from happening, Hirata Yousuke tirelessly reassured one student after another. Even Ayanokouji Kiyotaka secretly contributed a lot of effort, only then preventing the worst-case scenario.

But this meant that Hirata Yousuke, not to mention, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka were completely unable to focus on their group's victory.

When the exam reached its final day, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, seemingly unable to wait any longer, came to consult Hori for advice.

"If you haven't decided how to act, then I'll have to step in."

Obviously, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka couldn't just let the situation settle as it was. He definitely wanted to take action.

Even if he couldn't achieve total victory for all groups, with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's capabilities, securing a few groups' victories should still be possible.

But Hori said this:

"I've already decided on a course of action."

However, it might not be an action that would meet Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's expectations.

Whether Ayanokouji Kiyotaka realized this or not, he walked away silently without asking about the exam again.

And so, time passed meaninglessly in this situation.

This special exam was scheduled to last four days in total.

One of these days was a completely free day without discussion sessions, so the actual exam time should be considered as three days.

In three days, with two discussion sessions per day, there were a total of six discussion sessions.

On the final day of the exam, in the last discussion session at 8 PM, all groups once again succumbed to Class A's ultimate defense, facing the most undesired outcome helplessly.

The broadcast sounded throughout the ship after 9 PM.

"The second special exam during summer vacation is now over. All class students, please leave your rooms in order."

"Please be reminded that in half an hour, from 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM, it is the answering period for all groups."

"Only during this period, if emails are sent, and all members except the VIP and those in their class answer correctly, the result will be result one. Conversely, if even one person guesses wrong or no one answers, it will be result two."

"Before 9:30 PM, before the answering period officially begins, answering is still allowed in advance."

"If answered correctly, the result will be result three."

"If answered incorrectly, the result will be result four."

"After 11 PM, the school will inform all students of the exam results via email."

"Repeating once again..."

The broadcast echoed throughout the ship.

"It's over..."

"It's finally over..."

In each group, upon hearing the broadcast, the students slumped their shoulders with complex expressions.

It had to be said, these four days were truly tough.

The VIPs had been doing their utmost to conceal their identities.

Students who were not VIPs were constantly trying to identify the VIPs.

Meanwhile, Class A's interference, by not participating in discussions or speaking up, made progress incredibly difficult.

So, upon hearing the broadcast signaling the end of the exam, everyone's first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief before considering anything else.

This was the unified response of students in each group.

Even the elites within the Dragon Group discreetly let out a sigh of relief.

Including Horikita Suzune.

Including Hirata Yousuke.

Including Kushida Kikyou.

Even including Katsuragi Kouhei.

The only person who did not exhibit this behavior was Ryuen Kakeru.

At this moment, Ryuen Kakeru was fiddling with his phone, and seeing something on it, a slow smile spread across his face.

Then, Ryuen Kakeru spoke.

"Thank you all for your hard work."

Ryuen Kakeru put away his phone, showing a fearless smile to everyone present.

His words were just one sentence.

"Next, please look forward to the surprise I have prepared for you."

These words caused everyone's hearts to sink.

Everyone present knew.

Perhaps Ryuen Kakeru was about to make a big move.

"Could it be, you've really identified all the VIPs?"

Horikita Suzune stared intently at Ryuen Kakeru, trying to read some clues from his eyes.

But at this moment, Ryuen Kakeru was in no hurry.

"If I told you now, it wouldn't be a surprise."

Ryuen Kakeru left these words, still smiling, and prepared to leave the room.

However, Ryuen Kakeru ultimately didn't get to leave.

The broadcast that had just ended immediately sounded again.

"We have an additional announcement. All first-year students, please gather on the fourth basement level."

"Repeating once again, all first-year students, please gather on the fourth basement level."

This announcement reached everyone's ears.

"The fourth basement level?"

Ryuen Kakeru stopped in his tracks.

"The fourth basement level?"

Horikita Suzune, Kushida Kikyou, Hirata Yousuke, and even Katsuragi Kouhei were all equally stunned.

What was this about?