
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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254 Chs

-219- Be torn apart

"Bor... Boring?"

At that moment, even Machida Koji was stunned.

Not only him, but everyone else was also taken aback.

After they came to their senses, aside from the rest, Machida Koji was the first to glare at Hori with anger.

"Are you... are you insulting our Class A?"

Machida Koji shouted furiously.

It wasn't just because Katsuragi Kouhei's strategy was denied so bluntly, but also because he, who presented the strategy to the Rabbit Group, was described with such disdain, leading to his outrage.

However, Hori showed no emotion in response to Machida Koji's anger, instead casting a look of pity.

This pity was not only directed at Machida Koji but also at Katsuragi Kouhei and the entire Class A.

"Haven't you noticed yet?" Hori said calmly. "Katsuragi's strategy has a fatal flaw."

This statement made everyone present look at each other in confusion.

"A... a fatal flaw?"

Machida Koji was initially stunned, then immediately refuted without hesitation.

"Impossible! Katsuragi's strategy is perfect!"

This was both a testament to Katsuragi Kouhei's prestige and the trust his faction had in him.

Unfortunately, Machida Koji completely missed the sarcastic look from Morishige Takuro, who belonged to the Sakayanagi faction, standing beside him.

"Perfect?" Hori said with a hint of a smile. "Are you talking about the same perfect strategy that Katsuragi used on the uninhabited island, which Ryuen completely trampled on?"

"Ugh…" Machida Koji was instantly silenced.

But Hori continued.

"Indeed, Katsuragi's strategy can work, as long as the VIPs are not identified in the end, everyone's rewards will be the same," Hori said calmly. "But that assumes the VIPs won't be identified, right?"


The strategy only works if the VIPs are not identified.

If the VIPs are identified, the strategy becomes meaningless.

Hori was pointing out this critical flaw.

Machida Koji immediately responded.

"That's why we suggested that no one should discuss anything. That way, the VIPs don't have to worry about being identified."

If there were no discussions, no mutual deceit, concealment, disguising, or probing, they could simply pass the exam and ensure that all VIPs achieve Result 2.

This was the foundation of Katsuragi Kouhei's strategy.

But this very point was its fatal flaw.

Hori acknowledged that among ordinary people, Katsuragi Kouhei was indeed very capable.

Even in a class full of elites like Class A, Katsuragi Kouhei managed to become one of the leaders of two factions, proving his competence.

In this special exam, if Hori and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka weren't involved, allowing Katsuragi Kouhei's strategy to be executed perfectly, it would indeed be significant.

Even if it didn't create a gap between classes, at least it wouldn't allow the gap to close, which was already a win for Class A.

After all, no one could guarantee how many special exams the school would conduct over the three years of high school.

Each of these special exams was a rare opportunity for the lower-ranked classes to catch up with the higher-ranked ones.

Wasting such a valuable opportunity was precisely what Katsuragi Kouhei aimed to avoid.

After the special exam on the uninhabited island, Katsuragi Kouhei not only did not panic but also became more cautious, coming up with this strategy, which indeed deserved some praise.

Unfortunately, Katsuragi Kouhei's excellence was ultimately only at the level of ordinary people.

The cautious leader of the Katsuragi faction failed to realize that he was already far behind Hori, not to mention behind Ryuen Kakeru.

Hori cast a glance at Machida Koji and spoke calmly.

"Do you think discussions are the only way to identify the VIPs?"

With this simple question, Machida Koji froze.

Everyone else also realized the problem.


That was the issue.

While Katsuragi Kouhei focused on defense, he completely missed the fatal flaw in his defense.

No discussions, so the VIPs won't be exposed?

Too naive, wasn't it?

Hori had already mentioned to Horikita Suzune that there was a method to selecting the VIPs.

What if the group didn't discuss anything?

As long as this method was figured out, the VIPs of all twelve groups would be identified one by one.

Katsuragi Kouhei failed to notice that while he was trying to protect all the VIPs, Hori, who was far ahead of him, was already searching for a way to expose all the VIPs.

If Katsuragi Kouhei continued to focus on defense, by the end of the exam, his fortress would be shattered by a heavy blow.

And this heavy blow was bound to appear.

Even if it wasn't Hori, Ryuen Kakeru would definitely be searching for this heavy blow in the shadows.

Hori had already said it.

That person would never be satisfied with winning just one group.

Ryuen Kakeru would never rest until he achieved a total victory.

So, Ryuen Kakeru would undoubtedly search for this heavy blow, without a doubt.

"You can tell Katsuragi this."

Hori, looking nonchalant and unconcerned, spoke indifferently.

"If he keeps dragging his feet, he'll be torn apart by the 'snake.'"

This was both advice and a bit of sympathy for Katsuragi Kouhei.

Leaving these words, Hori, as if he had nothing more to say, took out his phone and started fiddling with it.

"You... what do you mean? Explain it to me!"

Machida Koji became anxious, even standing up and shouting at Hori, his voice filled with anxiety.

If anyone else had said this, Machida Koji wouldn't have been so shaken.

But Hori was different.

This was the person who conquered the special exam on the uninhabited island and trampled even Ryuen Kakeru. His words carried an ominous weight.

The rest of the group also began to murmur.

"What does he mean?"

"Did he discover something?"

"Or is he just trying to scare Class A?"

"It's so frustrating…"

The other members began to discuss among themselves.

Even Yukimura Teruhiko looked at Hori's calm demeanor, his face filled with agitation, clearly wanting to ask Hori what was going on.

Only Ichinose Honami, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, and Ibuki Mio were different.

"The snake…"

Ibuki Mio lowered her head, her eyes flashing.

"Keep dragging his feet, huh?"

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka seemed to have grasped something.


Ichinose Honami looked at Hori, as if trying to see through his thoughts, deep in thought.

The discussion in the room was thrown into chaos by just a few words from Hori.