
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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243 Chs

-157- Feel free to report us

Pure hostility and anger were directed towards Nanaya Hori and Horikita Suzune in a focused manner.

And it was directed by an entire class of over thirty students.

Facing this numerical violence, even high school students like them couldn't remain calm.

Even in a school like Advanced Nurturing High School, it was the same.

But these two were not ordinary people.

Horikita Suzune was not someone who would be scared by such a situation. Faced with the hostility and anger of the entire Class A, she just sighed but showed no fear on her face.

Nanaya Hori was even more direct, completely ignoring the hostility and anger, and just looked at Katsuragi Kouhei.

Under the threat of the entire Class A, the two Class D students showed no fear at all.

This must have made many of the Class A students who looked down on Class D extremely unhappy, right?

Totsuka Yahiko was a typical representative of this sentiment.

"You two...!"

Totsuka Yahiko stepped forward somewhat excitedly, seeming to be about to say something.

But before he could take another step forward, Katsuragi Kouhei spoke up, interrupting Totsuka Yahiko.

"Don't you think this is going too far?"

Katsuragi Kouhei stared at Nanaya Hori, questioning in a deep voice.

"Don't forget, we can report you to the school at any time."

At these words, Nanaya Hori smiled.

"Report? On what grounds?" Nanaya Hori said lightly, "We neither contaminated the environment nor caused any violent, extortionate, or destructive effects on you. In other words, we didn't break any rules. What do you have to report us for?"

"But your actions also hurt our people." Katsuragi Kouhei's tone became sharper, "Many people here have been stung by bees, and all of this is because of you. I believe that's enough reason for punishment."

"Is that so?" Nanaya Hori raised an eyebrow, suddenly smiled, and said, "Then feel free to report us at any time. I look forward to the school giving us so-called punishment."

These words, which could be called provocation, not only made the entire Class A angrier but also silenced Katsuragi Kouhei.

Actually, Katsuragi Kouhei should understand, right?

It's impossible to just report Nanaya Hori based on this.

Because Katsuragi Kouhei had no evidence.

The one who injured people was the bees, not Nanaya Hori.

Katsuragi Kouhei wanted to report Nanaya Hori, but unless he could provide evidence that Nanaya Hori was responsible for the bees appearing in Class A's stronghold, everything would just be baseless talk.

Of course, this so-called evidence didn't exist.

Perhaps, if it were someone else, deliberately moving a beehive to Class A's stronghold would definitely leave some evidence.

But Nanaya Hori wouldn't.

He neither entered Class A's stronghold nor touched the beehive himself, so how could he leave evidence?

Although Katsuragi Kouhei didn't know these things, judging from Nanaya Hori's attitude, he knew that the other party was confident and fearless. Therefore, it wouldn't be easy to successfully report him for this incident. So, was he just trying to gain the upper hand in the conversation through verbal pressure?

But, Katsuragi Kouhei failed.

Trying to suppress Nanaya Hori with words alone?

That's too naive.

"If you don't make a little effort, it's really hard to get you guys out." Nanaya Hori said confidently, "It's only the second day of the exam. There's still a long time to go. Closing the door to guests at the beginning is very impolite, isn't it?"

If the previous words were provocation, then this is stimulation.

Faced with Katsuragi Kouhei's extremely stable defense, Nanaya Hori displayed fierce aggressiveness.

Only this way could he conquer the opponent's strong fortress.


Totsuka Yahiko clicked his tongue.

"That tone and attitude... are just like that detestable Sakayanagi...!"

It seems that another faction leader in Class A has used the same method as Nanaya Hori.

Sakayanagi Arisu, indeed a clever person, knew what kind of approach would work against Katsuragi Kouhei.

Katsuragi Kouhei seemed to have the same thought, and his eyes showed strong vigilance and caution.

"What are you two here for?" Katsuragi Kouhei went straight to the point.

To this question, it was no longer Nanaya Hori who answered, but Horikita Suzune.

"We're just here to investigate," Horikita Suzune said bluntly, "Surely, that's not something strange, right?"

Indeed, this wasn't anything strange.

Regardless of which class it was, everyone knew that sooner or later, students from other classes would come to investigate.

That's why Katsuragi Kouhei had set up barriers at the entrance of the cave to deal with the investigations from other classes.

This method was indeed effective, causing Class B to give up.

Even now, despite Class A being in such a sorry state due to Nanaya Hori, the situation inside the cave still hadn't been observed.

Totsuka Yahiko mocked without restraint.

"Investigate? What else do you want to investigate in this situation? Hurry up and leave!"

As Totsuka Yahiko's words fell, the rest of the Class A students present silently surrounded Nanaya Hori and Horikita Suzune.

Horikita Suzune looked around at the hostile opponents, unwaveringly speaking up.

"Although the school regulations state that unauthorized use of occupied strongholds is prohibited, it doesn't prohibit students from other classes from even approaching. Since it allows inspections of the leader's situation, it proves that the school actually advocates for interaction between different classes to complete the leader's guessing exam. Now, you're unilaterally excluding us, which is not something the school would appreciate. Maybe, Class A's evaluation in the next semester will decrease as a result, which might also reflect in the class points?"

Horikita Suzune made this sharp attack with her words.


Totsuka Yahiko's face stiffened immediately.

The rest of the Class A students also looked at each other and stopped approaching.

A decrease in evaluation.

For Class A, this was unacceptable.

After all, everyone in this class was an honor student, right?

If it really came to that, everyone would feel very uncomfortable.

Only Katsuragi Kouhei remained unaffected.

"Indeed, the school encourages us to compete with each other, but our approach also belongs to a form of competition." Katsuragi Kouhei said calmly, "This is a school that values abilities. In the school's view, our defense and the attacks of other classes are forms of competition. If you can't even handle our defense, how can you compete with us?"

This time, it was Horikita Suzune who fell silent.

But Horikita Suzune didn't compromise.

"Just as Nanaya said, the exam has just begun. Isn't it impolite for you to close the door to guests like this?"

Horikita Suzune threw out this provocation.


"Sorry, we have no intention of hosting anyone." Katsuragi Kouhei said calmly, "Can you please leave? This would be good for both sides, wouldn't it?"

After this exchange, the atmosphere became even more tense.