
Classroom of the Elite: A tale of Nanaya

I had a dream. I dreamt of a chilly winter night. I dreamt of a pure round moon. I dreamt of pitch-black deep mountains. I dreamt of a feast of fresh blood. A young man stood there. ////This book and story is not mine. The original author name is 如倾如诉. Support the original author. I'm just a translator. Update will be uncertain cuz I got other two book I'm translating. Could be daily, I dunno. I don't own the cover either, just found it on Google. /////

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-127- Still feel distressed?

"Have... Have you bought so many things already?"

"Another 30 points..."

"Adding them all up, that's 50 points, right?"

"That the points you get when guess one leader correctly..."

"It feels painful..."

Upon learning about the list of items Nanaya Hori had purchased, many students immediately showed expressions of distress.

Although they understood from Hori's explanation that spending points was necessary, seeing 50 points deducted at once, a whole sixth of the total, was undeniably painful.

However, Hori paid no attention to anyone's distress and continued calmly explaining.

"I've confirmed in the guidebook that tents are available for purchase, but even the cheapest tent costs 10 points and only accommodates five people. The large tent for twenty people costs a whole 30 points. Instead of spending points on tents alone, it's better to use these 30 points effectively, increase their value, and not just solve the tent shortage."

With that, Hori took out hemp rope and canvas.

"Hemp rope and canvas can be used to make hammocks to supplement the shortage of tents. There are plenty of trees around, so it's easy to set up hammocks. With sufficient tools here, we can even flatten the forest floor and use the grass we cut as padding inside the tents, eliminating the need to sleep on hard ground, which improves sleep quality."

"In addition to hammocks, the remaining canvas can be used to build shower stalls. By collecting water from the reservoir, we can use it for bathing, though it's worth noting there's no hot water, so be careful not to get sick from bathing in cold water."

"Furthermore, with these tools, we can make wooden barrels for water storage and fishing rods using tree branches and the steel wire provided with the tents. This way, we can go fishing at the beach and ensure a certain amount of food. In short, there are many ways to utilize these resources effectively. With proper planning, you can turn your painful 30 points into effectively 100 points. If we rely on the tools instead of buying tents, fishing rods, padding, and shower stalls from the school, we could easily surpass 100 points."

Hori said with a sly smile to everyone, "Do you still feel distressed now?"

Hori's question made the entire class smile awkwardly, and no one dared to say anything.

Of course, the students didn't know that in true wilderness survival, Hori could manage even without using a single point. Without considering hygiene or environmental pollution, there would be no need for toilets. Without a week-long time limit, Hori could still manage with local resources using his own hands to make all the tools and props. Naturally, if it truly came down to "survival," there would be no leisurely thoughts about using tents or sleeping.

Being able to survive is the true success.

(Compared to real wilderness survival, isn't this special exam just child's play?)

Recalling the training he received in his childhood, where he was thrown into the Amazon rainforest by the elders of his clan without anything until he was found a whole year later and brought back, Hori couldn't help but chuckle.

Compared to those times, this special exam seemed like child's play, not to mention the various superior conditions and the provision of supplies. Even the forest had been artificially cultivated, with complete roads, bases, and food, without the threat of wild animals, parasites, bacteria, or poisonous food, and without the need to worry about getting lost. It was really not difficult.

Therefore, Hori didn't bother to save points to the extreme. Instead, he personally made everything and roughly calculated a policy that saved points. He directly purchased necessary materials and tools with points, saving a lot of time and labor.

This was also because they only needed to live here for a week.

With such a short time, if they had to make all the tools and props themselves, by the time everything was finished, not to mention Hori, but these young masters and ladies of Class D might have already collapsed everywhere.

Of course, as far as wilderness survival is concerned, this exam is just child's play.

However, as Hori just mentioned, the real purpose of this exam is not to test the students' survival skills, but their teamwork and independent thinking skills.

Being able to effectively use points is one aspect of this exam's purpose.

Since that's the case, Hori didn't need to think about survival aspects. It's enough to consider convenience, simplicity, and comprehensiveness.

At this point, Kushida Kikyou pointed to the pile of paper Hori had bought and asked curiously, "What are these papers for, Nanaya-kun?"

At the question, Hori replied calmly, "The paper and pens are for drawing maps. By looking out from the cliffs to the forest, we can draw maps based on what we see, marking out roads, bases, orchards, and other places for exploration."

Then, Hori changed the subject slightly and added, "Moreover, I have some things I want to see if we can find. I'll use these paper and pens to draw what we need to find. When exploration begins, I'll let you know what to look for."

With that, Hori brushed off the sand from his hands.

"Alright, that's the rough plan for now. Next, let's start grouping. Some people will be responsible for building tents, some for making hammocks, and others for using the tools here to make the necessary daily supplies. If you don't know what to do, I'll teach you later. As long as you're not catastrophically clueless, you'll be able to do it."

So, without asking for anyone's opinion, Hori began to divide the groups.

Leave the heavy lifting to the boys, such as setting up tents and using tools to clear the area under the shade of the trees for a resting area.

The manual labor will be done by the girls, such as making hammocks and necessary daily supplies.

The exploration team will be organized later. For now, focus on these tasks.

After arranging the groups, Hori handed one of the paper and pens to Kushida Kikyou.

"Kushida, go to the cliff and draw the map. With your keen eyesight, you should be able to discern any unnatural features. Remember to mark those places."

After all, Kushida Kikyou usually had sharp observation skills, knowing how to make good friends and adjust the atmosphere under different circumstances.

"Got it. Leave it to me."

Kushida Kikyou smiled brightly and took the paper and pen.

Hori also picked up a set of paper and pen.

"Alright, let's get working."


Responding unexpectedly with enthusiasm to Hori's instructions, the air was filled with energy.

In the next moment, everyone started their respective tasks.