

"Are you okay, senpai?"

It's a scary image in a way, reaching out to a ghost that shouldn't be alive.

"Oh, thank you for that."

Apparently unable to stand on her own, she sat down on the ground. I

couldn't just leave her there, so I decided to lend a hand.

"Which way's the exit?"

"What? The exit? Maybe this way... or... that way..?"

"If you're worried, let's turn around."

I remember the way to the entrance, so I should be able to get back soon

with a little help.

"Don't worry, trust your senpai..!"

She raised her voice in pain. It was because she tried faking a decisive

display in vain. It was a very unreliable deception, but it would be better to listen

to a senior.

It would be faster than me feeling my way to the exit from scratch. After a

bit of hesitation and a few screams of terror from my classmates, I reach the exit

with my scared senpai in tow.

I intended to immediately walk away, leaving Asahina in charge of the third-

year booth, but due to the pre-opening, there didn't seem to be any students


"Don't worry about me. Thank you, Ayanokōji-kun. I'm sure I'll be fine after

a little rest."

I crouched down to check her ankle.

"Woah what are you doing?"

"Let me see."

"Oh, um, sure..."

It's too early to say it was just a slight twist, but it's starting to swell. If she

doesn't get proper treatment, it could have repercussions later.

"I think you should go to the infirmary. Wouldn't it be hard to be out of the

lineup at the festival?"

"Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I think I'll do that."

She tried to stand up and walk alone, but when she realized the pain

wouldn't allow her to do so, she shifted her plan to standing on only her left leg.

However, every time she took a small jump, the impact circulated to her

right leg, resulting in a bitter and agonized expression.

"I'll lend you a hand after all."

"Ugh... but..."

I'm sure her hesitance is partly due to embarrassment, but it seems there are

other reasons why she isn't willing to lend me her hand.

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"Are you worried Nagumo might see us?"

"How did you know...?"

"Well, I just had a suspicion."

"If he saw Ayanokōji-kun getting involved with a Class A student, it would

probably stir some trouble for you. I can't let myself trouble you, can I?"

It seems she's more worried about me than herself.

"There's no need to worry. I'm sure Nagumo, the student council president,

doesn't take me seriously anymore."

"Is that so?"

"I think he realized that he was being overbearing."

I decided to lend Asahina a hand and take her to the infirmary.

"Thanks, you know."

She was a bit conspicuously dressed, which was a problem, but I guess that

couldn't be helped. I lent her a shoulder and we made it to the infirmary with a few

curious stares. The doctor immediately sat her down on the bed to give her some


Asahina was instructed to wait a little before leaving. As I was about to

leave, she called out to me.

"Speaking of which, Ayanokōji's class was met with a disaster weren't


Missing my chance to leave, I turned around and was left with no choice but

to speak.

"Are you talking about leaked information regarding the maid café?"


This morning, that very scheme was carried out by the hands of Ryūen.

The whole school got to know about the maid café event we were secretly

working on. Of course, there are more disadvantages to having your idea known at

an early stage.

"Ryūen's class also decided to participate in a maid café."

Due to the fact we have a competitor, we'll have to compete for the same


"We can only hope that, by having two classes competing with similar

concepts, there will be no others following the trend."

"If you have three or four classes with the same exhibit, it's only going to

make the competition for customers much worse."

Chasing after them will only increase the risk. It's not impossible for us to

craft a strategy to attain a one-sided victory, but it won't be easy to beat those of us

who are devoting a lot of resources to the event. Soon after, the doctor brought

bandages and other treatment tools. We ended up observing the treatment process.

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The treatment was over quickly, and the doctor said that if she waited a few days in

a rested state, she should be able to walk without any problems. When it became

clear that there would be no issue with the festival, Asahina simultaneously let out

the pain and relief she was enduring.

"Oh, thank God. I didn't want to bother the class with something like this."

"The results won't change the placement of the classes, so it's not something

you need to worry about, is it?"

If they got last place at the festival, they wouldn't lose any class points.

"That's not going to happen. But there's nothing better than having lots of

class points, you know. There are even quite a few of my classmates that are

against Miyabi being hands-off this time."

Asahina continued with her eyes downcast.

"Students who decide not to win need as many class points as possible,

right? Even at the cultural festival, if you placed first, that's more private points

you can get before graduation."

Due to the laws set in place by Nagumo, it's only natural that they would

want as many private points as possible in order to graduate from Class A.

Meanwhile, Class A can't completely abandon the rest of the classes.

They'll need to continue to participate just like other students.

"In case you're wondering, Nagumo is saying that he's going to let the non-

A's compete and pick one student from the class that takes first place," she said.

As a result, the complaints from the three other classes won't be as strong.

But even then, they can't be completely suppressed without showing willingness to

get as many class points as possible.

The pressure on Class A, which has no interest in winning, comes through

with different circumstances.

"You know what we were talking about earlier, right? How Miyabi wasn't

keeping an eye on you anymore?"

"What about it?"

"At first I thought that was true. But I think that might be false."

"Why is that?"

"There was never really a clear winner between you and Miyabi, was there?"

"That's true."

Nagumo and I never went head to head to settle our dispute for good.

"If that's the case, then I don't think it's over."

"I don't have the intention to fight him."

It's simply a waste of time regarding this entire ordeal.

"I don't think that even matters. It's not entirely about you anymore,

Ayanokōji-kun. Miyabi could start targeting people close to you."

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Having watched Nagumo by her side for the past three years, Asahina could

clearly envision it.

"Like former student council president Horikita, Nagumo likes to compete,

doesn't he?"

"Uh, yeah, that's for sure."

"Has Nagumo ever been clearly beaten by someone or something? Has he

ever had a slight setback?"

Although, I'm sure you can guess that by looking at Nagumo's attitude up to


"Miyabi's never stumbled, at least not to my knowledge."

Nagumo's classmates have an unshakable trust in him.

"It would be an unquestionable fact that Student Council President Nagumo

is an excellent person. If he wasn't competent, it would be impossible for him to

achieve his OAA or become student council president."

There are more than a few areas where political maneuvering alone cannot


"That guy likes being number one. That's why he fought to be the top of this

school. In the end, he even became the student council president, so he's really a

man of his word."

"However, if you asked me whether or not Nagumo is the strongest student,

I would immediately deny it."

"How can that be...? He's never lost to anyone in particular." Asahina was

surprised by my words.

"I think it's because he's never had good opponents." It's not that Nagumo's

weak but there's no doubt that his opponents were weak. "I think his greatest

misfortune was that he didn't have anyone equally as capable, or even more so,

willing to compete with him in his year."

"You mean he didn't have a good... Rival?"

"That's right."

Unfortunately, by competing only with lower-ranked students, Nagumo was

able to attain number one without much effort. Of course, he may have originally

started as second or third best, but he soon overtook the others and became the sole


When he glanced back after finishing the race, he saw that no one was

chasing him.

All of them either gave up and walked or stopped altogether because they

were incapable of beating Nagumo.

At times, there may have been people around him who were as talented as

him, such as Kiryūin, but if they didn't try to catch up and overtake Nagumo, they

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were no different than weeds and pebbles on the side of the road. The fact that he

didn't experience the extremity and difficulty of competition alongside the

frustration of losing from the outset can be seen as the cause of Nagumo's warped


The fact that he's planning and executing strange revenge tactics against me

isn't out of any sense of defeat or inferiority, but only to bring me to the forefront

of the stage.

When he asked for a one-on-one match at the sports festival, he never

thought he would lose. Of course, he didn't know everything about me, but even if

he had seen my full strength up close, Nagumo wouldn't have doubted his victory.

Nagumo had never experienced losing, rather, only winning streak after

winning streak.

In the true sense of the word, Nagumo Miyabi is a man who has never

known defeat.

"I wish we could just stop fighting in this school."

"Is that so?"

"I just hope nothing will happen to me..."

This cultural festival has blatantly shown the change in Nagumo's behaviour,

which was indirectly conveyed to the public. To the masses, it would appear that

Nagumo's belligerence and curiosity have simply been suppressed. In reality, this

is not true. This is merely the calm before the storm. Nagumo will take action

against me or others after this. It may not be enough to expel one or two people.

The price for neglecting Nagumo... it wouldn't be unexpected if numerous people

get expelled. If we leave a bomb to balloon up to a dangerous level, there's no

doubt it'll have catastrophic consequences.

I recalled Horikita Manabu's words, "Nagumo's methods make a lot of

people unhappy." That is half true. Of course, I don't deny that I played a part in

the seniors' misery, but the original plan was to just mess with Nagumo's emotions

and thought process. I wasn't able to achieve the latter. Students who wouldn't

have originally graduated in Class A due to Nagumo's methods are indeed getting

that chance. Not only third-year students, but also first-year and second-year

students have received class transfer tickets, albeit on a limited basis. Although

there are restrictions on how to use them, they are products that previously didn't

exist. If it had concerned me up until last year, I would've watched Nagumo's

behavior with more interest.

"I'm starting to get a little interested in Student Council President Nagumo."

"Did I hear you right?"


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An interest that I've never felt before, not even once, welled up from the

depths of my heart.

"I knew you were strange."

After casting her gaze down at her bandaged leg, Asahina gave a small


"It may have been a coincidence that we met, but maybe that's why Nagumo

wants to fight."

Looking back at this "coincidence," it was also a major factor in my making

contact with Asahina.


I was able to formulate a conclusion in my conversation with her.

The coincidences I just mentioned are uncontrollable. However, it does not

mean that they are completely uncontrollable.

Coincidences can change the form of the conversation, depending on your

point of view and the way you look at it.

Asahina Nazuna, the amulet, the existence of coincidences, and Nagumo

Miyabi. This is not bad for a single test case.

Just as success awaits us after a series of failed experiments.


Leaving Asahina in the infirmary, I returned to the gymnasium to check on

Kanzaki, who I was curious about, and Ichinose, who I expected to have returned.

If I stood out too much, it would result in the same situation again, so I walked

farther away from the entrance.

The fact that I couldn't see Kanzaki in the line made me wonder if he was

inside or if he'd already left. However, by the looks of things, it was clear that he

would be waiting for Ichinose's return.

There was a bit of a panic when I exited with Asahina, who was acting

oddly, so I don't think Kanzaki, who was waiting for Ichinose's return and my

departure, would've missed it. Then I went to the infirmary and took about 15

minutes to come back. I wouldn't have been surprised if Ichinose was still inside if

he had been in the vicinity, unless he returned immediately after that.

While making overall observations, I decided to pay attention to the faces of

the students leaving.

A few minutes later, Kanzaki slowly appeared from the exit. I wondered if

he was still in the gymnasium, but what surprised me was what came after that.

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I thought for sure Ichinose was next to him, but Kanzaki was alone. She was not

lagging behind, nor did he seem to be concerned about what was behind him.

I thought he was just going to walk away, but then he turned around and saw


He then approached me after staring for a few seconds.

"You're back after all. It seems her injuries were not too serious."

If it had been a big deal, it would've been hard to believe that I was just

standing there like this, taking it easy.

I guess that's what Kanzaki deduced.

"Are you wondering why Ichinose isn't here?"

"To be honest, a little."

"I didn't call her because I was worried about the possibility of bumping into

you coming back from the infirmary. Besides, there are still a few days left for the


So Ichinose will be given time to observe the event, even if she doesn't rush.

To some extent, the direction of Ichinose's class booth seemed to be set in

stone. If it's only a trial run, then she may want to be present for it just to ensure

everything runs well, but as I said before, there's still time.

"I want to continue where we left off earlier. Your class seems to be doing

quite well."

It was clear that he was referring to the series of events from the uninhabited

island exam to the unanimous special exam, and if we went back a little further, to

the start of the second-year.

"We're not unscathed. Unlike Kanzaki's class, we have vacancies. We're also

carrying a negative that you can't see just from class points."

"You're not the only ones with invisible risks, but you've made a big

difference in terms of the positive points you can see." Rather than envy, this was

Kanzaki's honest opinion. "Classes like yours will eventually have to fight against

Sakayanagi's class."

One thing that stuck out to me was Kanzaki's somewhat optimistic, one-step-

back assessment of his own class.

"Have you given up already? Moving up to Class A?"

"I guess so."

Kanzaki responded in the affirmative rather than the negative. It isn't

difficult to guess what he was thinking. Ichinose's class isn't a disastrous one. It

isn't at risk of losing a lot of points for tardiness, absences, behavior issues, and the

like, because they're a serious crowd that almost never lose class points and rarely

make major mistakes in special exams. But in other words, they don't have the

opportunity to make big jumps on special exams.

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"No one has yet to notice how the class is slowly sinking. It would still be

endearing if they were just pretending not to notice, but they're all genuinely


"Only you seem to be different."

"That was until a little while ago; there's no point in rebelling alone."

"You mean you've given up on trying to change their minds?"

"Our class will never make it to Class A." Here, Kanzaki said it clearly.

"If the possibility has been reduced to zero, the only thing left to do is to find

another way. If we are going to sink anyway, we should give as many people as

possible a chance to escape."

"So you're going to move to a different class after accumulating 20 million


"Because Student Council President Nagumo Miyabi has actually

implemented this and it's shown to be effective. Concentrating private points on

Ichinose is what we've been doing. If we execute this plan to the limit, we can

move at least two or three people to Class A. In addition, the existence of class

transfer tickets was shown for the first time at the sports festival. Of course, it

won't be easy to acquire them, but the increase in options is a genuinely pleasing


"Why are you telling me all this?"

"I don't know what I'm doing either."

It was an uncharacteristic response. Kanzaki paused for a moment and began

to search for a better answer.

"I didn't have a place to vent. Maybe that's why."

If there's a problem in daily life, it'll be shared among those close to the

student, regardless of whether or not they're within the same class, and a solution

is found. However, when it comes to class problems, the only way out is to give up

on achieving Class A and transfer to another class. If someone were to say such a

thing in class, it would inevitably be met with discord.

It would be impossible to get a consensus in Ichinose's class.

"You're the only person I thought was capable of understanding my

thoughts without talking out of turn."

I see. He believed I was the best outlet to express his negative emotions. Of

course, that isn't the only reason. It seems that he also holds resentment toward me,

who has a strong influence on Ichinose.

"I don't care what happened between you and Ichinose or what kind of

relationship you two have. The fact that you're having such a bad influence that she

can't even do a satisfactory observation of the third-year Class A's exhibit is a

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major issue."

"It's a little harsh when you put it that way."

"You'll have to forgive me. I'm sure you understand how frustrating it is."

Kanzaki then raised his hand and told me he's leaving.

The back of the class strategist who had given up on winning looked one

size smaller than usual. It's a little wild to call him back here, but I can't just let

Kanzaki go home now.

"Can we take some time soon? I'd like to have a little talk about the future."

"Why not now? We can take some time to talk about what's to come."

"I'm sorry, but right now I need to do some research on the third-years.

Besides, we can't make any progress if we start talking about it now."

In order to discuss the future, we need another piece of the puzzle that'll

allow us to step into it.

"If that's the case, well, okay. Call me anytime."


It was Friday. I came to a place I don't usually visit in order to meet a certain


After knocking, I opened the door to the student council room, and for a

moment, Nagumo Miyabi looked surprised.

There were no students or teachers in sight other than Nagumo, and it

seemed that he was all alone today, just as I had been informed by Asahina.

Even for him, my arrival must have been unexpected. I wondered if he'd

been watching me just a few minutes ago as I could see his cell phone in his left


I'm sure I was an unwelcome visitor, but he didn't turn me away and,

instead, urged me to come in.

"Excuse me."

The door leading into the room closed with a slam, and a moment of silence

passed between the two of us.

"I waited for you because Nazuna insisted on giving you some time, but I'm

not going to assume anything. So, are you here for the student council or for me?"

"I have no business with the student council. I'm here to talk to President

Nagumo personally."

After saying that, he sat back deeper in his chair and placed the cell phone

he held in his hand on the desk.

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"Well, in that case, I can only commend you for showing your face in front

of me. Don't you think so, Ayanokōuji?"

"I think you're referring to the sports festival, but isn't being sick a legitimate

right that's accepted as a reason for absence?"

"Don't give me that shit, man. I saw you at Keyaki Mall the next day and

you looked fine."

"I got better in a day."

"That's a blatant lie."

"It might be true."

It was a bit of a play on words, but Nagumo seemed to realize that further

pursuit was pointless.

"Truth or lie, I don't really care anymore. Anyway, let me hear your reason

for coming here."

His troublesome attitude must've come from the bottom of his heart. He

doesn't even try to hide the fact that he wants to quickly end the discussion.

However, such a transparent attitude is also evidence that he is hiding his true


"May I sit down? I think it's going to be a bit long."

"You told me before you had no business with me, the student council

president. If I wanted to, I could choose to have no business with you too, right?"

As the head of the student council, Nagumo was prepared to listen, even to

someone he didn't like. If he doesn't want to, he won't listen to anything. Well, it's

only natural.

"If you won't listen to me, I'll leave."

If Nagumo, as an individual, was too lazy to even converse with me, I had

no choice.

However, I don't believe that's the case. If his interest in me completely

vanished, that would be a different story, but deep down, I believe the spark is still


In other words, he'll never refuse. It's precisely because I'm certain of this

that I also took time out of my precious day to visit this place.

After a few moments of silence, Nagumo instructed me to sit down.

I moved my chair and sat down so that we could face each other head-on.

"Sorry, I don't have anything to drink."

"No problem."

I could tell by the way he was looking at me that he won't be apologizing for

anything else. I guess the only thought he had was, "Why did you come here after

all this time?"

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"I had no idea that the 3rd year Class A would do a pre-opening. It's normal

to think of it as a disadvantage to expose the class's exhibit to the public."

"I'm also getting stories up here that some stupid class had their event


"That's an earful, isn't it? I heard Ryūen visited the student council president

Nagumo as well."

"He was pressing me to bet tens of millions of points with him."

"I heard you refused."

"Yeah, well, the game with you is over and so is my school life. As a result,

I don't give a shit about the cultural festival. So, there's no need for me to give out

any instructions. They can go and make memories during their final moments in

high school."

So he switched to such a stance, where all the information regarding his

class's booth is open as he enjoys a normal cultural festival like any other school.

Whether they win first place or twelfth, the third-year Class A remains on

top. Nagumo probably doesn't care whether those in Class B and below are


"But tens of millions? There won't be enough, even if he'll gather it together

from his class."

Ryūen's class, which has high income but heavily spends, doesn't have lined


"That guy told me he would give me the right to expel any student I wanted,

even himself."

Ryūen was going to use the students themselves as collateral for the funds he

couldn't provide.

"Last year I would've taken him up on that offer. I'd be dealing with a

separate year, but it would've been interesting if we were playing for expulsion."

Nagumo remarked he already lost his enthusiasm and interest in the school.

"If you want to compete with me, you can do whatever you want."

"I understand your personal thoughts. But aren't there many students who

won't agree?"

"No one can complain to me, 'cause if they do, their Class A status will no

longer be guaranteed. When the festival gets closer, I, or rather the student council,

will make a not-so-bad proposal. A little help for a class that's struggling to win."

"I see. You've thought about it a lot, haven't you?

"Well, I'm the student council president, after all." After giving a model

answer, Nagumo exhaled a sigh and urged, "Come on, tell me what you came here


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"All I want is to have a conversation with the student council president.

That's all."

"I don't exactly believe that."

"You don't believe me? I'm actually a little surprised with my own actions.

Until now, I've been trying to keep my distance from Student Council President


"I know that very well."

However, he probably didn't understand the root of why.

"Do you know why?"

"I don't know. I'm sure it's not because you're scared of my ability."

"Unlike the previous student council president, Horikita Manabu, Student

Council President Nagumo attracts the eyes of those around him. It's also because

you're a little too dazzling for a shady person like me to face."

"Sure. But that's just a front, isn't it?"

Nagumo lightly dismissed the pretense of respect and urged me to reveal my

true intentions.

"I wasn't interested."

It's a bit of a stretch, but that's what I said. I'm going to speak my mind.

While recognizing a certain level of ability, it's all I could say.

That's why I didn't think I needed to get involved in whatever Nagumo was


"If someone else said what I just heard from your mouth, I might've gotten


"I didn't realize it was rude."

"Nah, you don't need to apologize. If you feel that way, that's your business.

I'm the one who made you speak your mind," Nagumo stated, but he quickly

added, "But still, if it wasn't you who said that, I'm sure I would've changed their

mind right away."

He wouldn't hesitate to entrap the speaker into taking interest, regardless of

what they wished for. With Nagumo's power, that wouldn't be hard to do.

"Soon your term as student council president will be over, and Student

Council President Nagumo will remain in Class A and graduate. I thought that

would be fine. Until just the other day."

"You think otherwise now?"

"I had a change of heart. I felt that I could face you directly, and that's why

I'm here."

There's no need for checks and balances, feigned flattery, false joy or anger.

It's better for the future to say what's on my mind. I told Nagumo, who was

waiting for me to continue explaining the main reason I came here today.

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"I have a proposal for President Nagumo. Can I make a challenge to the

student council president this time?"

Making such a statement probably never crossed Nagumo's mind.

"I'm not sold, this isn't like you."

A change of heart, such an answer was not enough to convince Nagumo.

"I don't know when exactly this change of heart came, but it's too late. You

ran away from the last chance I gave you at the sports festival. If I may borrow

words from your true feelings, you weren't interested. Isn't that right?"

"That's correct. I know it's a convenient story."

"Yeah, you're right. After having given up three opportunities, and now

being asked to play a game on the grounds of a change of heart, there's no way I

can honestly say yes."

Nagumo didn't change his position and continued to show no restraint.

"And, get this, it's the same as what you said earlier about the sports festival.

You said you were sick the whole time. I've decided that's an obvious lie. Besides,

don't tell me you've forgotten about what happened on the island."

"Then, would you like to replicate what happened on the island? This time,

in the opposite position?"

If Nagumo could smack me in the gut here, I could apologize for my

behavior. However, I didn't think that would be enough to convince the opposing


Not when the other party is Nagumo Miyabi.

"You aren't funny Ayanokōji. It wouldn't ever be the same knockout.

There's a huge difference in value between you and me."

Naturally, there was no room for a discussion of the proposal. It was obvious

that there was at least that much of a difference between Ayanokōji Kiyotaka and

Nagumo Miyabi, at least in this school. One was an ordinary student in the 2nd

year Class B, while the other was the leader of the 3rd year Class A and the student

council president.

The difference between what we're capable of was so great that even a

comparison was unacceptable.

"Well, I'm going to shelve it because there's no point in getting into it now.

Understand this, Ayanokōji. I'm allowed to challenge you to a fight, but you're not

allowed to challenge me to a fight."

"I understand, but that's exactly what you're shelving. I'm right here in front

of you right now, and I'm saying that I'm willing to fight Student Council President

Nagumo. Can't you agree with that?"

I intentionally cut my fingertips and dripped blood on the bloodthirsty wolf.

But the wolf in front of me didn't bite easily. He wasn't defenselessly provocative

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as it had been in the past, rather, the wolf was very wary. If he had not thought of

me as an enemy before, he already would've had his fangs at my fingertips. He

may not have realized it, but that was the proof that he recognized me as an enemy.

"You really are strange. You don't show any sign of timidity when dealing

with me. No, it's not only against me, but also against Horikita-senpai."

Nagumo looked out the window as if remembering the days of Horikita


His original desire was to fight the elder Horikita, not me. That goal was

unattainable, but it was also true that there were no other alternatives.

"Oh, man. If I were to play a game with you, what would you do? It's almost

the third semester of the school year, and we already passed the second semester's

halfway point. As you probably know by now, I gave all the power to my

classmates to compete for sales at the school festival. I can't ask them to give it

back now. On the other hand, even if I wait for the next special exam, there's no

guarantee that there will be a competition between all the grades."

We could leave it to luck and wait, hoping that there would still be a battle

between all grades. Not that such a thing couldn't be done, but it wouldn't be very


"Above all, you're well aware of the difficulty of competing in earnest

between different grades, as you and the former student council president know,

don't you?"

Last year's sports festival, training camps, etc., Nagumo Miyabi was

adamant about competing with Horikita Manabu. No matter what form it took, no

matter how small the match was, he forced himself to do so, hoping to make it

black and white. However, Manabu dodged Nagumo's provocations and didn't

involve everyone in the match.

"More than anyone else. How hard do you have to work to adjust? Because

of you, not just this year, last year too, the match with Horikita-senpai didn't


In that sense, too, Nagumo was not pleased with me.

"Listen to what I'm about to tell you and think about whether a confrontation

can be achieved."

With that, Nagumo sat back deeper in his chair to correct his posture a bit.

Though many of the special exams the school gave were unknown, we had several

patterns to prepare for them. Because no matter what form the confrontation was

introduced, there was always a method to execute. When I finished relaying

everything, Nagumo remained silent and seemed to be deep in thought.

"I don't know if we can achieve a 100% perfect match, but I think this can

become a reality."

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"That's true. But do you really think we can implement the plan you're

talking about?"

"I'm sure Student Council President Nagumo can already envision the

situation. I'm sure you've been observing them day in and day out, right? If that's

the case, there's no way you don't know the details."

"I see. I was planning to shake you up at that time, but instead of getting

upset, you decided to take advantage of it."

"Will you accept my proposal or not?"

We spoke for quite a long time, even for me. But this conversational work is

necessary in negotiations with Nagumo.

"I'd be happy to accept your proposal, but..." The reply was positive, but the

words had other meanings. "But what's your real purpose?"

"Can't you believe it? I just want to compete with President Nagumo."

"I don't believe it for a second."

As if convinced, he replied without hesitance. I was somewhat pleased, but

decided to wait for Nagumo's next words.

"Alright, tell me the main issue. I'll think about whether or not I'll accept the

proposal after that."

He let me cut to the other main topic without hesitation.

"I have a favor to ask of the Student Council President Nagumo."

I gave an explanation based on the content of the request and its specific

development. After listening, he sat back deeply in his chair, where he'd been

sitting for a year.

"I understand what you're telling me. But that's not a proposal based on your

desire to compete with me. You brought up the idea of a match because you had no

choice but to control what you wanted to happen. Am I right?"

"Half right, half wrong. It's also true that I myself changed my view of the

Student Council President, and that's why I want to compete. However, I also feel

that half of it is a hassle."

"You're an honest guy."

"That's why I want you to accept my proposal."

"You're a joke. You asked for a match, and now you're being so brazen."

"I won't deny that."

"Do you think I'm going to play along with you and give you what you


"If you refuse, that's the end of it. I will never fight the Student Council

President again. Even if you use a classmate or someone in the same grade as me.

Not even if you take someone hostage, I will thoroughly ignore them, and you."

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"I doubt it. If it's a random guy, you'd probably leave him for dead, but if it's

Karuizawa Kei?"

Here Nagumo tried to sway me by mentioning Kei.

"It doesn't matter who it is."

Nagumo's smile disappeared as I answered immediately without hesitation.

"It doesn't sound like you're bluffing. It seems like... you really mean it."

"I'm not an omniscient and omnipotent god. I can't protect everyone 24/7,

365 days a year, whether it's Kei or my classmates. If the student council president,

who has the most power in this school and the control of a large student body,

wanted to do so, he could have someone expelled from school without my


Of course, there was a risk of paying a significant price for the trouble, but I

didn't care.

"Whoever you expel, I won't make a move again."

This was not a tactic.

It was pure sincerity, which was why Nagumo's smile naturally disappeared.

"If I want to fuck you over, which I deeply do, I have no choice but to accept

your current proposal."

"Of course, you can ignore it and graduate without hesitation."

"But won't you be in trouble if I don't help you?"

"I've already made other plans."

Yes, there was no need to go through the trouble of disclosing my story to

Nagumo any more. But I mentioned half the reason earlier. The urge to fight him

was the reason I wanted to have this discussion. Everything would be decided by

his next response. It's the moment of final judgment, whether or not the match

between us will take place.

"Okay, I'll take your word for it, Ayanokōji. My graduation from Class A is

unassailable anyway. It's not a bad idea to end up playing with you."

Nagumo didn't think for a second that he was going to lose, he couldn't even

imagine it. This was the overwhelming confidence of a man who was always proud

of winning.

"Thank you very much."

"But are you sure you want to do this? If I do what you suggest, then... no

matter how it turns out, people will be hurt."

"Of course. Either way, the Student Council President Nagumo would've

been involved."

Nagumo reacted strongly to those words.


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As I was about to leave, Nagumo stood up and approached me.

"You knew?"

"Even though we were distanced, I observed the student council president. I

had an idea of what you'd do after this."

Even though he already declared he had no intention of fighting, this man

always had his sights set on me. It was expected that he'd take action at the right

time, before it was too late.

"So you're saying that it's not only Karuizawa, but also Honami..."

"Like I said, it's the same no matter who it is. Whether it's Kei's expulsion,

toying with Ichinose, Horikita, or anyone else. It would be wise not to think you

can sway me like that."

Nagumo, who laughed snidely, quickly switched to a serious expression.

"I take back my comment about playing around. You are the only one that

Horikita-senpai recognized. I've been able to make sure of that."

"That's good to hear. Well then, I'll leave you here."


"What's up?"

"Man, I'll admit that you've got a real poker face. I also understand that you

negotiated diligently to get me into your deal. So, let me hear your true feelings for

once. Even if I was serious about getting Karuizawa to drop out of school, would

you have stood by and watched?"

"For Kei, no, I don't think it's desirable to have a vacancy among my

classmates, no matter who it was. I was going to resist as much as possible."

"That's not an answer. The answer you're giving is to the likeness of

classmates. What I'm saying is that I didn't feel any anxiety about the

disappearance of Karuizawa, who's very special to you."

I looked back. Normally, the answer would be obvious. I'm just bluffing and

trying to hide how I really feel from others. I was just going to say something

along those lines. But I had a feeling that wasn't the best answer for Nagumo.

"If she disappears, she's gone, and that's all there is to it. It is neither more

nor less than that. In fact, it would've been a great help to me because you

would've made the cleanup easier.

"You have loose screws, Ayanokōji."

This was the first time I saw Nagumo upset, or rather, muttering his opinion

on something he didn't quite understand.

"I'll call you later."

I quietly closed the door and left the student council room.

Nagumo described me as crazy, but that's not true. I believe people who make

wrong decisions based on their emotions are the ones with the bolts screwed on the

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wrong way.

It's the same whether the other person is a stranger, a lover, or a family


When the time comes for you to fail and drop out, it'll be the end of you.

The first priority is always to protect yourself.

That is the unshakable "solution."


Chapter Two:

The Smoke of Rebellion

ON MONDAY 8 NOVEMBER, we were surprised by Ryūen and his friends' entry

into the concept café. We had to deal with various issues, but the tasks to be done

alongside our friends, who are determined to fight, remains the same.

In response to the bet proposed by Ryūen, Horikita offered a one-million-

private-point match with the agreement of the classes. The agreement was that the

class with more sales from the festival would receive that number of points from

the other class.

Don't mess around, fight head-on and win.

The fact that many of my classmates had such a positive attitude would be a

big advantage.

After school, when Chabashira-sensei left the classroom, I took out my

mobile phone.

"I have some time. Head to the designated place."

Apparently, they are open to meeting now.

Did the preface I gave the other day about the future help?

"Hey, Kiyotaka. Come home with me."

"Sorry, I've got plans later today."

"Oh, really? I see.... Well then, Maya-chan, go home with me!"

After a quick switchover, Kei turned to Satō, who was still in the classroom.

"You're not going with Ayanokōji-kun?"

"Come on, come on, don't say that. See?"

Satō rushed in, but didn't show any disapproval at all, but rather accepted

Kei's proposal with a smile. She then invited a few other girls to join her and

happily left the classroom.

Among them is Shinohara, who not so long ago had a rough relationship

with Kei.

After getting closer to Satō, Kei seemed to have grown even more mature

than before.

Anyway, I was grateful she was there to accompany Kei.

I decided to leave the classroom and head to the special wing to meet

Kanzaki, who had called me over.

Because this time it couldn't be by phone, chat, or in public.

On the way there, I saw the teacher in charge of 2nd year Class A, Mashima-

sensei, and teachers for the other grades, standing around in the corridor talking.

The unusual sight attracted my gaze, but I didn't stop walking.

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"Chabashira-sensei has changed recently."

As I passed by, such talk could be heard from teachers' conversations.

"She's become more chirpy, or rather, she seems to be laughing more often."

"Mashima-sensei, you and Chabashira-sensei were schoolmates, weren't

you? Well, I'd like to ask you a few questions..."

Apparently the topic of conversation was Chabashira-sensei.

I thought they could stand around and talk in the staff room as much as they

wanted, but if the topic is about a particular teacher, much less a teacher of the

opposite sex, it might be a no-brainer to go somewhere quiet. It goes without

saying that the change in Chabashira-sensei the teachers were talking about had

been triggered by the unanimous voting special exam.

No doubt they had the impression that she had come out of her shell, not

only as a homeroom teacher but also as a school teacher.

Mashima-sensei then noticed my presence and interrupted the conversation.

I believe this is because they decided that it would be unwise to allow pupils

to hear needless remarks.

"Ayanokōji, what are you doing here in the special building?"

This is a natural question, as students rarely pass through this corridor after

school for no reason.

"I have a short meeting. There are some things I want to talk about that I

don't want to be accidentally overheard."

When I replied, the teachers, with the exception of Mashima-sensei, looked

somewhat dismayed and walked away, perhaps deciding to disperse.

I could have walked away immediately, but I also had a bit of time before

the rendezvous.

"Mashima-sensei, just in time. I would like to ask you a few questions."

The presence of Mashima-sensei, who stayed until the end, must have meant


"Me? What do you want to ask me?"

"This is in respect of rules that are not explicitly stated in the festival"

Although he looked slightly skeptical, Mashima-sensei immediately faced

me head-on as a teacher.

The school is built on a special set of rules that are very different from those

of ordinary high schools.

You're well aware that each student may have a different point of view.

However, this will inevitably lead to some concerns.

"I don't know what you want to ask, but shouldn't you first check with your

homeroom teacher, Chabashira-sensei?"

He didn't hesitate to ask for an answer to ensure that the underlying

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assumption is correct.

Indeed, it would normally make sense to ask your homeroom teacher to

explain the rules.

"Sometimes, depending on the occasion, it is more expedient not to

approach Chabashira-sensei."

"Teachers are supposed to be fair to all pupils. But still, when it comes to

other classes in the same grade, it doesn't mean that there won't be any problems at

all. I hope you realise that."

He reminded me that some things are better late than never once you've

heard them.

"I judge that Mashima-sensei isn't the kind of person who would fail a


"If that's what you think, then let's not go any further into the wild."

His tone portrayed more of a do what you want if you're going to trust,

rather than a trusting response.

"So what is it that you want to know regarding unstated rules?"

I asked Mashima-sensei, who gave his permission here, for advice on a

particular case.

He didn't seem surprised to hear this at all, but rightly so.

Schools also have unstated backroom rules to accommodate various wishes

from students.

That's why I don't wonder about the existence of students who think like me.

"Surely you're right. It isn't impossible to exercise it, if necessary."

"I knew it."

This is in no way outlandish.

Cases will emerge where the class is in such a situation, or where it is sought

in the event of a major inconvenience.

"However, it begs the question if it is efficient. As you know, if it were

between pupils, no problems would arise. No, it would be precisely to have their

own discussions so that they don't arise. You know what I mean, don't you?"

"Yes. I thought it was something that didn't need to be specified in the rules

and could be done independently."

"Yes. Of course the risks will be different for each, but for whatever reason

we will look at that option."

"I suppose it's only natural to be prepared for contingencies."

When I replied, Mashima-sensei nodded his head thoughtfully.

"Whether you exercise it or not - or...? Well, it certainly wouldn't hurt to


Although Mashima-sensei didn't mention it, he may have had a vague idea

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of the sales strategy based on what I said.

"It was good to get confirmation. Thank you."

"It's no problem."

This's one less thing to check for the festival. It would be an unexpected


After exiting the conversation, I tried to leave, but was stopped by Mashima-


"Ayanokōji, you heard a little of what Chabashira-sensei said... What

happened at the unanimous special exam?"

"You haven't heard? Not from Chabashira-sensei?"

The results were naturally known to Mashima-sensei, but there seemed to be

a lack of understanding about Chabashira-sensei's change of heart.

"With or without the expulsions, she started to look forward and smile. In

other words, there was an influential event in that special exam that changed her

mind, right?"

As I recall, Mashima-sensei and Chabashira-sensei were originally from the

same year when they attended Advanced Nurturing High School.

He was knowledgeable about various aspects of the past and was

understandably surprised.

"That wasn't the right thing to ask a pupil. Please forget I asked such a


"I understand. Excuse me."

After briefly nodding to Mashima-sensei, I decided to go to the special

building where we were to meet.


The festival was gradually approaching, but there was another issue that needed to

be dealt with in parallel. That is to change Ichinose's class.

The countdown to their collapse was progressing faster than I expected.

Necessary measures had to be taken to avoid this.

This time, the leader, Ichinose, wasn't contacted.

What was needed now, I thought, was to create a difference to the

classmates who were unified under her.

However, this procedure should be done with caution.

Who else would naturally be competent enough to take on that role but that


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"I'm sorry to call you out here like this."

After school, I went to the designated place as I had been informed, and

Kanzaki was already there waiting for me.

His face was grim, and he certainly wasn't in the mood for a light-hearted


"What do you want from me?"

I had known Kanzaki, from another class, shortly after I entered the school,

but we weren't particularly close. Recently, he had been distrustful of my presence,

and if anything, I thought he hated me. Well, no, it doesn't necessarily mean that he

wouldn't answer the call because he disliked me.

It was because he was wary of me that he wanted to talk to me.

This is more likely to be the case if the rendezvous is located where people

do not want to be seen.

"It's time to talk about the future."

"About the future?' What on earth... Well, that's fine. I'll let you talk first."

Kanzaki corrected his posture before we spoke about our business.

While a little surprised at the unexpected first move, I first listened to what

Kanzaki had to say.

"I've been struggling for a while now. I haven't spoken with anyone about it.

I was just struggling on my own."

After putting it into words, he corrected himself and reiterated that that was

not the case.

"No, to say I was struggling would be an exaggeration, but I was thinking

every day about what I was going to do with myself."

The words were filled with emotions not typical of the calm and collected


I decided to be a listener until the other side asked for an answer.

"I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of my school life..."

He may not have stumbled over friendships or dating issues and had his head

in the sand.

There's only one goal that students at this school should be most concerned

about: promotion to Class A.

"I probably don't need to tell you now, but our class can't win."

What can you not win against?

Is it the cultural festival or a special end-of-year exam a little further down

the line?

No, it doesn't end with such a small story.

The reality is that it isn't possible for Ichinose's class to move up to Class A.

That was a cry from Kanzaki, who came to that realization.

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"We're not far behind other classes in academic, athletic and leadership

skills. In fact, I feel that we have some aspects in which we excel. But I have

learned that this doesn't always lead to victory."

He started thinking for himself, understanding for himself and worrying for

himself. As one can imagine, it all started with Kanzaki.

"I see your point. So what do you want from me, Kanzaki?"

Anyone could simply listen and convey understanding.

"I need your advice on... Ichinose."

Why must it be me?

The names of the few people who might've been able to find common

ground immediately came to mind.

"No, that's not all. I want your opinion on what our class should do in the

future too."

"That's a big deal, isn't it? And you want that from me, who's not even a



It was easy to read the psychology in Kanzaki's pained expression.

This man wasn't the type of person who would seek help from others with an

easy heart.

It was precisely because he was driven to this point that Kanzaki had no

choice but to do so.

No, even that help initially wasn't a consideration.

If you were left on your own, you could have had such a future.

"She never really listens to me. No, it's the same for everyone."

"I recognised Ichinose as a student who would listen to anyone."

"That's only when you're on the same side as Ichinose. I don't need to

explain it to you now."

I dared to test him, but I guess that's no longer necessary.

To put it plainly, if you ask for help to save someone, Ichinose will not take

any risks, won't betray you, and will stay with you to the end and lend a hand.

However, if you ask for help to trap someone in a senseless way, Ichinose will

never lend a hand.

Righting wrongs and doing right can also describe her.

It would remain unchanged even if money or other rewards were offered in

return in an attempt to convince her.

"I'm not saying she's heading in the wrong direction. But idealism is


"There are many occasions when that idealism is necessary."

"Yes, I know. I'm prepared to go through the trouble when things are going

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In fact, Kanzaki and his classmates have followed Ichinose's lead up to this

point and shared her struggles.

"How about now? We kept following Ichinose's policy and lost class points.

We're at the bottom of a pit and haven't a clue how to get out."

"You're sharing a lot. Are you sure I'm not going to let you disclose too

much about the inner workings of your class?"

"It's a fool's errand."

He mumbled to himself, as if to laugh himself blind, as if to spit it out.

"But a plan is a plan, even if it's a fool's errand. Right now, I have no choice

but to rely on you."

He took his somewhat resigned gaze away from me and stared at the empty

corridor floor.

"In the unanimous special exam, I argued that we should get class points

even if we had to expel our classmates. I voted yes and tried to get my foot in the

door, but that didn't work either."

I didn't know anything about the inner workings of their class, but even so, I

could easily imagine how that would play out.

Kanzaki voted in favour of expelling the students in order to improve the

class and make them understand the reality of the situation. He continued to vote in

favour and tried to change the mindset of the class, but none of his classmates,

including Ichinose, agreed with his opinion. However, they didn't blame Kanzaki,

who started the rebellion, but admonished him to work hard together with them.

Even if he had been removed, something similar would have happened.

"...That's funny, isn't it?"

When I didn't answer, Kanzaki muttered to break the silence.

"What's the point of telling this kind of thing to anyone, friend or foe?"

He understood on his own that there was no way I could give any advice.

It was truly a bloodless act, and now he looked like he wanted to humiliate


"Ichinose is devoted to you. The only thing that could change Ichinose's

policy is unique existence, such as you. She could only see it clearly coming from


"I see."

The only way to salvage the class is to change the thoughts and values of

Ichinose, the leader.

The class as a whole is perfectly capable, and that will certainly help them

see the light.

"It seems that your desire to change the flow and break out of this stagnant

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situation is true."

Kanzaki nodded deeply, as there was no need to mend things now.

However, he had to think carefully about whether that would really be for

the good of the class.

Something that Kanzaki, feeling frustrated, did not see.

The foresight that the class would be saved if Ichinose changes is only a


Even if Ichinose were to change with one word from me, could it really be

called growth?

Could an Ichinose, who sometimes makes ruthless decisions, really chase

after the other classes?

In order to erase the disadvantages, I would be erasing the advantages that

are unique to Ichinose.

Once you turn the wheel in that direction, there is no guarantee that you will

be able to turn back.

"I agree that we need to turn the tide. But I disagree with you on the


"We have no other choice; Ayanokōji is the only one who can move


"I don't know. I don't know, but I think there is someone more qualified.

"I can't think of anyone."

Kanzaki, who had no idea what I was talking about, raised an eyebrow.

"Actually, there's another student I called here today after I approached



"It's one of your classmates who Kanzaki knows very well."

"Don't tell me you called Ichinose?"

In a sense, she's the last person I'd want to see here.

"Unfortunately, it's not Ichinose. She's a student who has the potential to

turn the tide."

"I hate to interrupt, but there's no one in our class who can argue with

Ichinose except for me. I've seen it firsthand, and I understand it."

"Isn't that exactly the kind of narrow-mindedness you're talking about,



"Ichinose's class seems monolithic, but it isn't truly. There are many students

who have no choice but to go along with their surroundings since they're all

seemingly joined together."

That was my answer, but it didn't seem to ring a bell with Kanzaki.

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Is that understandable?

He would never show his classmates the appearance of being easily made to

feel insecure.

"Why is it that Ichinose's class dropped in the rankings and is now facing a

major crisis?"

If we follow the error chain, where does it ultimately lead us?

That is what we need to make Kanzaki and his class understand.

"Huh? Why is Kanzaki-kun here too?"

Himeno looked somewhat amused, as if she assumed I would be the only

one here.

She was a little earlier than promised, but on the contrary, it was good

timing. "Himeno, did you have a connection with Ayanokōji?"

"Sort of, yeah."

It's safe to say she's someone I've never been involved with.

Not only Kanzaki, but most of the students must have had the same


"I find it hard to believe that Himeno is the right person for the job you're

talking about."

I can almost imagine the image that Kanzaki must've had of Himeno in his

school life so far. She would be no different than any other classmate, just one of

the girls.

"I'm going to prove that from now on."

"Wait a minute. It seems like you're talking about me, what is it?"

It was understandable for Himeno to be perplexed when she was summoned.

"That's... No, wait."

Just as he was about to explain, Kanzaki noticed a discrepancy.

"What do you mean, Ayanokōuji?"


"You called me out, but what on earth were you going to talk about? It

seems that Himeno called you beforehand, but this is just like..."

Kanzaki almost opened his mouth, but then closed it and stared back and

forth between Himeno and me.

"What, what is it?"

"I anticipated talking with you about your class today ... Did you think you

yourself should bring change to your class?"

"No, I don't understand what it means to think or carry out such a thing."

I called Kanzaki here and then he gave me the inside scoop on the class

before I could start talking.

It became unnatural for Himeno to show up at this time, and then to pass on

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the story.

"How far do you see...?"

By starting the conversation with Kanzaki, I learned about my calculations

in a surprising way.

As a result, it seemed to have had enough of an effect to surprise Kanzaki.

"Let's cut to the chase. Let me tell you why I called you here today. There is

no need for Ichinose to change by my hand. What needs to change is the class

consciousness. By changing the consciousness of the class, you can bring about

change in Ichinose."

"...It's futile. I've seen it firsthand."

"If it was just one person, yes. But if two or three people — all but Ichinose

— changed their minds, the results of the unanimous special exam would've been


"It's a pipe dream that everyone's consciousness would change. And even if

they had, would it have changed the results of the special exam?"

"I certainly don't think that Ichinose, who cares about the class, would've

agreed to expel the students, but whether that would have caused the special exam

to fail and penalize you is another matter."

"Wait a minute; Ichinose-san will protect her classmates even if it costs a

heavy penalty."

At this point, Himeno, who was closer to the sidelines, interjected.

"I wonder if Ichinose really could remain stubborn to the end with 39 people

opposing her."

"She'll go through with it, Ichinose-san. I think so, right, Kanzaki-kun?"

"I think so too, but... I'm also sure she'll be met with inner turmoil."

Ichinose leads the fight for her classmates.

However, if she received backlash from all of those classmates, I wonder if

she'd be able to keep doing so.

Whether she could continue to pitch in against them to the end, even after

being made aware that she was doing something wrong, is another matter.

Even if she did go through with it, what awaits her afterwards is Ichinose's

own self-loathing.

The only thing remaining would be the fact that she was responsible for the

substantial loss of their class points.

"Whether Ichinose, driven by remorse, would've been able to fulfill her

duties as a leader is another matter."

"That wouldn't have resulted in a worse outcome than the present."

"Oh, would it not? It would've ended worse than what we have now. What

do you think actually would've happened then, Kanzaki?"

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"What if all my classmates had the same idea as I did, to accept that there

would be expulsion?"

I understood that this wasn't realistic, but I simulated it.

"If 39 people continue to cast their votes in favour of the proposal, even

though time is running out, eventually Ichinose would break herself and come

around to the side of the proposal. And she would have volunteered herself to

expel herself..."

The answer that came out of the jam.

The class succeeded in expelling Ichinose and in gaining class points.

However, they also would've lost Ichinose's unifying abilities.

"It's impossible," he said. "The disadvantages would be too great in the

unlikely event of such a development."

Ichinose leaving the Ichinose class.

It would be a development he had never considered, but for Kanzaki, it was

a departure.

"Of course, I'm not trying to say that Ichinose should be expelled. But if

there's a change in the classmates, the class will change. I don't want to change

Ichinose, I want to change the mindset of the class. And the first ones to do that

will be Kanzaki and Himeno."


"You don't agree with everything Ichinose is doing. Unlike your deluded

classmates, you question her just as much as Kanzaki. Isn't that right? What did

you think when Kanzaki showed resistance in the unanimous special



Himeno was silent and turned over.

"Let me ask you. I want to know what you were thinking too."

"I thought it was impossible. Classes don't change easily. I'd rather not see

others besides myself get hurt, and they're all just saying pretty things."

She began to talk about what she was feeling.

"I felt that Kanzaki-kun's resistance was simply a waste of time. So I said so

...That I wanted that painful time to end quickly and that I wanted it to be over for


Kanzaki closed his eyes and gave a small nod, as if recalling the moment.

"I'm sure you heard Himeno say that and took it as the consensus for the rest

of your classmates, that it was not acceptable to go against Ichinose and abandon

your friends."

Without denying it, Kanzaki nodded deeply.

"But in fact, it was different. Himeno herself is questioning the state of the

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"Then why didn't you say it? You could've said it as many times as you

wanted, even if it wasn't during the unanimous special exam."

The conversation which I, not knowing the reality of the class, can't interfere

with began.

It isn't my place to discuss it.

I'm an outsider. There's usually no benefit to me listening to it.

But now the situation had reversed.

Because I'm present, I can get a statement out of Himeno.

In other words, if I miss my chance now, I'll be back to the same old

Ichinose class routine.


Himeno's eyes don't show the color of diverse emotions, unlike Kanzaki's.

"Don't make it sound so easy."

In the same manner as an exhaled sigh, she also let her gaze escape, as if to


"You don't have to answer, but you know what I mean. There's only strong

peer pressure in our class. Even if I think it's white, if many say it's black, it's

black. It doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong. In such a class, there's no point in a

minority speaking up. It's just painful to be surrounded by people who go out of

their way to say what they think is black until they're persuaded to say it's white.

That's why I've never said anything and I never will."

"But if you don't speak, white will forever remain black."

"That's fine. I accept the black claims that others concluded on their own.

But still, the color I think of in my mind will remain white because it is."

Himeno's attitude was without any high spirits, as if to express that this is

the reality of the class now.

"Even Kanzaki-kun would have cracked from your forced insistence,

wouldn't he? That's because you believed something was white, but was forcibly

dyed black and overwritten. That's a hard thing to bear, isn't it?"

Unnecessary hardship. To avoid this, Himeno chose to be swept away.

No, this isn't only true for Himeno.

It's a story that seems to be shared among the rest of Ichinose's class.

"I wish you would stop expecting me to be like your friend here. I'm sorry,

but I can't be as passionate as Kanzaki-kun."

Himeno took a step back, as if to keep away from Kanzaki, who was

approaching Himeno as if he were trying to speak up.

"Are you okay with the class as it is?"

At first, Kanzaki had assumed that Himeno was a classmate, just like any

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But then I noticed that he was desperately trying to draw out a conversation

with her without my involvement.

"Whether good or bad, it's more important for me to protect myself. I can't

be best friends with anyone, but I can't be nasty with anyone either. Sometimes

they ask me out, sometimes they don't. I don't want to destroy that level of distance

and atmosphere."

Himeno's insistence that it would be best if things could be kept quiet wasn't

a bad thing.

But that would never move the class forward.

"If Kanzaki-kun's argument gains momentum and exceeds the majority of

the class, I will join your side, too. That's fine, right?"

Himeno asserted that she has no intention of standing in the minority under

any circumstances.

"Damn it!"

The words conveyed her true intentions and unwillingness. If she and

Kanzaki rebel, what awaits her is an attack from the majority in the name of pocket


It will be repeated endlessly until she abandons her own ideas.

"Can I go now? I won't tell anyone about this. It will only get me into

trouble if I do."

What will Kanzaki do to Himeno as she tries to leave?

If she continues to walk away, she will not bring about a change in the class

after all.


"I don't want to stay."

"I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I'm about to make a big decision."

"What's that?"

"I'm not going to sink with the current class and Ichinose forever."

Kanzaki put into words the thoughts he had never spoken of before and let

Himeno hear them.

"Does that mean you're betraying the... class?"

"I won't deny it. There is no point in staying in a class that can't win."

If Kanzaki is absent, they won't be able to mount a counterattack.

This is because Kanzaki was probably the only student who can lead

Ichinose's class in the current environment.

"I'm not trying to threaten you. But I will tell you that much."

Even if Kanzaki were to leave the class by some means, it would not affect

Himeno personally.

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But she would at least know that the class would lose a chance to improve.

Himeno became upset. Obviously, her reaction is different from her previous

scoffing attitude.

"So you're okay with that, Himeno?"

"That's not fair. That's a threat."

"That's one way to look at it."

A sign of betrayal that may be overheard by Ichinose and his classmates

from Himeno.

Aside from Ichinose, his classmates may try to block Kanzaki's movements

so as not to give him the right to move to another class, a risky exposure.

This was Kanzaki's gamble. Whether he was serious or bluffing is irrelevant.

"───Do you really intend to change classes?"

"It may not be pleasant, but Ayanokōji is right. I want to believe that

changing Ichinose with our own hands is the only way to save the class."

"But I am..."

Biting her lower lip, Himeno closes her eyes tightly.

If she sides with the isolated Kanzaki, it is inevitable that Himeno will be

looked at with white eyes.

Kanzaki knew that this wasn't what she wanted.

Still, someone had to do it.

"Even... I'd like to... win if I could."

She had not given up the possibility of changing classes and winning in no

small measure.

However, the key is still removed.

"Then we have to act now. Am I wrong?"

If Himeno didn't move even here, there would really be no more moves for

Kanzaki to make.

Even if he didn't want to choose, he would have no choice but to change his

policy to win by transferring to another class.

On the other hand, Himeno, who cannot say black is black without a

majority, will be decidedly defeated.

"I understand what you're saying... But still..."

"You're not going to say that there is still a possibility of winning with

Ichinose's policy, are you?"

The words from Kanzaki, who had gone ahead of her, stung Himeno


His lips closed heavily as he didn't continue with the words he was in the

middle of saying.

"Don't you want to graduate from Class A, Himeno?"

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The words pierced Himeno's heart like a spear. Painful and bleeding.

"If I could graduate from Class A, I would too!"

A loud, taut voice echoed through the hallway.

Kanzaki was taken aback and rendered speechless by the volume of

Himeno's voice, which must have been several times louder than expected.

"But if we don't do it now, there's no way we will be able to, no matter how

we think about it! It can't be done!"

Himeno shouted, exploding with emotion.

"Even Kanzaki-kun knows that!"

"I know that! I know that, and that's why we have to do it now! I don't want

to lose to the other classes!"

Although his voice wasn't as loud as Himeno's, Himeno was also alarmed

by Kanzaki's loud voice. Seeing Himeno's and frightened appearance made me

even more convinced.

For the first time, Himeno showed her true self. I knew that there were

probably more than a few students in Ichinose's class who were only socializing

with her on the surface.

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After a year and a half, many of the students in Horikita's class have had

their weaknesses exposed.

Those who put themselves first as honor students and are unconcernedwith

others being expelled.

Those who are unable to study or discuss issues and immediately resort to


Those who parasitize off of powerful individuals in order to get to the top of

the hierarchy.

Those who plot to expel their peers in order to erase their past.

Those weak-minded students have fallen to the ground, and then climbed up.

Some of them are now showing incredible growth.

"...So Kanzaki-kun is like that. I was surprised because you're always so


"...I'm with you. I didn't know you had those kinds of feelings."

Ichinose's class wouldn't have had the obvious hardships of Horikita's class.

The students would find grazes from a fall, and they would be cared for and

protected from both sides so that they would not fall again. They would repeatedly

take the place of the student who had hurt their hand.

Eventually, the students understood. They must be careful because they

worry about them.

Why did they fall? Why did they hurt their hand?

The truth is, there is more pain, but they hold on to it in silence so as not to

cause worry.

The result is Ichinose's class, which is made up of only superficial


It's time for them to truly become friends.

After a period of silence, I said to the two of them, "But what should you


"But what do we do? How can we move forward? Even if Himeno changes

her mentality, it would be meaningless if it does not lead to the next step."

"There is no need to rush for an answer. The two of you are going to search

for it now."

"Search... for what?"

"A student who, like you, keeps their true feelings inside."

Even if you can't find it alone, your perspective will expand many times over

if you both talk about it together.

The addition of one's point of view will lead to any number of new


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"If you found...another person, what would you do?"

"It's simple. Then you'll find three. And then make it four. Just keep on


Before long, a small spark will turn into a big flame.

And Ichinose was aware of it.

The class was about to change.

"It's not too late. Be strong. And defeat the class led by Horikita in the final


If they do that, they will still have a sliver of hope to ascend to Class A when

they move on to third year.

"...What are you going to do, Kanzaki-kun?"

"You have to be prepared to work harder than you can imagine. But...I's not

a story that can't be done."

Having seen the real-life example, Himeno, he could never again claim that

he is alone in the class.

On the other hand, Himeno would have been able to confirm Kanzaki's

strong will up close.

"We have the same desire to graduate from Class A. Until now, I couldn't

tell anyone, but..."

Whatever the circumstances, Himeno's thoughts were conveyed to Kanzaki.

"Yes, yes. I guess our goals haven't changed at all since the beginning."

From this point on, the two of them took a childlike step forward.

"You know... After listening to Ayanokōji-kun's story, there's a girl I'm a

little curious about. Would you like to go see her after this?"

Kanzaki nodded vigorously at Himeno's suggestion.

I'm a third party, so this isn't my area of expertise.

"Ayanokōji, I'll pay you back for this debt in the final exam."

Winning and earning the right to challenge for Class A is how you repay the

favor you owe today.

"Horikita's class is tough, Kanzaki."

"Yeah, I guess so. Sorry... but I'm leaving, I don't want to waste a single

minute. No, not even a second."

Himeno nodded, then took out her cell phone, turned away from Kanzaki

and started walking away.

There was a side of me that was worried about whether or not those two

could change, but it looks like they may be more successful than expected.

They may really beat Horikita's class in the end-of-year exam.

Either way, it doesn't hurt my plans, but it's one more thing to look forward