
Classroom of the Elite - The Apocalypse

The end of the world. Just as Kiyotaka came back to White Room after graduating from ANHS, strangeness befall to the whole world. Out of nowhere, the 'thing' they called Infected spread among humans at incredibly speed. They wandered aimlessly, and once they see living creatures, they'll chase them forever. No one knows what the main cause of this strangeness, but those who bitten by 'em will undoubtedly became their kinds. Every country, no exception, just barely hold themselves by these 'things'. White Room can show such a fierce fights, but only for a while. Every living creatures could be Infected by these 'things', that include animals. And I, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, escaped again from that place since I know it won't hold long. Even so, the outside world was no better than the future of that place. Lone in the mountain, I ventured for search of settlements with Infecteds loitering around the forest.

YvisEV · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1 - Infected

I'll change the (Name: ["] for Dialogue and [Blank] for Thought to just ["] for Dialogue and ['] for Thought)


There is a risk that my suspicion of him being bitten by the Infected is true.

'But actually, I just want his gears.' I thought.

As I was about to cancel my initial plan and walk in circles to avoid him, I stopped midway. I looked over again at the middle-aged man.

He was currently crouched on the right bank of the river, putting his rifle aside and taking something resembling a bandage from his waist pocket. Probably intends to cover his left hand wound.

'I don't have to kill him, just threaten him.'

With his current condition, I doubt he can use the rifle on his back. And even if he could pick up his rifle in time, it wouldn't be easy for him to take an aim for me with just one hand. I also had no intention of robbing his gears, just intend to ask a few questions.

I nod,

'That should do.'

Putting my pas bag aside, I crouched down, stepped out of the undergrowth as quietly as I could, and moved towards him with my dagger in hand. The texture of the ground was quite damp, so I took plenty of time just to get close. When I was about four or five meters away from him, I didn't rush. Taking as much time as I could, I continued to bring myself closer to the man. That's when it happened--


The man suddenly turned his head with a speed that surprised me, widening his eyes. He must be surprised.

'Yeah, I know how you feel.'

Even I was surprised by his sudden movement, as I was quite confident in my sneaking ability. Though not so much that it clouded my thinking. The most likely explanation for his abnormal reaction was from experience. From the way he dressed, it wouldn't be surprising if someone thought of him as a hunter. Also, I won't say his face was Japanese, he's likely foreign people.

That said, as surprised as we are, neither of us even cares for each other right now. The two of us both looked at the trees to my left that were emitting a loud, unnerving rustle. It was the trees just across the river downstream, and from between them, one could see a four-legged black furry creature approaching at a terrifying speed.


"Black bear?" I muttered.

Black fur, light brown muzzle, and a distinct whitish patch on the chest. Asian black bear. Its height around 90s cm at the shoulder. There are many stains of blood around the body. Especially the right eye which I doubt still working.

Still running, it opened its mouth wide, trying to chew us. I instinctively rolled backward, while the man went forward. He picked up his rifle while doing so.

"Get that thing distracted, kid!"

The man shouted suddenly, splashed in water.

Of course I didn't accept, shouting back, "Why should I--"

"If you wanna live, do it!" He cut me.

'Cause of the momentum, the black bear also crashed inside the river. However, it won't last long until it'll regain on its feet again.

I then shifted my gaze to the man, seeing that he had gotten out of the water and was adjusting the bandage on his left hand at the moment. He glanced at me while doing so.

I immediately know what he meant.

As expected, the bear regained its feet soon enough and straight out lunged at the man. I didn't want to waste my dagger, so I picked up some medium-sized pebbles from the riverbank and threw them in the bear's face.

Seemingly distracted, it turned its attention to me. My throw was hard enough to hurt it. So it probably switched priorities right then and there.

Sure enough, it made a sharp turn toward me. As it ran towards me, I stood still. Only when it was a few tens of centimeters away did I slam my body to the right as hard as I could.

It instinctively followed my movement, turning its face and body toward me.

'Got you.'

I smirked internally.


A loud bang soon followed, echoing all around. It hit the lower side area of its left ear. The bear staggered to the side, but just that. It still not down.

'It's Infected.'

Infected could only be killed by hurting their brains, but even so, it takes a few tries to fully broke it.

"Stab it!"

He was the one who'd just taken the shot. Although his left hand was doubtful to function properly, it could still be used as an aim holder. He looked like an experienced hunter, so I decided to trust him as he looked at me with confidence earlier.

When the bear was still staggering, I approached as fast as I could and jabbed my dagger in its left eye. It roared in pain, bringing its mouth forward to bite me. But I had already moved to ride it by then. Up there, I jabbed my dagger repeatedly at the back of its head.

It struggled at first, but it slowly weakened and then fell to the ground in the end.

I quickly jumped off before it landed.

"Quite a daring kid, aren't you?"

The man laughed. His voice somewhat horse.

"Urkh," He groaned.

"Infected?" I asked nonchalantly.


He admitted casually. Walking towards a nearby tree, he leaned himself against the trunk as he sat down.

Still staring at the bear in front of me, I knew that this animal in front of me had been Infected since a while ago. Bears are fearsome animals but also cowardly at the same time. When the situation is not in their favor, they won't hesitate to run away at that moment. But this animal, on the other hand, was clearly abnormal. From the many severe wounds it had sustained, it still did not give up even until the end of its life.

I turned my face away from it after making sure it was really dead.

"What are you plan to do now?" I inquired as I walked toward him.

He scoffed, "That should be my question. Did you plan to continue your attempt to kill me or what?"

I shrugged my shoulders. Playing with the dagger in my hand.

"I didn't even plan to. If I really was, I'd just throw my dagger here to your head so it can kill you instantly."

"True enough," He sighed. "You looked like you could do that, even though you're just a brat."

I crouched down in front of him. Looking at the wound on his left hand, I could tell that it couldn't be helped. His face was ashen.

"You're foreign?"


"Where from?"

"North Canada."

"I see."



"Where do you 'came' from?"

He looked at me strangely. I immediately understood what he meant.

"I've lived near this area since I was born. You could say, I don't know much about the world outside the forest, except from hearing it through stories. Due to the spread of the Infected, I was forced to leave my home and seek for settlement."

"That's not what I mean."

"Then what?"

I kept my ignorance.

"Whatever." He gave up. "Why you attacked me, then?"

"I'm lost." I says to the point.

"You lost?" He questioned hesitantly.

"Yes. I don't know where am I. I at least know it was in Saitama mountains, but don't where exactly. I planed to threaten you just now so I can know where to go, and a few other things."

He didn't seem entirely convinced, but even so...

"I could give my gears to you," He said. "After all, I can't be helped."

'That's really sudden.'

"Then why don't you just let yourselves eaten by the bear, or kill yourselves with that rifle, isn't it simple?"

"Don't you have any etiquette, kid?" He frowned.

"I'm just kidding." I quickly retorted.

"Yeah, and you're terrible at that."

That's hurt.

"So," I put the conversation back on track. "You have unfinished business, so you want to stick around as long as it still don't fulfilled?"

"Yeah, and I want you to do it for me."

"Why should I?"

"If you want to get out from the forest fast enough, it'll help you for sure."

He groaned in pain as he said that. His ashen face bore obvious thick veins. His pupils were reddened.

I sighed.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

He pointed his index finger towards the river.

"Just follow the left side of the river. You'll eventually find a wooden house about two hours walk."

"I said, What exactly do you want me to do?" I repeated my words in a more assertive tone.

He gazed at me, then says. "Take care of my daughter."

"That's not hard to say, isn't it?" I sniffed.

He grunted at my question.

"Imagine of my feeling, trusting my daughter to some apathetic brat like you. Can you imagine?"

"True enough." I admit. "But take care of her? You serious?"

"Just escort her to the place in a note I leave there. It shouldn't be that difficult for you."

I nodded, 'That should do.'

"Any last words?"

"There is no need." He sighed.

"I understand."

I lifted my dagger, taking it beside his neck. He shut his eyes.

I can see his muscles tensed up as I did. I thought for a moment before telling him this, "Don't worry,"

He opened his eyes and looked at me. I smiled faintly.

"I will take care of your dear daughter."

Slowly, I could see his body relaxed. Once again, he shut his eyes.

"Don't get too painful, okay?" He requested.

"It'll be fast. Keep your head down."

He complied. Instead of using the blade, I intended to use the pommel.

I took off the scarf covering him. After finding the point where it should do, I brought the pommel of my dagger down slowly on the back of his neck. Then, I slammed the pommel hard on that spot.

He stiffened for a moment, before his entire body went limp. He would have fallen on the ground had I not held him back.

I scanned around, and thought.

'Looks like I gotta carry him, huh?'

For the Update's Schedule, it'll probably just a few Chapter in one Week and at least 1000 Words in every one of them.

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