// Ayanokoji's POV //
Today is the day of the exam, as I look around the room I can see all of my classmates writing in their papers. Everyone except Kushida Kikyo that is, she isn't participating in this exam. Naturally i'm the cause of this.
Lucy had told me that her main goal for this exam was to force me into showing my intelligence to the whole school to ruin any peacefulness I currently have here at ANHS. She would do this by making Kushida force a deal upon me and threaten me with expulsion if she scores higher than me on the exam.
Obviously I don't want to just play into their hands, there was no way to score lower than 100% against someone who had the answers and would probably get the same result without showing my intelligence. I also had no doubt in my mind that she would score 100% either, that left me with one option; plant test answers on her person and make an anonymous tip to the student council president that she is cheating.
I didn't have the test questions so I couldn't plant the correct ones but that doesn't matter, as long as she has a piece of paper on her person found before the exam and they have any sort of formulas or answers on them then she would be banned form taking the exam as in any school. As the answers were wrong anyway I doubt she will receive much if any punishment from this.
I don't know what they'll do to substitute her taking the exam as it's a team exam that depends on both people from each team within the class to score over a certain number of points to avoid expulsion but that's not my problem.
I've won Lucy, your plan didn't work. Now all I have to do is score an average of 50 points on all papers.
// Kushida's POV //
How did this happen? How did that paper get in my pocket? Now I have to take a separate test in a room alone? This is stupid. It must have been Horikita... but how????!!!
Not only did my plan fail but now I'm forced to avoid targeting Horikita at all? Not only that but Lucy's gunna be mad, I failed to expel a completely average student who gets 50 on all exams?
Wait... 50 on all exams?
Oh... my... god.
People would skim through the test results, see a 50 and just keep looking for their own wouldn't they? They would completely skip over it unless they was actually keeping track of his results.
Recently Ayanokoji stopped getting 50 on all his exams but they were always around 50 give or take 5 points, is he... doing it on purpose? It's hard to score exactly the same mark on every paper you get, is Ayanokoji smarter than I thought? Or is Horikita telling him to do this? There has to be a reason for that right? Surely...
Have I messed up?
// Horikita's POV //
There's one thing on everyone's mind right now, the glaringly empty seat. Kushida isn't here. I'm sure Ayanokoji has something to do with it, I'll ask him after the exam.
// Lucy Hall's POV //
The exams have just ended and I'm waiting for a status report from Kushida. I mean I gave her the exact answers to each question in the math portion of the exam, surely she got 100 points. That only means Ayanokoji would have to score the same to avoid forced withdrawal of the school. Of course I don't imagine that happening even in my wildest dreams, I'm just interested in how he went about all of this.
And there it is, a notification from Kushida. Oh? It just reads, "I failed"?
Ugh I'll have to meet up with her later for the juicy details I suppose. For now, "Hey guys, shopping trip?"
I was surrounded by a few girls and guys from my class right now, we were standing around Ichinose's desk. Everyone was keen on asking her about how she did on the exam, and to gloat on how well they think they did I guess. I don't know, I wasn't really listening.
"Yeah let's do it!"
My suggestion was accepted by everyone around. I wasn't exactly planning on buying anything though, I just want to see if anyone from the other classes would be around. You know? See if their moral is good after the exams and such. To be honest I really need to save my money a little now that I have a few people to look after. One of my incomes have come to a halt now as well after I got that 2nd year expelled.
Sensei said we will get the exam results tomorrow morning, meaning that we will hopefully boost our class' lead a bit more and secure our spot in class A.
// Kushida's POV //
Damn... It's been silent for a while now. After I told Lucy what happened she just went silent and started to look into space for the last minute, do I say something? "I- I think Ayanokoij is smarter than we originally thought..." I felt my voice giving up on me a little at the end, I'm so nervous.
*Sigh* "So not only did you fail to beat a student in an exam that you had all the answers for, but you failed to even enter the exam? And now your making excuses?"
She seems mad... her face is that of disgust. Like I'm nothing but trash. All I can do is look down in shame. "I told you, someone planted it on me..."
"Now your giving me that false shameful act? Come on, I expected better from you. What's to make me believe that you just didn't revise the answers and got desperate? Can you prove that to me?"
F**k, "No..." What else can I say? I failed miserably.
All of a sudden I felt a tug on the O ring on the necklace that Lucy bought me and I was face to face with her, inches away from her own face.
"I asked you for one simple thing and gave you all the resources to accomplish that goal and yet you do this? Your worthless." Tch.
"I'm not worthless! They did this!"
// 3rd POV //
Anger. All Kushida felt in that moment was anger.
Kushida had been average in everything since middle school and all she wanted was to be praised for being excellent. A goal that she would only reach via a fake personality that would completely destroy her mental health.
Striving for one thing and being told that your worthless would anger anyone and so Kushida had forgotten all fear or any positive feelings she felt for the girl in front of her and shouted. With all her pent up feeling Kushida gave into rage and in her rage she made a mistake, a mistake that would cost her dearly.
// Lucy's POV //
It wasn't fast but it did catch me off guard a bit, I felt Kushida's fist glide by my face and as I moved to dodge it I wasn't quick enough. It connected, barely but with her right hand her index fingers knuckle connected with my left cheek.
After a stunning silence in which we were both shocked I saw regret on this girls face and she was right to feel that. I grabbed her face, covering her mouth and forced her to stand as I stood from my bed with my grip. I turned so I was facing where my bed was and her back was toward it and in quick motion I put my right foot behind her own and pushed her down with the grip I had over her.
I grabbed her two hands and placed them above her head on the bed holding them still, with my hand still over her mouth she tried to say something but I wouldn't let go. Her eyes showed she was pain and despite the tears falling from her eyes I kept the grip up.
"I don't know what you think your playing at Kushida but I'm going to give you an opportunity here, an opportunity to redeem yourself. Understand?"
She nodded through the pain and tears, "Tell me, how do you think you can repent for your actions?"
I loosened my grip a little, enough so she could get some muffled words out, "I do anythin-"
My grip tightened again and a smirk landed it's way across my face, "Anything?"
A nod was my response, "Good. Well your not going home tonight."
An idea popped into my head, remember the night before I had with Ichinose.
"Now listen to me, your going stay in the position your in and not make a single sound while I prepare something okay?" Another nod.
As much as I think having sex with Kushida would be lovely, I could never cheat on Ichinose unless she was willing to take part in a 3 person relationship. I can however use the items we use during sex to teach Kushida a lesson though.
I released my grip on her and got off the bed keeping an eye on her to make sure her hands stay above her head and she doesn't move. Satisfied I get on my knees and grab a box from under the bed, I open the box and pull out a few lengths of rope. "Sit with your hands behind your back."
I tie her hands together and hold her arms firmly against her back by tying more rope around her arms and chest.
"Legs together." She complies. I tie two lengths of rope around her thighs and ankles to keep her legs together.
Now for the finishing touches!
I move to somewhere where she can't see and pull off a sock and grab a roll of duct tape. "Open your mouth." She does so.
I put my sock in her mouth and cover it with 3 layers of tape to keep it closed. Finally I tie a piece of black cloth around her eyes as a make shift blindfold.
"Kushida, are you hurting at all?" She shakes her head. "Good."
I guide her to stand up and force her to hobble to the corner of my room, "Tonight's gunna be pretty uncomfortable okay?" She nods.
"Sit." I guide her to sit in the corner on a big pink bean bag with her legs straightened out. I place a pillow between her head and the corner of the room too so she can at least have a little comfort while she sleeps.
"Your gunna sleep like this tonight but before you do fall asleep your going to think of a way to make things up to me and in the morning your going to tell me what you thought of. If I don't find it satisfactory then I will do everything in my power to have the whole student body know of your little past and hate you, even better if you destroy your own class in the chaos."
I slap her cheek twice, "Well I'm going to bed now, good night!"
I hear a muffle under her gag and I slap her 3 more times, "I said no noise remember?"
She was silent after that.
I'm obviously not sleeping tonight, not with her in the condition she's in. I have to make sure she's okay through the night, can't have her choke or anything. I should be fine with a little sleep deprivation for tomorrow.
*budoom* huh? I look to my side and both our phones were dead and I only had one charger, F**k!
I have to charge her phone for tomorrow, what am I going to do for the next 3 hours while her phone charges?!
I sigh inside my head, oh well. I plug her phone in to charge and to my surprise it wasn't working, maybe if I change the angle? Okay there we go! I put the phone down and the charger stops working again. Don't tell me I'm going to have to hold it while it charges?
// The next morning in class B, Ichinose's POV //
Somethings wrong, me and Himeno tried talking to Lucy but she's 'in a mood'. She wouldn't talk to anyone. She looks tired and grumpy, did she pull an all nighter? Even so... the way she told us to go away was a bit... childish.
// Tiny flashback no justu! //
Me and Himeno had walked up to Lucy's desk as she had her head flat down on it, Himeno was the one to speak up first, "Hey Lucy can we talk real quick before sensei gets here?"
Lucy looked up with tired eyes, "Don' wanna. Go away."
And she slammed her head back down again.
// Flashback end! //
"Here are the results!" Sensei had walked in with a pretty smile and placed a roll of paper on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.
Everyone payed close attention to it, the results were astonishing to be honest.
Class A: + 0 pts
Class B: + 100 pts
Class C: - 100 pts
Class D: + 0 pts
There was absolute silence... before there wasn't,
"Sensie! What do you mean we got 0 points?"
"What's the meaning of this?"
I quickly deduced the situation, "We drew?"
Sensei gave me a smile, "You did, class A and class D drew. In the actual exam class A had scored more points than class D however there was a slight complication with a student and so before the exam it was decided upon by the school that class D would receive and extra 45 points per subject in the tests and that brought them up to the exact same number of points as class A."
"I should also mention that the student had taken a separate exam from the one that was given by class A to class D. Despite this the risk of expulsion was still the same and if they had failed the exam they would have only received 15 points per subject, but clearly they had passed."
The students were outraged and rightfully so, shouting about the unfairness of it all. I had to speak up and calm things down, "Sensei, may I ask what these complications were?"
Hoshinomiya gave me an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry Ichinose but I can't disclose that information, I will say that it was agreed upon unanimously that the circumstances were fair in the decision making of this situation so please be ease at mind as class A has been given something as way of apology from the unusual circumstances."
"Each student in class A and D will receive 50,000 points if the outcome of the exam is a loss or draw. As it was a draw each student from both classes have received this bonus."
This seemed to calm down the students a little bit but they do still seem a little bitter.
Even after hearing all this news in the corner of my eye I saw that Lucy hadn't moved an inch.
// Lucy's POV //
I can't believe Kushida of all people managed to land a hit on me...
It was a surprise punch and it barely connected but still.
Have I been slacking around too much?
Ugh, I'm so tired and I can't get this out of my mind. I'm definitely hitting the gym more often, maybe try improve my reaction speed too? Is that even possible anymore? I know there's a limit to every individuals reaction speed but maybe I could try?
Ughhhhh I need sleep!
Class A:
Class points: 1,045
Class B:
Class points: 980
Class C:
Class points: 390
Class D:
Class points: 364
Lucy Hall
Class A
Class points: 1,045
Private points: 3,017,827
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
I'm sorry for the update speed on this fanfic but life has been extremely busy for a while now, I hope you can forgive me!
I've seen a couple reviews that imply Lucy is seen as a mary sue and I'd like to address this:
Lucy has a perfect memory of classroom of the elite including everything Ayanokoji, this means she can easily predict what each class will do for every exam! It's hard to not make her seem OP yk?
Anyway if anyone has any ideas on how I could improve my fanfic please please please let me know, I would appreciate a lot! I've had a little bit of struggle deciding on how I want things to go and feeling a little lost with this fic.
Love you all! Thanks for reading!