"I am the snake who will bite you at your weakest, break you until you beg for mercy. Kiss my feet, so I can stomp your face with my boots, you evil bitch." - Emmelyn Jones. -- Tormented for three years and killed on prom night by her bullies, eighteen-year-old Emmelyn Jones returned back in time when she was a freshman. Fueled by the thirst for revenge, she had nothing but a mission: to ruin the lives of everyone who had bullied her before. And she would do it... Mercilessly. ** Current cover is not mine. Credit to the artist. *** -- Join Discord Server and check Pupa's other books: https://linktr.ee/Author_Pupa Instagram: @ForeverPupa
Emmy: What do you want?
xx: Hmmm, for 5 grand, I'd like a few strands of your hair, easy request, right?
I held my breath out of nervousness when I heard his request. The more I made a deal with this red rose devil, the more I realized that I was digging my grave deeper and deeper.
Because his request kept getting scarier each time I asked him something. At first, it was as simple as a worn plaid shirt of mine, then the handkerchief with a red kiss, and now few strands of hair.
I had the feeling that his request would be even more demanding and scary the more I asked after this, so I had to be careful of what I wished for.
But for now…
I slid my drawer open and then took a scissor inside. I cut a few strands of my hair without hesitation. If that sick bastard wanted my hair in exchange for my mission, then I would give it to him.