
Class S: Last Elites Standing (COTE fancfic)

Diony_Deleon · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 35: Sports festival

Ayanokouji POV

Our class instantaneously surpassed Class A as well as most of us getting a lot of private points. The top 5 students that had the most private points right now are Yuuichi, Kei, Tatsuya, Ryuzaki, and Lelouch based on the number of points they got from the exam. 

I made it to my classroom, and I noticed immediately that Houtarou is asleep. No surprises there but some of the others are quite tired like Miyuki and Karma. I guess the trip was long and they did tell us that they stayed up all night after all, so it makes sense.

Shigeru-sensei arrived has arrived with some papers as the class begin to wake themselves up. 

"Good morning students, I'm sure that some of you got a good night sleep before this" 

"What sleep, some of us barely had it" Miyuki said yawning 

"Sorry but you always look like that you never slept; I mean you always have bags on your eyes so we can't tell the difference" Sora said teasingly 

"haha good one Sora-san" Kei chuckled 

"Okay enough jokes, anyways I congratulate you all in making it pass Class A. As of now your class is now on top of every class in school" 

As he congratulated us, everyone gave some claps even if some of them were tired. 

"Come on you should all be livelier than this, anyways today marks the second semester of this year. There will be more P.E classes than usual this time around because from now until the end of September will be the preparation of the sports festival." 

"Is this a special exam sensei?" I asked 

"Yes, but since there is a fifth class unfortunately, we have to divide the class into two groups for this year's sports festival" 

As sensei said those words, chaos erupted in the classroom. each and every one of us are now thinking of different loopholes and curveballs in which that could allow us to work together 

"So, hold on sensei you mean we will all be divided in which we end up competing against each other?" Karma asked 

"You could say that, since there would be problems if there are 18 of you against the two teams which will be divided from all classes which also includes the 2nd and 3rd years" sensei replied

"I see so if I guess correctly, this means that the four classes will be divided into two teams with two classes on one team and the other two as the opposing team." Yumeko said 

"Good guess Yumeko but since in this case with the 1st years having a 5th class. We will be dividing you 18 into two teams. 9 on the red team and the other 9 on the white team" 

"Exactly, the sports festival will be dividing all school years into two separate groups and having them compete with each other. In every grade apart from yours. Classes B and C will be the white team and Classes A and D will be on the red team. however, since there is a Class S and luckily the number of students here are proportional. Then that means 9 of you will be on the white team and the other 9 will be on the red team" 

I see since there is a fifth class, it would be tough for it to organize the teams normally but by dividing us into separate groups will allow it to be easier 

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"I see, so this means there will be 9 of us against the other 9? now that's an interesting shake-up" Kei said excitingly 

He's right, the premise of the previous exams has been going up against other classes but now it's a team vs team situation rather than class vs class. Additionally combined with the 2nd and 3rd years, the previous exams have been local to each year which is why the previous two exams didn't have the 2nd and 3rd years.

"Anyways I shall begin handing out the guidelines of the sports festival" sensei said as he handed all of us the printout of the guidelines. 

Guidelines for the sports festival 

The sports festival will consist of dividing all school years between red and white team 

Red team: Class A, Class D 

White team: Class B, Class C 

In the case of the first years, Class S will be distributed evenly amongst the two teams for the purposes of this sports festival 

Allocation of points based on individual events (universal competitions)

-1st place: 15 points 

-2nd place: 12 points 

-3rd place: 10 points 

-4th place: 8 points 

-5th or lower: 1 point deduction 

For team competitions, the winning team receives 500 points. 

Allocation of points based on recommended competitions only 

-1st place: 50 points

-2nd place: 30 points

-3rd place: 15 points

-4th place: 10 points

-5th or lower: 2-point deduction 

The relay which will be the final competition will award double the points 

Allocation of points for the outcome of red team vs white team 

For the totality of all school years. For the losing team, 100 points will be deducted equally from their class points for all years. 

Allocation of points within separate school years. 

Each class will also be ranked based on their total performance. 

The class that takes first place receives 50 class points 

The class that takes second place receive no change in class points 

The class that takes third place will be deducted 50 class points 

The class that takes 5th or lower will be deducted 100 class points 

"Ohh I get it, even though the winning team has no actual reward, this means that the only reward here is class points huh?" Kei said 

"Yes, and as long as the losing class drops down in points, that will be enough of a win for us" Yuuichi said 

They're not wrong since class points can be increased or decreased based on your standings. This means we either need to be in 2nd place or take 1st place as much as possible. 

"Not only that, if a class does end up in 3rd or below. Then that means that class will take a big hit" Light said 

"So, this means there is a possibility that we might drop down in points to the point that our progress has been lost?" Tatsuya asked