
Class S: Last Elites Standing (COTE fancfic)

Diony_Deleon · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 3: Intel (Part 4: Class D)

Ayanokouji POV

I'm currently walking down the hall with Sora, Shiro, and Katagiri. Sora and Katagiri who seemed pretty curious about Class D, as for me on the other hand, I was disinterested. I know that I would end up meeting Horikita again, but it can't be helped, I guess. 

"Class D huh? you think that they are really that defective?" Katagiri asked 

"What kind of question is that Katagiri? of course they are, sensei said it himself remember?" Sora said in a condescending tone. 

"Nii I'm hungry" said Shiro, cute I thought 

"What do you mean? you just had a full candy bar that Ryuzaki shared with you" 

"We do have time to get lunch, right? 

Sora sighed "Of course, no problem oh sister of mine" he said as he patted her head. 

"Alright I think we're here" Katagiri pointed to the room and looks like we've arrived. 

There it is, Class D, I don't know how things will go down, but two things are certain. Either it will go pretty normally or the most likely, very bad. 

Sora opened the door and as we went into the room, students noticed our presence were now staring at the four of us. Class D fell silent as Sora looked then a voice was heard. 

"Excuse me, can we help you?" the boy asked who was in the front of the class. I'm guessing that he's the leader of this class. 

"So, this is the so called 'defective' class huh?" he said in an arrogant manner, I sighed and thought 'way to make an impression' 

"Not this 'defective' crap again, what the hell are you one about?" it was Sudo back at the convenient store. Ohh great 

"Do you know them, Ken?" a boy asked, must be one of Sudo's friends 

"Well not those two but the other two I know" he pointed at me and Katagiri. 

Sora's grin started to grow wide, as he listened to Sudo while gripping Shiro's hand. 

"You may not be aware of it but, you know this school sorts it's students from classes A to D, the school judges through a system of merit. Meaning you're all classified as garbage" 

"What did you say!? are you here to pick a fight or what? Ayanokouji, tell that friend of yours to shut up!" Sudo exploded in anger. Well, there goes those first impressions, but I can tell that Sora is intentionally trying to piss Sudo off. It wouldn't be my idea, but I choose to be quiet for now. 

"I assume that you must be the leader of this class?" Katagiri spoke up and asked 

"Yes I am, I'm Hirata Yosuke, can we help you?" 

"We're just curious"

"Exactly! just like my friend Katagiri said, we're just curious about this "class of defectives" that we've been hearing about." Sora replied with a shrug

He is seriously planning to piss off everyone huh? Ohh great, this will be troublesome. 

"And what gives you the audacity to walk into this room and look down on us like that? The way you're talking are you sure you're not the defective one here?" Horikita said as she got off her seat and walked towards us. She glared at him and turned her attention to me. 

"This is seriously an unpleasant coincidence, you're with him?" she asked me clearly annoyed.

I sighed and replied "You could say that" 

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"Oh, my apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Sora, and this here is my little sister Shiro." 

"Katagiri Yuuichi" he also introduced himself 

"What about you, I don't think you've said your name yet to me when we met" Ohh right I haven't introduced myself to her even throughout our short encounters. 

"I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka" 

"Anyways, about that other question, of course not, don't tell me that you're the best student in this class?" Sora asked 

"Of course, I am besides since you're associated with Ayanokouji-kun, then you must also be from a pitiful class which ever one aside from Class A at least" 

"hmm" the look of confusion on Sora's face was visible, did she really call us pitiful? 

"I don't know where you got that idea, but I can assure you that I'm more than above a class like that." 

Horikita looked at us with confusion and especially towards me, is she slowly catching on? 

"How absurd, saying that you come from a higher class and dare to insult Class D?" 

"Then prove it then" 

"Ohh? prove what" Sora's grin grew ever wider 

"Prove that your better than me" 

Is she serious right now? This is starting to get out of hand but if she thinks that she's better then I'll just have to wait and see. I noticed that Sora cracked a big smile as he heard what she said while Katagiri does seem calm in this situation. 

"Alright, then how about we play a simple game?" Sora said 

A game? what is he up to? I noticed that even Katagiri is a bit confused by this. I don't know what's going through Sora's mind right now but is starting to get interesting. 

What in the...Rock-paper-scissors? why would he choose a simple game like that? Everyone in the class was also confused by this since Sora challenged Horikita to a simple game that even children from elementary can play. 

"Are you mocking me? are you seriously handicapping yourself? she said as she becomes more irritated. 

"If I play anything other than paper, then I lose" everyone in the class even Katagiri was dumbfounded by this, then Sora began to explain.

"If I beat you with rock or scissors, you'll lose as well, meaning it's a tie. It will also be a tie if we both used paper. Of course, anything else is a win. Simple right?" 

"What the hell do mean by that?" Horikita asked as she continues to lose her cool. 

The rules seemed confusing at first but if you consider some of the certain the things he said, it is definitely simple than what the rules say. While I was listening, I noticed someone who seemed to be interested, it was that blonde boy from the bus, did he somehow understand what he said?

"I'll keep it simple; I'm only allowed to play paper and nothing else, if we tie you win and if you choose scissors, you win, understood?" 

"Fine but you'll regret making such a ridiculous rule." 

Both players began as the anticipation sets in, usually seeing a game of rock-paper-scissors wouldn't be intense but it does pique my interest a bit, Sora may be at a disadvantage, but since there is a potential for a tie then Horikita might get lucky, but I don't think luck will have anything to do with this game give what he stated in those rules. I'm sure he's planning to bait Horikita into using scissors, but she could possibly get a tie if it happens. Horikita might think she would have the advantage, but she might think that Sora is planning to get a tie. But since he's only using paper, she'll obviously won't use rock. Meaning that he'll tempt her to use scissors...Now I understand, Sora is forcing her into a trap, actually more like a trap within a trap since judging from her face. She's probably thinking that he is planning to misdirect her, but in reality, Sora might already be ahead on her on that one. I looked at Katagiri and he seems to finally understand as well huh











Horikita and almost everyone else was shocked at the result. 

"You put some thought into it, but you lost" 

It looks like I was right, Horikita was going to use scissors and Sora was going to use something else.

"Wait but you said you're only gonna use paper?" Horikita said

"Yeah, isn't that cheating?" one random said 

"Exactly! you tricked us!" another random said

"Cheating? hehe, are sure about that? she was gonna lose because she didn't see the obvious." he said as the class was a mix of both anger and confusion.

"I expected her to choose scissors, but given by her expression, she had second-guess herself on if she could pick either scissors or paper. But I predicted that she would use scissors." 

"But still, you said you'll only use paper and playing anything else is a loss for you" 

"If you had the brains, you would realize that your only way of winning is a tie, and didn't I say that if I beat you with rock or scissors, you'll lose." 

"That still doesn-" 

"Quite the sorry sight you are Horikita-girl, you still don't see it? Sora-boy has put you in a trap without knowing it." the blonde boy spoke, so he does understand what's going on, I guess there might be someone interesting in Class D after all. 

"To keep it short, I modified the rules a bit, it's not cheating since I worded some specific things. You just didn't use simple logic to read between the lines" 

"I see now" 

I heard a voice, and it was Katagiri beside me. 

"Hey!" a defect shouted and stood up, he confronted Katagiri clearly as mad as the others. 

"You saw it too; he was cheating, and you weren't even saying anything about it." 

"It's not my fault that you're too idiotic to understand" he looked at the defect with a face that only a psychopath could make, normally I wouldn't be afraid of it but if it were anyone else, then I feel sorry for them. 

Shiro was holding onto to her brother, she seems a bit scared, but Sora wasn't, more like he was intrigued by this sudden change in behavior that was happening with Katagiri Yuuichi. Almost everyone in class couldn't move, they were petrified by Katagiri. The defect was suddenly shaking with fear. 

He pulled his collar towards himself and glared at him. "You won't be able to succeed if you have this level of mind set." 

"You can say you're better than us, but in reality, you can't admit just how pathetic you all are" 

His words sting like venom, but the class couldn't retort, even Sudo or Horikita couldn't respond to him. 

"In fact, when May 1st arrives, you will all wake up to a cruel truth that was already right in front of you" 

Everyone was silent, as Katagiri slowly pushed the defect away and began walked off from the room. This is a different Katagiri from what I saw back on the bus. There is something off about him, an inner darkness perhaps. I know I have my own darkness because of "that man" but his is different, it's like looking at the devil himself. I decided to leave as well while Sora and Shiro also followed. 

Now that I know that Class D truly does live up to what I expected, there are two key points that I've learned. First is that blonde boy, he seems quite confident and has an aura of a narcissist. It may not be much but the fact he understood Sora's little game goes to show he knows more than he's letting on and might be dangerous. Second is Katagiri himself, even though he has been quiet for the majority of our encounter with Class D, the moment he changed his behavior, the atmosphere immediately changed as well. I don't know where all of this comes from but if I could only guess, he must've had a very horrible past. 

Holy crap, there it is. Yuuichi Katagiri is in the house. Even Kiyo himself was a bit baffled by him. That was a tough chapter for me to make but fun, nonetheless. Also see what I did there. I used the rock-paper-scissors game from "No Game, No Life", cause that's probably the game that I've been most familiar with ever since I watched that episode. Complicated? yes. Did Sora make Horikita look like a fool? yes. 

Anyways, I'm gonna rest now for a bit until I start making the May 1st chapter soon. thanks for reading and let me know if there is anything that I need to adjust with that whole complicated mess that is rock-paper-scissors.