
Class S: Last Elites Standing (COTE fancfic)

Diony_Deleon · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 22: The Mastermind's goal

Ryuen POV 

I was frustrated at the current events that occurred. 0 points? it can't be. The only logical reason for this loss was that we guessed the wrong leaders but the fact that Class D managed to reach 2nd place all of a sudden gave me more questions. I need to confirm something right now. I need to find this "mastermind" immediately. 

I opened the door to my room and went outside. As I walked out the room someone was leaning towards the wall next to my door. There he is. 

"You! why did you do it?" 

"hmm? what do you mean Ryuen?" 

I grabbed his collar and pulled him towards me. 

"You know what a mean, tell me why you betray me?" I asked sounding frustrated 

"Betray you? what makes you say that?" he spoke 

"Kaneda told me that you were giving him a fake card and took the real one which was of course the card from Class B" 

"Then I'll ask again, when did you decide to betray me?" I asked as I was getting a little more frustrated now.

"You want to know so badly? fine, it's simple really, I only used you so that I can get a certain person's attention" he explained, certain person? what the hell is he on about? 

"What person?" 

"From Class S of course" Class S I thought, I know he plans on destroying them as well but why humiliate me just to get some random guy from Class S some attention? 

"Who is it?" 

"Sorry but if you want to know then you're on your own." 

"Tch fine" I said as I pushed him away. 

"I'm not here to play your silly games, but I will find out who this person from Class S you speak of" 

"Sure, do what you want, I could care less about what you're doing anyways. Besides you're too weak to even be a challenge to them" from that statement alone I snapped and tried to punch him in the face but to my surprise he blocked it like it was nothing 


"I told you you're weak" as he said he grabbed twisted my arm with only one hand 


"Hurts, doesn't it?" he asked, who is this bastard? and why is he this strong?! 

After a second he immediately let's go of my arm. It really hurt like hell 

"Just who the hell do you think you are?" I asked as he looked back at me and said: 

"I'm just a simple person with simple goals. Not that any of this concerns you in the first place" he said as he walked away. 

'This guy, I'll crush you as well, but for now I want to know who this person from Class S he's referring too' 

??? POV 

While I was walking through the halls a familiar person walked up to me. 

"What happened back there?" Horikita asked 

"What happened is that I did all of you a favor, to be honest I'm not interested in getting any of you to Class A" 

"Then how come Class D managed to take second place, this was your doing isn't it?" 

"Alright you got me, listen I didn't care about any of you in the first place, I burnt your camp so I can let Ibuki escape with that card of yours" 

"You did all that?" she said sounding slightly mad 

"So what, it doesn't matter, at least none of you are going to be expelled anyways." 

"That's not the problem" she said 

"You should be happy that I actually helped" 

"By putting our class with these unecessary risks?" 

"More or else" I answered 

"Tell me, what are you really after?" 

"You want to know? sorry but I don't think so" I said as I walked away from her 

"Wait we're not done here!" she shouted 

"Listen Horikita, I'm going to say this once. Winning is everything, and I intend to win in my own way. Even if our class is at second place. It looks like my path to victory is already open." 

"You really think highly of yourself don't you" 

"I only see people as tools and the same goes for him" 

"huh? who are you talking about?" 

"You still don't see it yet Horikita? I suggest you watch your back" with that I left her there standing as I walked away. 

Ayanokouji POV 

I walked to where Shigeru-sensei wanted to meet me and it ended up being the theatre again. 

"Took you long enough" sensei said 

"So why did you call me here?" 

"Can I tell you a secret?" I don't know where this is going but at least I'll be able to find out a bit more information on my sensei. 

"What is it?" 

"Did you ever wonder why I applied here to this school in the first place?" 

"No, why?" 

"Actually it's because of you" now this is starting to get suspicious

"What do you mean?" 

"Well it's because I'm formely an instructor from the White Room" this put a shock in my mind. Our sensei the entire time in Class S was a former White Room instructor, but what does he want? Did that old man send him here? is he even friend or a foe? 

"Explain yourself" I said 

"Now, now, Ayanokouji, don't worry I'm on your side. Besides I hated your father as well that's why I secretly helped Matsuo get you out of that place" 

"I see and you also know Matsuo?"

"Yes, he was a kind man indeed." 

"Why are you even telling me all of this?" 

"Because....there is someone from the 4th generation that survived as well." wait what? I thought that I was the only survivor? how is it possible that there is someone else that I didn't even know about?

"This other student is currently in ANHS as well and if he's here then his target will obviously be you" 

"Do you know who he is?" 

"So, if I guess correctly, "that man" was the one who erased it huh?" 

"That may be the case. You better watch yourself Ayanokouji, whoever he is, he's really dangerous" 

"I don't think I should worry about that, but I did receive a letter, recognize the writing" I gave him the letter that Karma found back at the island. He inspected it and judging from his face it seems he knows something. 

"Yes, it is quite the writing. Befitting of a White Room Student for sure" 

"My guess is that with all the rumors circulating around a mysterious student from Class D, it must be him" 

"Well, that explains how Class D managed to make it into second place despite some retirements but either way, you should be more cautious, there's no telling what he has planned next, we don't know his next move" 

"Who knows, but if there is some other information you have. Let me know and don't tell anyone else about this even Class S" 

"Don't worry my lips are sealed" 

That's Chapter 22. it's revealed that Class S' sensei is a former White Room instructor and apparently Class D's mastermind is another 4th generation student from the White Room who somehow survived even though Ayanokouji was the only survivor. When will they clash? who knows but only time will tell when this other student reveals his identity. 

Anyways if you like the story so far, feel free to leave your thoughts and thanks for reading :)