
Clasroom of the Elite: Fukazawa Yato

Orignial is From Ryuzu_ Fukazawa Yato is forced to go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. Even if he had no motivation to go at the beginning, that will change more as time passes. Finally, his life going to change when he's going to meet the masterpiece of the White room.

TxSadz · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

3- Preparation P2

Yato POV

I was sitting at the outside table of a restaurant while I was waiting for Kamuro and my target. Kamuro eventually arrived and sat down at the same table.

Karumo: Hello, so who are we supposed to be watching?

Yato: Hey, the person to watch is Sakura Airi, my classmate.

Kamuro: Huh okay and where she is now?

Yato: She hasn't arrived yet.

Kamuro: Eh but how do you know she will come here?

Yato: She broke her camera and she will come to repair it at the electronics store just there. I heard that she is going to come here today with Kushida.

Kamuro: Hmm but are you sure that they will come here precisely? and why do we come here right now if they are not there yet?

Yato: For your first question, I checked and this is the only place she can go to have her camera repaired.

Yato: and we are in advance so as not to be noticed, it's better if we were already there before them, isn't it?

Kamuro: Wow I'm surprised you did your research before.

Yato: Yeah I prefer to be foreseeing. If you want to order something in the meantime you can, I'l pay for it.

Kamuro: Okay I'll take a look.

Kamuro ended up choosing something to drink. While we were waiting, we were talking about trivial things like her class and mine. I learn that her class has two leaders, Katsuragi and Sakayanagi the girl I meet the last time. After

10 minutes Sakura and Kushida arrived and steeled down at a table further away but...

Yato: Ayanakoji his with them...

Kamuro: Ehh so your like every all the other guys who are in awe of Kushida?

Yato: Huh?

Kamuro: Since they arrived you don't take your eyes off her...

Yato: haha you noticed it...

She thought that I was looking at Kushida but in reality, I was looking at Ayanakoji... That's just would have been weird if I would have told her that I was looking at him... I just go with what she thinks...

I take a look at Kamuro and she was really pretty in her casual clothes... She starts to blush...

Kamuro: Hum... why are you looking at me when saying nothing..

Yato: Ehh nothing..

Yato: Well..look like we have to wait a little more before they go to the shop..

Kamuro:..yeah they ordered something to drink..



Yato: Hey what about Hashimoto, I haven't heard anything from him recently. How he's doing?

Kamuro: Fine l guess, he works a lot of his time for the class.

Yato: Ohh that's why. I imagine it's a good thing that's he wants to contribute to your class.

Kamuro: Well he works more for her than the class but yeah...

After they finish their drink, they left for the electronic store.

Yato: Okay let's go, remember.. be discreet.

Kamuro: l know how to follow someone without maing me notice.

Yato: Okay okay...

We enter the shops and I saw that they were in the back at the store with the technician who can fix the camera. I send Kamuro closer to them and she was calling me for I can hear what they were saying. After some time I notice that

the dude was really creepy and has a weird attitude...

Yato: hmm maybe...

I send a message to Kamuro

Yato: [ l'l be back in 10 minutes, wait for me outside ]

I leave the store and start looking for a particular store.

Yato: Oh this one should have what I want.

Mini Timeskip

Kamuro POV

Why did he leave?? Now Sakura and the other have left the store and I don't know where they went.

Kamuro: Should I have followed them??

He told me to wait for him outside the store after all. I will just do what he asked me.

Kamuro: It's been 15 minutes, what is he doing this idiot??

???: Hoi mate mate, I'm here now don't insult me...

Kamuro: Huh what?

There was a man with blond hair and with sunglasses who was talking to me.

Yato: Well if even you didn't recognize me at the first glaze it's going to work.

Kamuro: Wait Fukazawa?? Why did you go buy a wig, a mask, and sunglasses?

Yato: In absolute no case I should be recognized.

Yato: Wait here when I go in the shops, you too must not be seen.

Kamuro: Wait what are you going to do?

I didn't answer and go to the store. I prefer that she doesn't know what I'm about to do. I go to the technician.

Technician: Hello how can I help you today?

Yato: Well it's probably me who can help you today

Technician: Huh?

Yato: Shizuku... your a fan right?

Technician: OHHH yeah for sure! Shizuku-chan is my Idol!

Yato: Perfect that's going to be easy

Yato: I know a real fan when I see one and you're definitely one! Listen I have maybe some info on her, does that interest you?

Technician: YES YES YES

Yato: Haha good but lI want something in exchange.

Technician: Sure but what are the Infos you have on Shizuka-sama?

Yato: I can give you her address, you will be able to send her personal letters to her because you are her biggest fan right?

Technician: OMG yes want do you want??? please, please!!

Yato: First some info, how the school is paying their employees and the teachers?

Technician: Same as the students, we get points each month and our rent is paid by the school because we lived in the employees' dormitories.

Yato: Okay and how many points that the employees receive and how much for the teachers?

Technician: Hmm around 300k and 350k for the employees, for the teacher is between 500k and 600k because of some bonuses.

Yato: Okay good but before I tell you her address I want one last more thing, okay?

Technician: Okay sure what is it?

Yato: The earphone behind you, buy them for me and her address is yours.

Technician: Sure I buy them right now wait until l come back.

Yato: what a creepy dumbass...

I left the store and remove the wig and the mask off my head. Kamuro came to me.

Kamuro: Huh? Why are you smiling??

Yato: Huh? haha, I guess that because l'm lucky lately.

Kamuro: I imagine that you will not answer me if l ask you what happen in the store?

Yato: Haha you lean quickly, I like it!

Kamuro: Sighs... you're really annoying...

Yato: Maybe... Anyways what can I do for you?

After all, this is the second time that you help me, I can offer you something.

Kamuro: Humm I don't know yet. Let's start by doing some shopping.

Kamuro: Humm I don't know yet. Let's start by doing some shopping.

Yato: Fine, tell me how much It cost you and I will reimburse you.

Kamuro: No no no you come with me!

Yato: Huh?

She pulled me by the arm and force me to go with her to do shopping. And finally, I spent the rest of the day with Kamuro.


Yato POV :

The school day had just ended and the trial about the incident was going to start. Finally, Sakura had agreed to testify in the trial. From what I hear it was with the help of Ayanakoji, she's probably confiding to him about all this

and he convinced her to testify.

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun can I ask you a question?

When I was about to leave Hirata came to see me and ask me a question.

Yato: Yeah sure.

Hirata: Okay soo huh, you knew all along that Sakura-san was a witness right?

Yato: Ohhh why are you so sure of yourself about that?

Hirata: Well it's was your word when I asked you to come with us searching for a witness.

Hirata: You told me that 'sometimes we get lost trying to look too far' you knew all that time that the witness was close to us


Yato: Haha great you catch my hint, yeah I knew all along.

Hirata: But why did you not say anything?

Yato: Well for the class and for Sakura...

Hirata: Huh?

Yato: Well, look at the class now. They all cooperate for the first time. And for Sakura, it will be good for her to be able to communicate with a few people...

Hirata: Wow... hadn't seen things that way... Thanks, Fukazawa-kun, you are really a nice guy.

Yato: Haha well if you see me like that, thanks I guess.

Hirata: It just remains to see how the trial turns out.

Yato: Yeah...

Timeskip Evening

Yato POV

I was in my room reading a book until I receive a

notification on my phone. I open it and saw...

Ishizaki [ audio recording file ]

Ishizaki [What do you want now? ]