
1. How did I get here?

I opened my eyes. The last thing I remember was getting run over by a truck, but here I am now alive in some strange place surrounded by weird people. 

I'm greeted by a middle-aged man with a crown and a black beard. He welcomes me to the world of Clash Arena. 

This is one of the mobile game I played.

I must have died and reincarnated. I died a virgin.

I get beamed up and placed into an arena. I'm not human any more. I'm a pair of skeletons. Something compels me to head towards the tower in front of me. Then boom! a giant knight jumps on me. Everything goes black. Am I really dead again?

Some time passes, I get placed behind a pig rider. Now we are attacking it with an axe swinging lady. We kill it, and it turns into a giant purple cloud.

What's going on? I followed the lady to the tower. An archer is shooting at her. We make it to the tower. I hit it a couple of times, then a fireball rushes down on me. I blacked out again. Then I respawn and see skeletons that look exactly like me. Everyone is counting down. 5 4 3 2 1 I get placed back where I awoke the first time.

This time I get properly introduced to my team first. We have Ms. Lumberjack, who we have already met.

Then we have the digger. He digs through the arena. Then we have the bomb runner, who looks like me. And last of all, we have the princess. She is the daughter of the guy who runs the show. We also have stuff like spells and building. We chose a fireball, a fallen tree, and a lighting rod.

Apparently, I could join another team and work with them. But before I do that, I need to get way stronger. I guess it's off to the arena.