
Clash Of Supernatural

Does the supernatural world exist? High-school Elena Gomez wasn't even having this question until one day she wakes up and her entire life is entangled into it. It was fun at first, running around with the Alpha and the rising pack but little did the poor girl realize that was the beginning of an initiation into an unending conflict that have been rolling over for centuries of centuries. One in which the devil himself is involved in.....

Sammy36X · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Who's Tara Moon?

Silvia finished washing her face and twist off the tap.

She pushed open the door of the enclosed room in the restroom and stepped out to see tall dude standing at the main entrance with his back resting against the door.

No one could deny the fact that he was charming in the curled hair that covered one of his eyes.

"Your eyes no longer detect the f and e alphabet, do they?" She asked moving toward him.

"Female restroom, I saw that on the door, actually I wanted to see you"

"That's ridiculous, I don't know you"

"Yeah but I know you, you're a new student, Silvia Nicholas, right?"

"Yes, and I'm hot plus an unending attachment of breathtaking, you got your eyes on me and here you are to ask me out, kindly step out of my way, I got things to attend to"

He gasped trying to his shock.

"Actually, I'm Dave and you're right"

He chuckled gently but there was Silvia with a stern look.

"Step away, you're blocking my exit"

"Did you hear what I said at all?"

"Dave or whatever you call yourself, I got anger issues so spoiler alert, I'm going to beat you up so badly that that you're gonna hate yourself"

He smiled and pushed the curled hair that covered his left eyes.

"I just wanted to say you're pretty"

She tried to move to the left but he blocked her path.

"C'mon, I know you like me"

Without hesitating, she rammed a punch into his lips and grabbing him by the collar, threw him against the wall.

An unexplained anger could be seen written all around her eyes as she stepped out and banged the door closed.

She was moving down the hallway when she almost into the boy she met earlier.

"Hey, I've been searching everywhere for you" He announced.

"Do I know you?" She asked walking away.

"You said you like me"

She paused to be sure she had him pretty well.

"Not exactly but you like me right, I loved the way you grabbed me against the wall"

"I remembered asking you a question"

"Oh, you mean Elena Gomez, gosh, she's a popular girl in the school, broken, depressed and dumb"

Silvia tightened her fist as she looked straight into his eyes.

"Now that looks so mean" He stammered.


"In summary, she's the top one student who gets bullied like a piece of sh*t..."

Silvia didn't let him finish as she turned away immediately.

"Hey, Silvia Nicholas" He called following after her.

"I'm filled, I guess I'll take my leave now" Sarah said as she rose to her feet leaving one pancake on the tray.

Elena didn't reply as she stared blankly at her.

She walked away and almost bumped into Silvia who came in furiously through the entrance.

She halt to see her move to Elena who was rising to her feet already.

"So this is it?, you're getting bullied, that's the reason the behind your sadness" She blew hot.

"I've told you Silvia, stay away from me" She screamed angrily.

It was almost time for school closure and there was Silvia in the library tapping the chair she sat gently.

All she wanted was to get involved in whatever the poor girl wasn't going through but she seem not to need help.

As much as she tries to forget about her she just can't let go.

She sniffed gently like she was perceiving something and raised her head quickly to see Elena move into the library.

"I'm sorry for the way I scream at you, I wasn't myself" She apologized as she moved up to her.

"No, I was only trying to...."

"Help?, I heard what you did to Dave, you got anger issues?, you're gonna get yourself into troubles"

"I'm not scared of anyone, Elena Gomez"

"Here at Stardom High, you should be"

"Like they do to you, give me a list of name of everyone who bullies you down here"

Elena scoffed and raised her head up.

"Death list"

"Something more than that, I'm serious"

"I'm sorry Silvia but I can't let you get involved in my issues, I'm just sorry for screaming at you, I act off when I'm..."

"Confused and Scared..."

Elena rose her head in shock wondering how she knew.

"You don't need friends because you're scared they might get hurt too but you want friends"

Hearing this tears filled her eyes as she bite her lower lip.

"And you're not going to give me a list of those who depress your life but mark my words Elena, if I see anyone maltreating you, I'm gonna injure them so badly"

"I don't know how you understand me Silvia but I'm telling you, stay away from me, I don't want you"

"But not you're contemplating on if I'm a match for the people who do this, maybe I'm a baddass who takes action"

Elena sniffed and walked away leaving her in that spot.

She burst into tears as she walked down the stairs to her classroom.

Maybe everyone was right about her, she was dumb and confused about life.

She quickly composed herself and just as she pushed the door open the bell rung loudly.

Picking her bag from the chair, she turned to leave and there was Tara in front of her.


"Elena, your eyes are swollen, have you been crying?"

"No, I'm fine"

"You're not a good lier, did Sarah hurt you again?"

"What exactly do you want Tara? "

"I'm ready to be your friend now, I'll stand against Sarah and her people"

"I don't know what this is but there's a reason behind it, guess what?, I don't need your help anyone"

"You got Silvia, don't you?, she's going to go against the bully squad all alone" Tara told her and she turned.

"You don't know that, she's a kind person"

"Silvia is evil"


"I know it's crazy but you need to listen to me, she's not who you think she is"

"Where's all this coming from, Tara?"

"I appreciate the fact that you've been trying to be my friend but you can't slander her like that, you don't know her"

"I do, and that's why I'm telling you to stay from her or you'll become something else, she's a snake"

"Enough Tara, I get it that you're probably angry that I'm getting along with Silvia while I rejected us to be friends but I won't stand and listen to you, she's only trying to help and I don't even want it because I don't want her to get into troubles"

"Mark my words, Silvia will always get into troubles but she'll walk away a free girl, when she takes down the bully squad all by herself and Sarah becomes a trash in this school, you'll believe me"

"That's funny"

"Just remember what I've said Elena, Silvia will ruin Sarah's life and it will feel good, you'll be happy not until your life is ruined too" She touched her shoulder.

"I'm sorry but I gotta go, Tara, you're freaking me out, I'm sorry" She apologized and hurried away immediately.




Late into the night Silvia could be seen stepping out of a store with two nylon bags, both filled with provisions.

She halts in front of a Suzuki Gixxer 250 and she made to climb when she noticed the rear tyre was missing.

She looked around and bite her lower lip.

Someone must have loosed it out while she was in, who does that?

Her eyes were sharp to hear a noise and she turned to see a deflated tyre rolling towards her.

She caught it and on examining it closely she was furious to find out it was hers.

Silvia grinned and raised her head to see someone in a black hood moving toward her.

"That's the pain when you lose something precious," The feminine voice came and the hood was lifted revealing the face, it was Tara in a heavy markup.

She chuckled loudly and dropped it.

"Such an entrance, Tara Moon, I thought we were gonna keep pretending we don't know each other"

"Of course we don't, I hate you for what you did to my sister"

"I've told you it isn't my fault, my parents died too"

"But you didn't, you should have died instead"

"If you're trying to awaken my rage, Tara, I won't bulge, by the way you look beautiful, it's been a while"

"We ain't friend anymore Silvia, I'll have to remind you, you're nothing but an orphan"

"Watch your word, you little.." She cursed and her eyes turned red.

Tara scoffed and shook her head.

"You're an Alpha now, let me guess, you stole it, such a dangerous Silvia"

"You know I would appreciate it if we just keep pretending like we haven't met before"

"Of course, I just needed to tell you something, stay away from Elena Gomez, I'm not gonna sit and watch you ruin her life or worst get her killed"

"Wow!, I was expecting death threat but you amazed me"

"I'm not you, Silvia Nicholas"

"You know it's funny, I decide to pick one human and coincidentally you want her too"

"I just want the poor girl to be safe, she has suffered enough"

"And what did you do?, Sit and watch what they did to her when you can do something"

"You mean burn them alive like you always motivate me to do to humans "

"I choose not to rage at you because all you're doing is out of anger and we're both mourning the loss of our loved ones, we're both orphans"

"Correction, you're the homeless orphan, I still have my mother" She cursed.

Silvia drew close and whispered into her ear.

"Or poor Tara, we both know she's a first class locked up psychic"

Tara gripped her speedily toward the wall and yellow sparkle could be seen in her eyes.

"Don't dare mention my mother or I'll kill you, we both know I can" She said with tears in her eyes.

Silvia broke from her grip and dropped her bags.

"A good reason you should join me, channel the anger to the main factor"

"I'll never be a part of you Silvia, ever, so I'm warning you, don't dare ruin the life of Elena Gomez or I'll come for you"

She sniffed and walked away but halt mid way when Silvia spoke.

"I'm here to take vengeance for what they did to our family"

Tara turned slowly and the tears flowing down her eyes could be seen.

" We were never a Nicholas, Devina would never listen, always the supergirl and now she's dead, it wasn't the hunters fault, it was yours, you lead her to her death and walked away alive, you know what, just kill me so I can join her at the other side"

"I didn't know there was a battle... Tara..."

"I don't wanna listen to any of your lies Silvia, I'm telling you this not because I care about you, it's your poor sister, Maggie, I saw her today roaming around the school, good thing you wolves can't pick our scent, ever since the defeat of the pack, no wolf walks into stardom and leaves alive, I guess you've heard the rumors already, the hunters are gonna find you and they're gonna kill you, leave with your sister before it becomes late, Goodnight, Killer "

Silvia watched her wore her hood and vanished into the darkness of the night.