
Clash Of Games

"Welcome to THE WORLD OF GAMES." "This is the place where dreams and imagination will intertwine. The reality from which you've escaped no longer exists, and now, you've arrived at your most cherished game of all. This will become your new life, where dreams will be forged, and memories will be created, alongside your fellow gamers. Here, this will be your reality..... Clash of Realms? Players BattleGround? Royale Impact? Call of Wars? or even SkenderMan? " In this realm of boundless potential, I stand resolute, my heart swelled with pride. Here, I grasp the extraordinary, for I believe that everything is within my reach. With unwavering resolve, I'll seize it all and leave an indelible mark on this world because I will begin the REVOLUTION."

Joshuaroyales · Games
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Chapter 2: Clan Fortress

"Three, two, one..." The ominous countdown marked the onset of the impending assault. A surge of anxiety coursed through me as I watched the attack unfold—a fearsome dragon assault. The unknown player, Throke, wasted no time, expertly unleashing lightning spells upon my air defenses.

In that heart-pounding moment, a grim realization settled in. I was all too familiar with this tactic. Once those lightning strikes had their devastating effect, only two air defenses would remain standing. Where those defenses once stood would soon become the focal point of the dragon onslaught.

With a surge of urgency, I raced down the stairs to the second floor, where many townies had taken refuge in the castle hall. To my astonishment, the first floor, typically reserved for residents and daily activities, was now a bustling hub of activity. Soldiers, wizards, heavy knights, and vikings, once mere game pieces, had sprung to life, ready to defend our stronghold.

I couldn't help but marvel at the intricacies of this new reality. It seemed that this was where our troops resided when our realm came under attack. But my reverie was short-lived, for the situation downstairs demanded my immediate attention.

As I descended to the first floor, a scene of chaos greeted me. Half of our buildings lay in ruins, the aftermath of the merciless dragon assault. One last air defense structure stood resolute, the sole barrier against five remaining dragons, their fiery might ready to unleash devastation upon our stronghold. Time was of the essence, and I needed to act swiftly to salvage our defenses.

I urgently called upon the soldiers to defend our besieged town, but to my dismay, they remained paralyzed by confusion, much like the bewildered townie woman I had encountered earlier. No matter how hard I tried to rally them into action, my words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Then, a spark of realization ignited within me. This wasn't a conventional game interface; it wasn't designed for player-controlled troop commands. In this realm, when attackers targeted our base, only the reinforcement troops housed within the Clan Fortress would respond.

My thoughts raced as I remembered the Clan Fortress—a bastion of strength and hope in this dire moment. It held the key to our defense, and I knew I had to act swiftly to bolster our forces.

The Clan Fortress, a stronghold where our soldiers and reinforcements found their residence and purpose, lay not far within the castle hall. A sturdy, protective wall encircled the fortress, forming a barrier between it and the castle hall.

In this critical moment, with our last air defense destroyed, I had no choice but to consider unconventional tactics. My memory flashed back to the villagers and troops in the game—how they leaped over obstacles with astounding agility. A daring plan formed in my mind.

My castle hall occupied the opposite side of this vast area, and there was a significant distance to traverse. I steeled myself and took a leap of faith, jumping higher than I ever thought possible. To my astonishment, I soared far above the imposing wall, my heart pounding as I landed safely within the protective walls of the Clan Fortress.