
Clash of Dimensions: ALTER

My life and yours now bound as one. Soul bound, Soul made. Life for life, blood for blood. I will defend you, your shield, And She will slay for you the sword.

KowloonFox11 · Teen
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4 Chs


I lost.

I knew I was going to lose, so why?

"Why did you waste years of your life, over a Simple dream?" I wandered in the dark.

A single destination I did not choose.

My only exit, is someone who is trapped in their own mind.

At least that's what the demon told me. She's obnoxious, she's rude, and she's obsessed with the young girl in the centre.

Someone who knows me only in the eyes of fiction, yet sees me as a companion, a real entity.

She created the demon tethered to me, all from a means of fiction, a story forgotten, just like me.

"What do you seek?" She asks monotonous.

"Escape," I respond, she doesn't move, or speak.

She's shaking, her right hand reaches up to us.

I then hear voices.




"Promise me you'll come back, even if you don't remember, conspire against the universe's masters, only then will the three of us become whole again," she held out her pinky.

"Fine, I'll help you you miserable idiot," I feel my voice shift. It's odd. A demon sharing a body with a dead man, to keep it moving in a world that isn't real. Oh well. It was bound to happen.

With that. I exit to the other side, "end log"