
Clash Of Clan: The Exiled Prince

In the mystical realm of Axion, Leon finds himself reborn as a prince with an extraordinary ability – a system that allows him to summon troops and buildings from the legendary world of Clash of Clans. However, there's a twist to his royal destiny – he is a bastard prince, born on the fringes of the kingdom's legitimacy. As he navigates the intricacies of court politics and royal life, our reincarnated protagonist discovers that destiny has a unique plan for him. At his coming of age, he is granted an unexpected boon – a title of a baron and a fief. Armed with his newfound status and the power to summon armies and structures from a digital realm, the once-disregarded prince must now forge his own path to power. With the clash of medieval and digital worlds, he faces challenges both on the battlefield and within the court, striving to rise above his origins and prove that a bastard prince can become a legendary ruler. Amidst battles, political intrigue, and strategic warfare, Leon aims to transform his fief into a thriving domain, blending the tactics of Clash of Clans with the complexities of medieval governance. The clash of two worlds sets the stage for an epic tale of redemption, ambition, and the unyielding spirit of a prince determined to leave an indelible mark on the kingdom.

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28 Chs


Leon saw the 15 knights get onto their horses, scale the clearing, and charge straight to the Ruins.

Carlos, the captain of the 15 knights, spurred his warhorse, leading the charge towards the ruins.

The hard horseshoes pounded heavily on the ground, kicking up a lot of dust in the process, which swooped about like a gale. The lances were thrust forward without mercy before the goblinas at the Ruins knew what was going on.

The tips of the lances pierced one baffled goblins after another.

Blood was spilled, yet none of the 15 kingdom knights had any intentions of putting down their lances.

They gritted their teeth as they held their lances up, continuing to skewer the goblins like kebabs as they charged deeper into the tribe.

They knew what they had to do. They had to cause chaos of great magnitude.

"Our turn now!"

Leon shouted excitedly and raised the sword in his hand. He headed out with great strides.

The 30 Barbarian held swords and axes followed right behind him.

The 40 goblin skeletons followed at the flank with their spiked clubs in hand.

They were moving fairly quickly. It was almost as if they were sprinting. The murderous intent in their eyes was unmistakable. They were all determined to take the Ruins, which would be their lord's fief and their home from then on out.

"For the Kingdom of Cailux!"

Carlos and the 15 knights gritted their teeth as they charged deeper into the tribe.

By then, their lances were broken, but they quickly switched to the longswords at their sides and swung hard at the goblins, which seemed to have emerged out of nowhere.

The ambush was surprisingly successful.

The goblins had no idea whatsoever that they would soon be attacked. The chaos quickly spread to the outer fringes of the goblins Tribe's camp. With their green eyes open wide, most of the goblins simply stood there, staring in confusion.

It would have been difficult for them to even get a good look at the invading enemy.

Whenever they heard shrieks from the west, they turned around and quickly found the evening sun above them shining straight into their eyes. It prevented them from opening their eyes.

Gallop, gallop, gallop, gallop...

The galloping noises of the horses grew increasingly closer. When the goblins finally saw their enemy, they found one human knight after another looming over them.

By then, it was too late.

Carlos led his knights, who were swinging their swords into the Goblins.

Blood was seen splattering everywhere.

The goblins, who had long, pointy nose and have a green skin, finally began to crumble. Fear was seen all over their ugly faces.

"Maintain formation. Come with me!"

Swinging noises were heard as Leon killed goblins one after another.

Leon face remained cold as he deeply set his gaze onto the goblin Tribe. Carlos and 15 knights of the kingdom were still swinging their swords in a frenzy. They continued to cause panic among the goblins and spread the stench of blood and death.

"Keep charging!"

Leon pointed his sword at the ruined castled and led the charge forward with 30 barbarian behind him and 32 skeletons, the 8 skeletons was destroyed when they were killing some goblins that want to escape.

The Goblin Tribe, which by then was thrown into complete chaos, was utterly unable to retaliate effectively. That enabled Leon and his men to move even quicker.

Shrieks from countless downed Goblins were heard everywhere.

The goblins scattered all over the place.

The old, the young, and those in their prime were all running and cowering in fear.

They were up against knights that had appeared out of nowhere.

They also faced Barbarians that are holding swords and axes.

The goblins minds were quickly flooded with all those memories from 10 years ago.

That had been a complete slaughter carried out by the Kingdom of Cailux.

Those memories were horrifying night terrors that continued to haunt the goblins until the present day.

The memories were so horrifying that, even at present, the goblins who had survived the slaughter dared not continue to resist.

"Leave none of them alive. We do not need prisoners."

Leon's voice was heard throughout the Ruins, which, at the same time, sealed the horrible fates of the goblins.

The knights continued to pursue the goblins who had escape to the ruined castle seeking shelter into it wall.

As the battle reached the heart of the fortress, Carlos, at the forefront, spotted a wooden cage with three humans bound within.

Intent on freeing the captives, Carlos signaled his knights to join him when, without warning, a fiery explosion erupted. A magical fireball struck the knights, injuring some and enveloping the area in smoke.

Cough, cough~

Miraculously unscathed, Carlos cough as he stood as a blue aura was protecting him.

Amidst the haze, Leon surveyed the chaotic scene. His attention turned to the castle doors, where a goblin adorned with fangs and wielding a scepter stood. Leon's frown deepened as he recognized the goblin.

"A goblin shaman huh, no wonder they've thrived despite the pranic beast," Leon grimly remarked as he eyed the goblin when--


Leon's eyes widened at the sudden blur that streaked out of the castle doors. Before he could comprehend what was happening, a monstrous entity emerged a creature with green skin, brown fur, tusks, and pointed ears – a bizarre hybrid resembling a bear and a goblin, standing tall at 6.9 feet.

In an instant, the creature lunged towards Carlos with astonishing speed and force. The captain of the knights, caught off guard, found himself at the mercy of the creature. With a thunderous slam, the hybrid collided with Carlos, sending him hurtling through the air.

Leon, witnessing the brutal spectacle was in disbelief. The goblin bear's sheer strength was staggering, and the impact sent shockwaves through the battleground. Carlos, now airborne, twisted in a chaotic arc before crashing to the ground.


As the dust settled, the hybrid creature stood triumphantly, a menacing presence amidst the ruins.

"What the hell is that?" Leon exclaimed in shock and bewilderment, his gaze fixed on the enigmatic creature that had emerged from the depths of the ruined castle.

"Appraisal" Leon muttered as he looked at the creature.

[Goblin Bear]

[Tier 3 Awakened]

[The Goblin Bear is a Hybrid of a goblin and a grizzly bear. The goblins had hunted down female grizzly bears in the passing years to gave the tribe an offspring with strong body that can compare with the Orcs and Ogres. Goblin Bear inherit all the advantages of the grizzly bears but it has the genes of goblin, and has many appearance characteristics of goblin. They are loyal, honest, and dutiful, and follow the orders of goblins much smaller than them.]


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