
Clash of CEOs: Miss, I Like You!

They say that opposite attracts because the other seems new and exciting. Yes, someone can attest to that. It is actually what Selene Hoffman feels when she met that always serious, complicated, and meanie CEO of Coanco Companies, Evie Coanco, in the training of future and aspiring CEOs. Selene is a new and aspiring trainee, an inexperienced but determined and skilled trainee who is driven by her desire to lead a business. While Evie Coanco excelled in all that she does. A secure, and future heiress of her company, and a minion of her father. What would happen if one day... Evie's peaceful life just drastically changed when this irritating person named Selene just confessed to her out of nowhere. "Miss Evie, I like you!"

HeartHearth · LGBT+
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5 Chs


The day had come and it was finally time for me to fully embark on this journey. That sounded very cringey, but I was very excited that I couldn't sleep last night. It was Monday, and we were expected to be at the Produce Company at seven in the morning, which was why only five in the morning, I was already preparing and going through my things.

I was waiting for Isabel to pick me up and drop me off at the company. Since I didn't have a car and she basically got her license earlier than me, she volunteered to drop me off as the best support she could give me.

While waiting for her, my phone rang. It was a video call from my mother. I immediately answered it with an excited smile. "Mommy!"

"My baby!" my mother greeted sweetly which caused me to smile widely. My mom's voice and smiling face had never failed to comfort me. "Are you ready now? Have you organized all the things you need to bring? Say hi to your dad."

The camera panned to my father who was still sleeping. Since it was still early, and my parents were basically working from day to night, they were usually tired. We have our own company, and even if I could train under them and inherit their companies, I requested to build my own company from scratch.

They didn't have a problem with that, they were even supportive. They were happy for me when I told them that I passed the Produce Company's new training program and would become a trainee.

"I'm already prepared now. I'm just waiting for Isabel and I'm off to go. Do you have any advice for me?"

"Well, just do your best. If you really want to be a CEO, then you must have determination. It's not easy, and you will have to go through a lot so just always be prepared and have a creative, innovative mind."

"I'll take that in mind, mom! Take care of yourself, okay? I miss you two so much."

"Of course, our baby. We miss you, too. Don't forget that when you need help, we're always here for you. Take care of yourself, too, hmm?"

I smiled, but there was a squeeze in my chest. My mom's voice was always sweet, and I missed hearing it in person. I became independent as soon as I entered college, and I could only meet them on weekends or when I wasn't busy at that time.

Then I immediately ventured into my business as soon as I graduated and I became busier, plus they were busy as well so I couldn't meet them unless it was them who scheduled it or it was dinner time and they were both there.

Even with our busy schedule, they never once became lacking in showing that they loved me. They often contacted me and reminded me to eat meals. They were also always available when I call them. They were still the best parents.

I heard the honking of Isabel's car outside so I bid them goodbye. I had two m much, but mostly they were business attire.

I was wearing a blue blouse tucked into white pants. Isabel commented that I looked very formal though simple, she wasn't used to seeing me like this because I was always good at dressing myself up, but I wasn't trying to impress right now and look pretty, I want to look smart.

I was kind of nervous, but mostly it was excitement that was in my chest. My dream was already in front of me, and I would never let anyone steal it or ruin it.

It was just an hour and a half drive from my apartment before we arrived at Produce Company. Isabel helped me bring my things down but also immediately bid goodbye as she also had work to do.

As soon as she left, another car came and stopped right beside her. It wasn't just a simple car, it was an expensive black Mercedes-Benz, probably the latest model. Everyone who was just about to enter the building stopped and looked at the car, waiting for the person who would come out.

It was heavily tinted so even when I tried to peek inside, I couldn't see who was driving. Soon enough, the door opened, and a bodyguard came out and jogged to the other side. What's this? Why do I feel like I'm watching a movie where the protagonist would come out?

Well, maybe I wasn't that wrong at all.

It wasn't just a protagonist. It was a goddess who came out of the car and graced the whole place with colorful flowers, slow motion, dramatic air, and background music.

Or... was it just me? Certainly.

Evie came out of the car with her usual cold and dark aura. She was wearing a black back open top, a long black skirt that flowed until her legs, partnered with a pair of black boots. Her clothes accentuated her curves and elegance, but it also matched her aura.

"What are you staring at, creep?"

I snapped from too much staring at her beauty and realized that she was already in front of me. Her perfectly trimmed brow was arched as she was sharply staring at me, but I wasn't perturbed at all. If anything, I even felt the blood rush to my cheeks because of how she looked at me and gave me her attention.

"Good morning, Miss Evie!" I greeted, a wide smile on my face as I stepped toward her but she raised her hand, stopping me from moving further toward her.

"There's nothing good in the morning if you'll welcome me, creep," she replied, rolling her eyes and frowning, but even when she was frowning, she still looked ethereal, though she became more unapproachable and intimidating without a calm on her face.

But I would never be intimidated. I mean, she's beautiful, but so was I. We're perfectly fit for each other, maybe as friends for now.

"But my day is already complete now that I saw you."

"Are you crazy!?"

"No. Are you?"

"Argh! Early in the morning and I'm stressed!"

She walked past with stomping feet, but when she realized that there were other people looking at her, she immediately changed and returned to her stern expression. What a cutie, really.

A woman around twenty-five years old also walked past me, she met my eyes and even bowed slightly with a shy smile. She also came from the same car as Evie and was pulling two suitcases which Evie probably owned.

I didn't know what her relationship was with Evie but she looked kind and harmless.

I also went inside. The people that I saw last time in the orientation were coming one by one with their suitcases and confidence. I was really thankful that Isabel brought me here with her car because almost everyone was brought there with their cars and their own drivers, probably I was the only one who had no car.

I went to the elevator along with four others. Three of them seemed to be regular employees of the company while the other one was a girl who also had a suitcase like me.

I smiled at her when our eyes met. "Hi, you're a trainee, too, right?"

She looked surprised when I approached her. She looked shy by how she was just standing at the edge of the elevator and was trying to be as little as she could. But mostly I was the nightmare of these introverts, I always approached them first and oftentimes drained them with how I was very talkative. Isabel told me that since I did that to her the first time we met.

"Y-yes," she replied shyly, not meeting my eyes.

"Great! I'm Selene, may I know your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Amanda! What's your product?"

"Uh... Expensive jewelry."

It wouldn't hurt if I were friends with a few of them. Who knows if it would be an advantage to me if I were friends with these future CEOs? At least I would have connections if I would be unfortunately eliminated here.

But Amanda seemed to not be the type who needed someone like me. Apparently, Amanda was the daughter of a business tycoon who owned multiple jewelry shops around the world. The moment I realized that I was silent and rethink my decision. It seemed actually that she didn't need the likes of me. What could she get from a desperate CEO who couldn't almost get in?

I arrived on the fourth floor ten minutes before seven. The other trainees were also there already, holding their own things. I walked to the front and greeted a short 'good morning' to everyone including Jeremiah who was looking at his watch. He looked up and stared at me for a second and went back to what he was doing.

"Hi, Miss Evie!" I stood beside Evie who immediately looked annoyed just by seeing me. She didn't answer and just scooted a step away.

"Are we all here?"

We were huddled up on one floor where there were rooms and desks like a normal office. It was a huge place, and there were also about three more doors with closed doors so I couldn't see what was inside, but from the tags that were hanging on the door, they were for CEOs. But weren't we all future CEOs?

"I think so, sir. We are future CEOs, and CEOs are never late especially when it comes to grabbing opportunities."

Everyone looked at that one guy who was smiling so widely and was obviously very enthusiastic about answering. He was like my classmate back in college who always sought our teacher's favor every time and ended up being a teacher's pet. So this was how he was going to play? Very clever.

Jeremiah didn't seem pleased, though. He was someone who was not easily pleased, I figured. "The answer is yes or no only. I want straight answers, not flowery words. Also, I observed that no one had greeted me when they came in aside from this girl. I don't want disrespectful CEOs in this company. Do you understand?"

Everyone answered a small 'yes' while I was proud when Jeremiah pointed at me. It was just natural for me to greet everyone. I'm off to a good start!

"Before anything else, I welcome all of you to Produce Company's Clash of CEOs." He said it without any enthusiasm or single warmth. It was just plain, or even scary. "It will never be easy for all of you. All of you will go home crying either because of happiness or sadness. Prepare yourself for the decision you have chosen. "

I don't know but when he said that I felt more fired up than scared. This was my first time and hopefully last time, and I wouldn't waste this chance.