
Clash of CEOs: Miss, I Like You!

They say that opposite attracts because the other seems new and exciting. Yes, someone can attest to that. It is actually what Selene Hoffman feels when she met that always serious, complicated, and meanie CEO of Coanco Companies, Evie Coanco, in the training of future and aspiring CEOs. Selene is a new and aspiring trainee, an inexperienced but determined and skilled trainee who is driven by her desire to lead a business. While Evie Coanco excelled in all that she does. A secure, and future heiress of her company, and a minion of her father. What would happen if one day... Evie's peaceful life just drastically changed when this irritating person named Selene just confessed to her out of nowhere. "Miss Evie, I like you!"

HeartHearth · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Produce Company

"Selene! Oh, my gosh! Where are you!?"

I almost jumped in surprise at the sudden voice that rang through my silent room. "Here!"

I took out my reading glasses from perching on my nose which was frequently sliding down as I stretched my neck first. I was in the middle of organizing the orders of my small business and entertaining orders that needed to be delivered. I have been in front of my computer for about three hours, and even when my neck and eyes were begging for a rest, my mind couldn't. I have to work hard for the work of my business.

The door of my room flung open a little harder, making me wince. Seriously, can't she open a door softly and with care? Every part of my house is precious. Even when it was only an apartment size, I built it using my own money.


I turned the swivel chair and crossed my arms at her. "I can hear you clearly, Isabel. What is it?"

Isabel, my best friend since college, was still panting and catching her breath. Well, running from the door to her room on the second floor, was really tiring. I waited for her to regain her strength before breaking the news, "Produce Company..."

My eyes widened, and my ears perked. Those two words were enough to pique my interest. I have been following up and waiting for any announcement from the Produce Company. They were known for conducting training for business-minded people, and most of the time, the great CEOs who excelled in the business world came from them.

I wished to be one of those people to be trained by them. It will be a good opportunity for her business as well as herself to learn a lot from them. Also, from what she had heard, they actually give monetary gifts, exclusive advertisements, as well as partnership contracts. Almost all of the people that she followed in business were products of the Produce Company.

"What? What about them?" she asked excitedly.

Isabel looked as excited as her. "Produce Company is conducting exclusive training for CEOs again. You just have to apply, a one-minute video introduction of yourself, and another for your business. Check their page now, go!"

She turned my chair back to my computer, so I did what she asked me. I was nervous but also excited. Isabel knew a lot about my dream and my desire to enter the Produce Company, and she was very supportive of her because, as she said with a lot of exclamation, 'You have great potential! I can see you leading a company and growing it to the top! Selene! I'm sure you're going to make it!'

That was why Isabel looked even more excited when she heard about this new launching program of the company because I could finally have my shots.

I checked the page and found a banner that advertised the new program, which they named Clash of CEOs. I read through the details with Isabel also reading with her even though she had probably read it as well. The requirements being asked were simple: proof of business permit, social media page, the introduction of self and business, money earned monthly, and lastly, the pre-filled out forms.

I have no problems with all of those. My online business, Daily Fashion, could have a shot at this. Even when my business was small and I didn't have a store but my computer, it was going well. I earned enough money to support my living necessities. I also have thousands of followers on my page, and I have a lot of people to attest that my business was legitimate.

"Try it, Selene! I'm sure you'll get accepted. Your business will grow and your brand will be known. This is your time!"

I smiled at Isabel. "Yeah. I will definitely try my luck in this. I hope the website won't crash though."

My goal in my business was to be known around the world, while my goal for myself was to be one of those successful CEOs. I could work on that myself, but it would take a long time, and I was aware that I still had to know a lot of things about handling a business. So, to be able to resolve those two birds with one stone, I found Produce Company as the answer.

I immediately worked on the requirements that night. The deadline was tomorrow. Since there were a lot of people waiting like me, even when they would open the application for one day, they would still receive a hundred applications, but there was only a limited slot so I had to be one of the first.

With Isabel's help, I was able to make a video and pass it that night as well. I feel jittery and excited knowing that I was taking one step toward my goal of becoming a CEO for real, and with employees.

I had to do good. I knew it wouldn't be easy but I would never give up! I just hope that I will be accepted in their pre-evaluation.

And it was heard! The next morning, as soon as I checked my phone, there was an email notification from an unknown sender.

From: clashofceo@producecomp.com

To: greatestpower45, seihohaspirant7, eviecoanco, selenehoffman...v

Subject: COC Evaluation Result

Good day, Mr/Ms,

Congratulations! We would like to inform you that you have passed the initial evaluation of Produce Company's new training program, Clash of CEOs. To take a step forward, please bring your product and present it to judges on the fifth of the month for another evaluation.

We look forward to having you here! Thrive, future CEOs!


Produce Company

I read the email over and over again. I didn't know receiving a congratulatory email could bring this much elation. I passed the evaluation, and if I pass another one on Monday, then that means that I will be a trainee in the program.

But here comes another problem. "What would I present to them? Ugh."

I scrolled through my phone's gallery while lying down and tried looking up what I should present. Now that I think about it, I don't really have innovative products. All of the products that I made were already made before. I just had some designs of my own, but there was nothing new. The clothes that I sold were merely famous because of their designs but not because it was new and fashionable.

But on the other side, my business wasn't really about making new fashions or starting a trendy fashion. It was only about helping my buyers with what they should wear on occasion using the clothes that I designed myself at affordable prices. It started when my friends always asked me to help them with what they should wear, so I said to myself, why not make a living out of it?

I stopped scrolling when I saw this set of clothes that caught my attention. An idea popped up in my head as I stared at it. Then I smiled as I noted what I should do.

"Do well, Selene. You look so gorgeous!" Isabel twirled me as I presented myself to her. I chuckled at our antics when I was just in front of the company and an hour away from presenting my products.

Isabel drove me to the Produce Company for the last evaluation. This would determine whether I pass or not and would continue to be a trainee. We would know immediately if we pass their evaluation since there would be an orientation in the afternoon for those who passed.

"Wish me luck. I can do this," I said, trying to gather all the confidence around me.

"I know you can. Go, now." Isabel pushed me to the entrance.

I smiled at her and waved my hand. The Produce Company's building was actually huge and posh. There were also a lot of people in corporate attire going in and out of it.

"Good morning, Madam. What business do we have here?" The guard greeted me formally, smiling cordially at me. I saw his eyes run through my body quickly before he smiled again.

"I am an aspiring trainee for Clash of CEOs. I was asked to bring my product today," I answered, smiling back at him.

He was stunned for a moment. Well, this reaction wasn't really new to me, especially when I dressed up and put on light makeup. I was quite attractive. I know it myself. My skin was light, and some even dubbed me a goddess because of my beautiful and flawless complexion and my cute face.

But my appearance had completely leveled up because of the dress that I chose to wear. Yes, I wore one of my products and chose to model it myself instead of just simply presenting it. I chose the sleek-chic style that I knew fitted me the best. It was an alabaster white bodycon dress with a spaghetti strap, so my white shoulders were out, and my cleavage was slightly peeking. But just enough not to make people stare or make me uncomfortable.

I also partnered it with a white stiletto heel, and a branded handbag. This was what my business was like; I style other people just like how I style myself. I was known for being quite fashionable, and I was using that to help and earn.

"Oh, I thought you were already part of our company. Of course, come in." The guard smiled at me and let me in, completely bewitched by my beauty. I'm not bragging. Just telling the truth.

I was told to go to the tenth floor, where the evaluation was currently happening. And even until inside the building and in the elevator, they were looking at me and my dress. Yes, this was how I advertised myself and my business. I was quite a model figure.

However, as every floor passed by, the elevator kept getting more and more crowded, and I was pushed to the back. It was tight inside. I could even feel a soft body behind me, while someone was also pressed on either of my sides. Probably we have already reached the limit of people that should be in an elevator. There were just a lot of people inside the company, and they were all busy.

From what I heard, training happened here, and everyone was given a space to work. They would get to experience having their own office and really handling businesses in real time. Like on-the-job training, but this was a postgraduate kind of OJT.


Goosebumps and chills coursed through my back when I heard that cold and low voice, and I felt a breath hit the shell of my ear as that one word ordered me. I flinched as I tried so hard not to let out an embarrassing whimper.

The voice was cold but delicate, coming from a woman whose front I was probably resting my back on. My senses suddenly became strong. I smelled the expensive sandalwood fragrance perfume that shortly gave me comfort and almost seduced me into closing my eyes and savoring the scent.

I could also feel a pair of hands on my waist, probably stopping me from moving further to the back. Her long nails were buried into my waist softly and I was almost turned on. What is this...

I looked over my shoulder slowly and met those brown, cold, and sharp eyes staring down at me. I was stunned. This girl was stunning... or beyond more. I felt my heart pound fast and blood just naturally rushed down my cheeks. This woman's effect was intense. She hadn't even done or said anything else.

She was two inches taller than me and we were both wearing heels. She had such beautiful facial features even when observed this close. I couldn't believe this kind of person existed or was she even a human? She was more like a goddess!

However, her hold on my waist became painful, and the next thing I knew, she already pushed me away from her as she shouted,

"I said move!"
