
Clannad - Kotomi Route

The entire route was, of course, fun and heartwarming, watching Tomoya work his way into Kotomi's life and helping her live life to the fullest, while she simultaneously did the same for him without either of them seeming to realize it was so well done. Tomoya's growth in this route was especially amazing to see, from being a delinquent there by chance, to being a truant to see her, to showing up to all his classes for her, all the way to spending three entire days working tirelessly to fix the yard of their memories, was so well done.

loliconist · Realistic
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24 Chs

CHAPTER FORTHEEN – No matter what….

"I guess I`ll go to the shopping district first... Then I`ll head over to Sunohara`s room when the sun sets." I`ll do the usual pattern as always.


I was standing in the dormitory`s corridor... Do do do do do... the ground shakes again.


"Move it!" The rugby players push me aside as they run pass me.


"Hey----!" Chasing after them was Misae-san, she was one step late again. The guys have already taken shelter in their rooms.


"Geez, these guys... Picking their food and leaving only the side dishes they don`t like... Ah! They shouldn`t act like grade schoolers who went to some unknown house to eat… Anyway, cooking isn`t my strong point...I guess I don`t have any choice... Sigh..." She scratches her head and retraces her path.


"Somehow, Misae-san looks like she`s getting older day by day."


"Well... that`s because she gets accompanied by the people here." Sunohara turns his eyes to some manga as he answers.


"Wouldn`t she quit if this continues?"


"Ehh... that would be a problem!"


"I wouldn`t be able to see her in a sexy outfit during the summertime."


"Well, that sure is a big problem."


"And also, she does the cooking and laundry as well."


"Those two things are the next thing she`ll do now, right?"


"But, somehow, she`s been here for so long now."


"That`s right. She was already here when we entered school."


"How old is she?"


"It looks like she came back here at once after spending time at some junior college for two years, so eighteen plus two... Well, that would mean she`s just twenty years old. Whew, so young!"


"That sort of calculation doesn`t have the years of her being the landlady here, right?"


"Yeah, you`re right. And I don`t think she`d be twenty with those breasts. Well, at least it would mean we must add another 3 years... So, she must be between 23 to 99 years old."


"Just about, huh... To begin with, where the hell did this MAX of 99 come from?"




"I thought so."


"Is it better if it comes from the HP limit instead?"


"If so, it would be between 23 to 9999 years old."


"Uh, level`s fine..."


"But, though she looks young, you wouldn`t know how old she really is unless you ask."


"Looking at her face, you can tell that she`s no older than 30, right?"


"And also, even you wouldn`t enjoy the possibility of seeing a 99-year-old person in a sexy outfit, right?"


"You sure said it. All right, it`s twenty-three then."


"But didn`t she graduate from junior college? I somehow feel sorry that she ended up here taking care of all the sweat guys." 


"There must be some sort of reason."


"What kind of reason?"


"Like our school`s principal has gotten a hold of her weakness?"


"`Manage the dorm... if you don`t...you`ll be having `Boing-chan` as your nickname... Hahah!", something Sunohara like that.


"That`s some intimidating power."


"Indeed. Well, the only thing we can do is imagine. Do you want to ask her personally?"


"I`m not really that interested."


"Is that so. Well, it`d be nice if I get to see her in a sexy outfit." Sunohara said that and goes back to the manga he was reading. I started looking for a magazine myself as well.