
Clan wars! I'm gonna take my clan to the top with [Bounty Hunter]!

My dad didn't leave me any money, the house deed, the car, or anything valuable in his will. Just a chest and the key to open it. Now, in less than two days, I find myself tangled in a huge conspiracy to overthrow an ancient clan I owe my life and servitude to, by any means necessary. And to make it worse, it’s happening in a bizarre replica of the top RPG MMO game! It’s only been 2 days, and I’ve got more responsibility in these 20 minutes than I’ve ever had in my whole life. But I'm not backing down for anything! We're gonna be the best clan, we're gonna be number one!

GranPecador · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Ceremony

Speakers, hidden in every room and corner of the party, interrupted the music and broadcasted a message— We will soon begin the plane shift. Sit down and enjoy the experience. We are not responsible for those who do not follow instructions. —the annoying blonde guy sat down, and soon those who were left without a place to sit began to hold onto anything they could, just in case.

The lights started flickering, and things seemed to blink in and out of existence, including people and their consciousnesses. After a few seconds, only the most experienced or strongest managed to stay conscious. They saw how things gradually changed in shape and reality. The sensation of regaining consciousness is like being drowsy; once fully awake, the eyes cannot adjust to the light properly, and everything is black. The feeling of regaining sight and crossing from one plane to another is like getting tangled in a giant, hot spider web. It's not uncommon for some people to faint from this sensation because the body's strength isn't enough to run and scream; otherwise, they would.

Kane, despite being strong and a wizard, couldn't stay conscious. He was the first to regain his senses properly, at least most of them, and just seconds later he partially regained his hearing. But once everyone had regained their senses, or at least enough to understand orders, Kane began a moving speech that Lacasa and Levi missed. Their deafness had passed, but it returned a bit after the oration began, too late to interrupt. Soon, however, Lacasa recovered part of it.

— So don't freak out, bro, it's totally normal not to know what your passive ability is; you'll discover it over time and level up. Bros, don't confuse raising your stats with leveling up. This must be ultra clear, bro, or I'll get fired. Repeat after me, yes, like little kids. Leveling up… —the crowd repeats with him, in unison— Gives me points to raise or gain —the repetition gets a bit messy— abilities, my passive or an active one of my choice —almost nobody survived to this point, everything was disorganized and poorly coordinated, with people deliberately distracting and misleading others.

"Y'all a disaster," thought Kane, faking a smile, although no one could see it, and he knew it— Excellent! —he lied— we'll discuss the rest later, now you'll hear a great welcome speech for everyone, pay attention to the prizes.

By this time, everyone was fine. Making them repeat things was a holy remedy to cure their deafness and dizziness. Many people finally realized they were indeed in another plane. Looking around with now fully clear consciousness, they were in a forest clearing, a path leading to the main road, and around them, they heard more speeches from other guides and their groups of newcomers from other Chaos Group branches.

Following Kane in line, Lacasa and Levi didn't separate. — I thought this was an elaborate prank by my old man. But now my heart is really racing, I can't believe this is actually happening! —Lacasa hadn't been this excited about many things recently, only birdwatching.

— I thought the elites were going to drain our blood and then eat us in grand banquets! —Levi is somewhat paranoid, as Lacasa took it as a joke, but Levi wasn't kidding.

Kane paused to count how many there were. Dartañan and Vânia quickly assumed their roles as leaders, helping to count and delegating second-in-commands. Monique and the blonde respectively. Although the blonde acted more like a leader than Vânia.

Reaching a crossing, they encountered another group, which disrupted their lines a bit. Unfortunately for Vânia, it showed as one of her members got lost in the team mix-up. No one knew how he confused the guide and the people accompanying them, but it became impossible to find him after 5 minutes of circling the forest and then in the teams passing by. Kane was so angry that he was speechless; he could only sigh and shake his fists in the air, knowing he would be fired when they found out.

In sepulchral silence and with heads down, they all reached a kind of welcome village. There were all kinds of floral decorations and paintings, a large market on the main street, and people dancing and enjoying themselves. Once they arrived in the village, most began to feel the most relentless cold in their bodies; it was common since their clothes hadn't changed yet, the medallions still hung from their necks, and the robes were not very warm. Although everyone was celebrating, the group remained silent, knowing they had no right to celebrate just yet.

Through the streets, where people celebrated them and gave them things, they managed to reach a huge house, 3 stories tall with massive columns and a metal gate in front, guarded by swordsmen and spearmen. Soon they would get used to seeing such things.

Recognizing Kane, the guards let them pass, and soon they were inside the building. It was even more elegant inside, with walls turned into murals full of art and history. Monique was fascinated and couldn't wipe the smile off her face, even if she tried.

Kane left them outside a room, looking like an office, guarded by a sentry outside, and before entering, he let out a big sigh.

— Kane? —responded a gentleman dressed in yellow robes— I told you not to come here unless something bad happened... Nothing bad was supposed to happen, Kane, that was the deal.

— I... I don't know what to say, everything was going fine.

— Get to the point, Kane, I don't want to hear more from you than necessary. —as repellent as he was old, the gentleman had no fear of inciting Kane's anger, who could crush him with a flick of his wrist.

— One of the kids from my group got lost in-

— The crossing where new groups converge —interrupted the gentleman, setting aside his important papers.

Two thoughts crossed Kane's mind: "How does he know?" and "Thank God he knows." If the boss was aware of the situation, the kid didn't just get lost and then reappear or wander into the forest; it must be something bigger. Kane remained silent, letting the boss continue explaining.

Taking off his glasses, giving an even more serious air to everything, the boss said— That would be the 7th, damn it. Look, I already have my Red Hand guys on this, just give them all the information you have. If you fix this mess before they do, I'll let you keep your guide position. —Kane found this extremely unfair, but what could he say, no?

Nodding, Kane left, a cold sweat running down his back and his shoulders relieved, only to be burdened with even more weight at the idea of surpassing the Red Hand in finding people.

— Alright, they'll find him soon. It seems he's not the only one lost near that area. For now, let's wait, and I want you to talk to see if any of you saw anything else. —he said, clapping and gesturing for them to leave the place with him.

— Wait? How can you ask me to wait!? He's my brother, and if you don't go looking for him, I will. —shouted a young girl with dark hair and glasses. Behind her, a door slammed, and the boss had left his office and was standing right behind her.

"Shiiiit," thought Kane. "How intimidating," thought Levi, and Lacasa thought he looked like Anton Ego, but with an even stronger aura.

— I am very sorry, miss, that your brother has gone missing, but we have reason to believe this is not just a case of someone lost in the forest but something much bigger. We already have people of the appropriate level working on this —he looked at Kane— So there's nothing to worry about, moreover, if you give me your name and your brother's, I'll personally make sure you receive the news before anyone else. Okay?

The calm but warm voice, the reason why he no longer resembled Ego as much, calmed the girl down and started to sob, nodding and following the Boss to his office to note down the information.

— We should get going now, the opening ceremony will start soon.

Obeying Kane, the rest of the group, except for two close friends of the girl, marched back to the street, ignoring, or trying to ignore, the vendors and beggars who pulled at their robes to get their attention, as well as people grabbing them and giving them gifts or speaking to them in languages they didn't understand.

They reached the town square after a few minutes of walking, where hundreds of people were already gathered, waiting for the time, wearing blue robes and even a few golden ones, as guides in some very exceptional cases.

Soon the girls they had left behind arrived, escorted by a guard. More calm and happy. The boss likes doing those things, that's how he maintains his power, relating to the newcomers and the very low-ranked people, so they are convinced to vote for him.

On a large podium, facing the people, the boss appeared, wearing his yellow robe.

— Today… —he broke the silence that fell upon seeing him— is a beautiful day, and let it be clear that the difficulties and delays we have experienced do not change that fact. This is a beautiful day for the Chaos Group, today, I welcome the newcomers to the group and to this Sector, Sector 3 of the Chaos Group. To the returning ones, it is good to see you again; it moves me to see certain faces, how they have grown to even become guides. It also moves me to see that some are missing, some who will return and others who have left us forever, let's dedicate this match in their honor! —the crowd cheered, even those who didn't know who had left or why— Let's dedicate this match to those who won't return, so they leave with a great victory in their honor!

After a while of applause and other words of encouragement and fervor. The people were already warmed up and excited. It was time to drop the bomb.

— Newcomers, I'm talking to you, now it's you and no one else who depends on the future of this group, we pass it on to you and hope you honor it. I'm sure if the honor of the game is not enough for you, you'll see more than a good reward in the clan challenges. As is tradition and good practice, the clan with the highest score in its category is offered a prize both in the game and outside of it. Some of us have taken the grand prize and retired at 20, able to live comfortably for the rest of our lives without working a single day more. —the crowd went wild with cheers and more— I won't keep you any longer, my brave youngsters, make our old companions proud. I have great hopes in the new ones, and I know they have great hopes in me, I won't let you down. Now, get ready!

Behind him, an enormous seal, like a sigil, adorned with great mountains, fire, sun, and moon, and other shapes and symbols, Levi swears he sees a compass and a pyramid with an eye at the top.

Approaching the seal, he recited some words and soon a beam of light began to expand, thousands and thousands of meters into the sky, covering the land, other beams, red, blue, and gray, combined. This is the process where all groups, big or small, access the contract and the "magic" is done, officially transferring body and soul to another plane. The medallions began to levitate in front of their wearers and emit blinding white lights.