
Claire David: Love And Lust

This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can ruin your life. Don't ruin your, or other people's lives!

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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54 Chs


This was the moment the girls were waiting for. Would Tina accept Duke, or not? She slowly walked towards Claire. Claire held Duke's collar as Duke craned his neck forward to sniff the new, fresh scent.

"Hold out your hand, and let him smell you. That's how dogs say hello," Claire said.

Tina reached out her hand and Claire took it. She showed Tina how to approach an unfamiliar dog, with her opened palm facing the dog and fingers pressed tightly together.

Duke sniffed and then licked her fingers, tasting the slightest traces of Tina's pussy where she had rubbed it after her shower.

"Awww! He's giving you kisses!" Claire said.

Tina giggled, feeling the warm, wet tongue against her fingers. She spread them, and Duke's large tongue probed between them, making her shiver.

"That feels weird!" Tina said. Duke's tongue was nothing like her sister's little dog's tongue. It was long and thick and very warm and very, very, wet.

"He likes you!" Stephanie said. "I knew he would!"

"Come closer," Claire said. "It's OK!"

Tina took another step and Duke began to lap at her face. "More kisses!" Stephanie said. "He really, really, likes you!"

"Yeah, but watch out," Claire whispered. "Duke likes to lick girls, and he might lick you all over, if you let him."

"Really?" Tina asked.

"Yes," Claire said. She then whispered again into Tina's ear. "Duke can get very naughty sometimes, so be careful."

"Oh, OK!" Tina said. She wondered if Duke would want to lick her little pussy with that big, fat, tongue. Then, she wondered how she could be left alone with Duke to find out.

Stephanie had her little sister greet Brenda's dog as well. Basil was much more energetic than Duke, so Brenda had to hold him to keep him from jumping on Tina.

Basil became more aroused as he sensed the warmth and sweet odors emanating from between Tina's legs. Maybe I would be allowed to mate with this human too?

Tina couldn't stop staring at Basil's cock. His cock was getting longer and thicker. A good three or four inches of his pointed, red, dick was now exposed.

"Are you going to stay and watch TV with us?" Claire asked. Tina looked at her. Claire's legs were open, and Tina could see that she wasn't wearing any panties either. She knew her sister didn't like to wear panties, so maybe she might get a glimpse of all three of the girl's pussies tonight. She liked to look at her sister's pussy. It made her wet.

"Uh, I dunno," Tina said, pretending she didn't care. Maybe it would be more fun to hang out with her big sister's friends and their big, friendly dogs. She could always rub her little kitty later tonight. Besides, she might get a really good look at the girl's pussies and maybe Brenda's dog would get really hard, so she could see how big of a dick he had. His cock was already much bigger than her oldest sister's dog, and his hard little dick always made her giggle. She decided to stay.

"Yeah, sure, I'll hang out with you guys," Tina said. "But, why aren't you all wearing panties?"

"You know I don't like to wear panties," Stephanie said.

"Me neither," Claire added.

"Yeah," Brenda said. "It makes it easier to give yourself a quick little rub down there." She reached between her legs and rubbed her pussy in tight, little circles.

Tina was in shock. Brenda had rubbed her twat right in front of everyone!

"You can join us, Tina," Stephanie said. "We're going to watch some sexy movies. Why don't you change out of your pajamas and put on a tee-shirt like us. There are more on my bed."

"Yay!" Tina said, and left the room. She quickly removed her clothes and tried on a few shirts. She finally ***********ed one of her sister's shirts. It barely covered her butt and Tina thought it made her look sexy. She quickly returned.

She gave a little twirl to show off her lack of underwear and said, "See, no panties!" She pulled up her shirt to proudly show off her zippered slit. "But I don't have big boobs like you guys," she said sadly, she lifted her shirt to show everyone her small breast-lumps.

"I like your tits," Brenda said. "Sometimes I think mine are too big." Brenda lifted her shirt to show off her large breasts.

"I like your tits too," Stephanie added. "They'll get bigger. Mine did." Stephanie also lifted her shirt and let her little sister stare at them.

Tina smiled. Pussies and boobs!

"Come sit by Duke and I," Claire said. "I'll let you pet him."

Tina jumped on the couch and Claire made Duke lie between them. Tina was delighted to pet Duke. He was so big and friendly! She giggled every time Duke licked her hand.

The four girls watched TV for a while. Tina noticed that during the sexy scenes, her sister and her friends would occasionally rub their pussies, as if it was perfectly normal. Tina rubbed her pussy too. This was fun, and really naughty! It made her pussy tingle.

Claire waited until Tina was engrossed in the movie and slowly slid her hand over to Duke's cock. She stroked him softly until she felt his cock begin to thicken, then she took her hand away. Tina glanced at Duke once in a while and stared at his growing cock, then she went back to watching the sexy movie. Claire did this a few more times until Duke's long, red cock was almost entirely out of its sheath. Before long, Tina was looking at Duke's cock more often than the movie.

"Claire," Tina whispered after a few minutes. "Your dog has a boner."

"Hmmm? What? Oh, yeah. Duke gets that way a lot," Claire said. "I think he smells our pussies and it makes him horny."

"Really?" Tina exclaimed. "He can smell my pussy?" She looked down at Duke. His furry head was very close to her crotch. He probably could smell her juicy pussy!

"Yeah, a dog's nose is really sensitive. And they like to smell pussy and butts and stuff. Didn't your dog ever sniff your pussy before? Most dogs do that all the time."

"Yes...," Tina admitted.

"Duke does it a lot. He's a horny boy, aren't you Duke?"

"Bark!" said Duke.

Claire added softly. "He even tries to lick my pussy sometimes. Did your dog ever try to do that?"

"Yeah..., sometimes..." Tina is getting very turned on.

"Sometimes I let him...," Claire whispered.

"Me too," Tina said. It was good to have someone to talk to about dogs and pussies and stuff.

"Here, watch this," Claire whispered. She fingered her slit and then showed Tina her wet fingers. Claire brought her hand to Duke's face, who sniffed them deeply before licking the juices off of them.

Tina giggled, so Claire did it again. Tina wanted to know if Duke would want to lick her pussy juice too, so she quickly fingered her twat, getting her fingers nice and wet, and held them out to Duke. He licked them gratefully.

"Ha! He really likes pussy!" Tina said.

"Yes. He likes pussy a lot," said Claire.

"He's got a really big penis," Tina said.

"Yeah. It's big. But it can get a lot bigger," said Claire.

"I'd like to see how big it can get. Will you show me?" Tina asked.


"What are you guys whispering about over there?" Stephanie said. She had been watching Tina and Claire very closely.

"Nothing!" Tina said.

"Yeah. Nothing much, just girl stuff," Claire said.

"Yeah! Girl stuff!" Tina said, giggling.