
Claire David: Love And Lust

This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can ruin your life. Don't ruin your, or other people's lives!

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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54 Chs


Claire took Sultan in the back yard and tried to walk him around on his leash like Mrs. Hill taught her, making him stay at her side, and then starting, stopping, and making him sit.

"I can see you're going to need a lot of work, Sultan!" Claire said to him as he kept trying to pull away from her. Finally, after Sultan began to behave, Claire gripped the leash tightly, wrapped it around her wrist for extra support, and walked Sultan through the gate. She was determined to get him under her control.

Claire walked him down the sidewalk, having to correct him constantly. Whenever he pulled ahead of her, she admired his big, black, balls swaying ponderously back and forth. She wondered how much cum was stored in them, but only let her mind wander for a moment before making him heel once again. After a half-hour of his bad behavior, she took him to the park, led him into the woods. Claire took him to a little used path she was very familiar with. She had walked Duke down this secluded path on quite a few occasions, mostly on weekends, when her mom and dad were home.

Claire led Sultan into a small clearing where a single park bench stood and made Sultan sit down in front of her.

"Listen, Sultan," Claire began. "Here's how it is going to be. If you are a good boy, you get a sniff of my pussy, and maybe even more. If you are bad, no pussy for you! Understand?"

Of course, Sultan did not understand a word Claire said. However, when Claire took off her panties, he began to get excited. His sensitive nose could smell her sweet, musky, odor even better now!

Claire held her damp panties in front of Suntan's nose, letting him have a good, long, sniff. "If you want this, you have to do what I tell you, Sultan." She took her panties away.

"Sit!" With some effort, and with Claire's guidance, Sultan sat down.

"Good boy!" Claire said, and as a reward, let him sniff her panties again. After a few repetitions, Sultan was sitting quickly at her command. He was rarely given the opportunity to smell a female's odor - for long anyway - so he had learned to quickly shove his nose right into a woman's crotch to satisfy his canine curiosity.

"OK, let's try something else," Claire said. She then began to walk with him, taking him in a wide circle within the clearing, correcting him when he misbehaved, and praising him and letting him sniff her panties when he was good.

Claire was getting horny, and so was Sultan. His cock was exposed and the color was changing from light pink to a soft red. Claire had watched it grow with every sniff of her panties.

"What a big cock you have, Sultan," Claire said. She decided to play with it, even though she would be taking a calculated risk doing so in public. But, she had a job to do, and she was going to do it!

"Sultan, sit!" Claire said. "Good boy, here you go!"


"Sultan, I'm going to jack you off so you won't try to hump your mother for a while. And if you're a good boy, I can do this all the time. Got it?"

Sultan didn't understand, but when Claire slid her hand under his belly and rubbed his sheath, he grew excited. He liked this new human!

"Bitch-Hand-Job," Claire whispered into his ear, while she glanced up and down the path nervously.

Claire felt his cock growing in her hand. "Bitch-hand-job," she repeated. Soon, Sultan's cock was engorged with blood. She was amazed at how thick it felt in her small hands.

"Poor baby, I bet you have cum for ages!" Claire said. She began to stroke him up and down, feeling her pussy get wetter and wetter as she jacked-off Sultan's huge cock. "Bitch-Hand-Jobs are for good boys, Sultan," she told him. "Are you going to be a good boy for Claire?"

Sultan licked her face, whined, and then stood up on all four legs. He lapped at Claire's face with gratitude.

Claire paused for a moment to take a good, long, look at Sultan's cock. It was much longer and fatter than Duke's cock. The tip was wider and not as pointed. Sultan's cock was almost the same thickness the whole length of his shaft, except for the tip and the tapered base, just before his growing knot. She didn't know if she could take such a big thing into her little pussy. But, it looks so tasty and pretty, all red, purple and pulsing with desire. She knew it would stretch her pussy out almost painfully. She couldn't wait to fuck him.

Sultan began to squirt his pre-cum and Claire quickly caught some in her palm using one hand while she stroked him with the other. She brought the hand to her mouth and gave it a quick slurp. "Mmmm," she moaned, before catching more pre-cum and stroking Sultan's fat doggy-dick once again.

Claire admired Sultan's smooth coat, long legs, and handsome face. And, he was so big! 'Big as a small horse,' she thought. 'No, a cow!' Claire giggled. With Sultan's large size and her stroking actions, she felt like she was milking a cow. All she needed was a stool and a bucket!

Claire captured more of Sultan's slippery discharge and began jacking him off with both hands. With one hand sliding above the other, she moved them in unison from his base to his pointed, squirting, cock-head, and then back down to his swollen knot, pausing a moment to massage it. And what a knot it was! It felt like a baseball in her small hands. Claire then teased it with one hand while she stroked him with the other.

Sultan began to hump his body and curl his tail, so Claire stroked him faster. She really wanted to get on her knees and take his fat cock into her mouth but knew she would then have to explain to Tori how her skirt got dirty and how she ended up with dog-sperm splattered all over her blouse.

Sultan began to get restless. He was squirting pre-cum faster now. Claire felt his cock pulsing and twitching in her hands and whispered for a final time, "Bitch-Hand-Jobs are for good boys, Sultan!"

Claire felt Sultan's cock swelling in her hands. Then, he came. Claire felt his cock pulse and from the corner of her eye, watched Sultan first squirt of doggy-cum land at least three feet in front of him, splattering onto the ground.

"Do it, Sultan! Squirt your sweet-stuff, boy!" Oh, how she wished he was unloading into her mouth or cunt. Squirt after squirt erupted from his cock as he whined with pleasure. Claire watched breathlessly as the thin, potent, ejaculate pumped from his cock and landed on the ground. 'Such a waste of cum,' she thought.

Claire let him finish, stroking him softly until he was done.

Sultan sat down to clean his cock while Claire licked his sperm from her hands. "Mmm, Sultan," she said. "You taste good! I hope you liked your Bitch-Hand-Job!" Claire gave Sultan a kiss and Sultan licked her face with his wife's wet tongue.

After resting a few moments, Claire wiped her leaking pussy with her panties and led Sultan back home, praising him when he behaved and then letting him sniff her wet, sweet-smelling, panties, held tightly in her fist. When he misbehaved, she corrected him, holding her panties away from him and saying, "No!" Sultan was soon walking next to Claire and not tugging on his leash at all. He did not want to displease the sexy-smelling, young, human who had been so nice to him.

Smiling triumphantly, Claire let him back to Mrs. Norris's house.

Darlene Davis paced the living room. "No, I can't go shopping with you right now, Candice," she said, speaking on the phone with her best friend. "I have to wait for Claire to get home."