

"Let go!" I spat through gritted teeth, glaring at Emiliano who held my wrist. For the first time, I saw concern in his usually blank eyes. "Claire...you..." he began, but I silenced him with a raised hand. "This is between Andrea and me. Stay out of it," I said sternly. He nodded, letting go, and I rushed into the mansion, ignoring the servants' greetings. My heart pounded as I scanned the living room for those amber eyes I was desperate to see. "Miss Claire," Mark, the butler, greeted me with a smile. "Where is Andrea? I need to see him!" I demanded. Mark's smile faded, his gaze dropping. "Madam, he doesn't want to see anyone," he muttered. I clenched my fists. "Never mind, he will see me," I said, storming towards Andrea's room. The door was ajar. I pushed it open, and my world shattered. Andrea was in bed with Aurora. My strength left me, my hands quivered, and tears welled up. My phone slipped from my grasp, catching Aurora's attention. She turned to me with a triumphant smirk, her body still moving on top of him. "Andrea!" I cried out. He pushed Aurora off him, scrambling out of bed, completely naked. Nausea hit me. "Claire!" he called, stepping towards me, but I moved back, collapsing to the floor. "She won. She really did," I muttered, glaring at Aurora. She had promised to take everything from me, and she had succeeded. My life was crumbling, and now the love of my life was in the arms of my enemy. "Claire, I..." Andrea tried to say, reaching out. "Stay away!" I screamed, my voice echoing with pain. My heart felt like it was being torn apart, the love I once held so dear was now a jagged shard piercing through my soul. Andrea's eyes were filled with regret, but it was too late. The damage was done. As I lay on the floor, broken and defeated, I realized that everything I believed in was a lie. The person I loved most had become my greatest tormentor, and there was no coming back from this. **********CLAIRE************ After being bullied by her classmates and cousin, cheated on by her boyfriend, and witnessing the brutal death of the man who tried to protect her, Claire's life takes a dark turn. The same people who vowed to make her days at Rome High International School a living hell leave her disfigured. However, Claire returns transformed—with a new face, a new personality, and a new perspective. She is determined to exact revenge and seize power from those who once wielded it over her. As she embarks on her mission, Claire grapples with lingering feelings for her ex-boyfriend, Andrea, and the complications that arise when Luca, a new love interest who happens to be a mafia boss and Andrea’s uncle, enters her life. Torn between her quest for vengeance and her undeniable attraction to these two men, Claire faces a tumultuous journey. Will Claire accomplish her mission, or will her emotions and the influence of these powerful men weaken her resolve?

Ulor_Chinonso · Teen
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7 Chs


Gum pop, crispy noises, fingers snapping, little hums, heavy breathing, legs tapping, and little chuckles were the only sounds cutting through the awfully silent classroom. Making me think my senses were a little too hyper today, the weather was a mix of cold and humid. The evilly chilled breeze brushed through the window landing on my exposed skin reminding me of my foolish decision to leave my sweaters behind. I ran my fingers through my curly dark raven hair bouncing it in different directions trying to stay calm, but the little noises weren't helping matters at all, and neither was the man who was seated beside me. I had tried everything to keep my treacherous mind from telling me of all the horrible things that could probably happen today. I have chewed on my fingers literally biting all my nails off, hummed to my favourite songs, and closed my eyes to impede my thoughts but none has helped with my anxiety. This is all his fault if only he listened to me and walked away then we wouldn't be in this mess right now, I wouldn't be here sitting in detention just some meters away from my bullies and all he can do is sit here with both eyes shut and earphones in?.

"Class! Stay quiet while I.....na it's none of you'll business" the shabbily dressed man said taking another bite from a bag full of chips.

"No one was talking!" A girl seated at the corner spoke her face all crunched up in disgust

" I think mr Afonso has started hearing voices again!" Bruno mocked making the whole class burst into laughter, I rolled my eyes completely irritated by his presence in the class. I mean perhaps if it were any other person who said that I would have found it funny given mr Afonso does behave like a lunatic but Bruno was a bigger lunatic.

"Stai zitto! (Shut up!)" He screamed his face turning red as he began to murmur things I couldn't hear, he walked out. I sighed dropping my head on the table before closing my eyes for a while I miss Seattle, my former school, and my friend Zoey, everyone was friendly back home but here they are all snubs especially this dumbo seating next to me. He never talks and if he does... just with a few words like his brain can't comprehend more than that. I snapped my lids open suddenly aware I wasn't hearing any more noise, no heavy breathing or little chuckles my eyes roamed the room surprised to see the classroom empty, only the two of us were seated my heart began to race.

" Emiliano....we, are alone" I muttered slightly touching his arms, he yarned stretching and slowly opened his eyes. his warm brown orbs dropped on me showing so much tiredness, I couldn't quite blame him the last few weeks had been very stressful, his gaze drifted from me to the empty classroom

" alone? ....its a trap let's move " he spoke in a commanding tune my eyes widened like a deer who's been caught in the headlight. I quickly packed my books and dumped them in my bag as he grabbed my wrist and dashed out of the classroom. if there was one thing I have learned so far in Rome High it was to never be alone and most certainly not in an abandoned classroom. We kept running through the empty hall wall as the familiar smell of Cologne engulfed my nose accompanied by the annoying sound of a yoyo that irritated me so much. My palms became sweaty as my pace slowed behind him

"Run faster Claire!" He ordered still holding onto my wrist this time pulling me along, but I couldn't help how my body felt. it had already gotten weak and my joint stiff as my thoughts trailed to whom the smell belonged to... Bruno the biggest bully in the school the most feared after the m5, I knew I shouldn't be scared since I was with a member of the m5 but it didn't matter now. One thing was for sure this evening wasn't going to end well.

" Well well well," the familiar voice said as his figure came out of nowhere, making us halt in our tracks.

  we tried to change direction and head towards the cafeteria but his friends came out of that direction closing in on us.

" If it isn't Emiliano Smith and his little whore "Dario mocked as his friends chuckled, my eyes watered at this sight I could already feel the pain he would inflict on us even before he starts. my gaze dropped to the huge man who was holding onto me unfazed which was amusing, his face held the same bored expression he usually had on

"Did Andrea send you here? tell him to man up and face me, this cowardly attitude doesn't suit a man of his calibre" his deep voice sounded through the hall, Bruno's boys left our side and stood beside him, the four of them standing right in front of us their face matching the same smug smile they usually have on making it feel like they had all practised beforehand.

"Tch to think that you went against your friends for this slut, I didn't come here on Andrea's request I just came to bid an old friend farewell," Bruno said smirking they suddenly gave way for us to pass making me utterly confused, this was unlike them if there was something they loved it was fighting and I wasn't down for that. Not that I didn't have trust in Emiliano's capabilities, I mean he is a huge bodybuilder who is a top basketball player in school but against four equally huge guys hardly seems fair. his grip tightened around my wrist as we walked past them, we got to the parking lot entered his bike and headed straight to his house am sure he was equally confused as I was.

"Hey!" I called out to the man whose eyes were shut close on the couch. He hummed cleaning his eyes before it took its time to observe me

" am going home am sure they would have stopped following me " I chocked out holding onto my school bag anxiety slowly creeping in again

" hmm, I will take you just let me..." He tried saying

"No!" I said almost immediately, he frowned standing up once again reminding me of how short I was

" I can manage on my own." It was foolish playing strong lady when I was basically peeping my pants in front of Bruno and his friends just some hours ago.

" I know, but I still want to make sure just in case...."

" in case what? Andrea attacks me again? Emiliano, Andrea might be an asshole but he is not a monster and I have told you I can handle myself!" I screamed tears forming in my eyes I was broken, tired of this shit, of everyone treating me like a weakling. this might not be the wisest decision but no one learns by being afraid. I dashed out of his sitting room without waiting to hear his reply. It was already getting late, you could say I officially belonged on the fool's list but I just wanted to fight for myself that I forgot he who fights and runs, lives to fight another day.

  I was successful in getting closer to my house until I entered my street it was then all hell broke loose. I began to feel like someone was following me, I wasn't sure if I was being delusional from fear of walking on a lonely street or if it was happening but nevertheless, I hurried my pace, it was until I saw a man standing ahead of me I realised it wasn't my head making things up, it was actually happening. the man began to walk slowly closer to me as I backed away I turned in another direction but two men came from there, I kept trying to find an opening but soon I was surrounded by seven masked men

"Ciao! We heard you sleep around for free you mind seven full-grown men" one of the men said in the most sickening tone I have ever heard at that point my stomach sank, and my breath became irregular as tears blurred my vision

" no...n...no," I squirmed backing away, my movement was stopped by the man behind me as he pushed me forward making me land on another one.

" whoa careful she's Andrea's slut you don't want to mess with that one " another mocked, I cried out in fear as one of the men grabbed my wrist

" oh don't cry..... Oh dio I hate this kind of job having to hurt innocent girls" he sighed grabbing my chin

"But why did you have to betray Andrea hum?" I shook my head in disapproval crying and shivering

" I...I didn't betray him...I swear per favore lasciami" I begged trying to get out of his grip

" I know it is not your fault right?" The one holding tightly on my wrist said I nodded in approval hoping they all would leave me

"It's your pretty face's fault. we will solve that problem, no one will ever look at you again..." I frowned confused as tears rolled down my cheeks

" Thomas bring the acid!" He announced. my eyes widened in shock I tried struggling but they held onto me, I bit firmly on the hands that held mine as he let me go screaming allowing me to run but he was faster. he grabbed my arms to stop me and slapped me across the cheeks making me fall to the ground as he gripped my hair tightly causing a deep pain to erupt through my scalp, I whimpered helplessly as I watched a man walk closer to me holding a container that emitted white fumes. this was it? The end? Just how did I get here, I wish I had never agreed to come here then I would have never crossed paths with the m5.....

                  ****" CLAIRE********

the story Claire has little touch of Italian language in it but not so much that it would confuse English speakers since it's mainly in English. and please this story is not written against any country, race or culture it is just an act of fiction. thanks and enjoy.

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