

"Let go!" I spat through gritted teeth, glaring at Emiliano who held my wrist. For the first time, I saw concern in his usually blank eyes. "Claire...you..." he began, but I silenced him with a raised hand. "This is between Andrea and me. Stay out of it," I said sternly. He nodded, letting go, and I rushed into the mansion, ignoring the servants' greetings. My heart pounded as I scanned the living room for those amber eyes I was desperate to see. "Miss Claire," Mark, the butler, greeted me with a smile. "Where is Andrea? I need to see him!" I demanded. Mark's smile faded, his gaze dropping. "Madam, he doesn't want to see anyone," he muttered. I clenched my fists. "Never mind, he will see me," I said, storming towards Andrea's room. The door was ajar. I pushed it open, and my world shattered. Andrea was in bed with Aurora. My strength left me, my hands quivered, and tears welled up. My phone slipped from my grasp, catching Aurora's attention. She turned to me with a triumphant smirk, her body still moving on top of him. "Andrea!" I cried out. He pushed Aurora off him, scrambling out of bed, completely naked. Nausea hit me. "Claire!" he called, stepping towards me, but I moved back, collapsing to the floor. "She won. She really did," I muttered, glaring at Aurora. She had promised to take everything from me, and she had succeeded. My life was crumbling, and now the love of my life was in the arms of my enemy. "Claire, I..." Andrea tried to say, reaching out. "Stay away!" I screamed, my voice echoing with pain. My heart felt like it was being torn apart, the love I once held so dear was now a jagged shard piercing through my soul. Andrea's eyes were filled with regret, but it was too late. The damage was done. As I lay on the floor, broken and defeated, I realized that everything I believed in was a lie. The person I loved most had become my greatest tormentor, and there was no coming back from this. **********CLAIRE************ After being bullied by her classmates and cousin, cheated on by her boyfriend, and witnessing the brutal death of the man who tried to protect her, Claire's life takes a dark turn. The same people who vowed to make her days at Rome High International School a living hell leave her disfigured. However, Claire returns transformed—with a new face, a new personality, and a new perspective. She is determined to exact revenge and seize power from those who once wielded it over her. As she embarks on her mission, Claire grapples with lingering feelings for her ex-boyfriend, Andrea, and the complications that arise when Luca, a new love interest who happens to be a mafia boss and Andrea’s uncle, enters her life. Torn between her quest for vengeance and her undeniable attraction to these two men, Claire faces a tumultuous journey. Will Claire accomplish her mission, or will her emotions and the influence of these powerful men weaken her resolve?

Ulor_Chinonso · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 3

It is said we live in the world, but this school looked like it was located in Heaven, I walked into the majestic gate as the security searched me with a hand metal detector, I showed him my pass for the entrance exams and he let me in. I was so nervous, if I got caught I didn't know what could happen to me and luckily for me, I wasn't caught. After the exam was done I just got too curious about this place I allowed my legs to lead me, which was my second mistake.

The school was probably the tallest high school I ever come across, it was literally made of glass.. ones I couldn't see through, I kept going and somewhat found myself in their sports centre, it was An expansive sports complex including an Olympic-sized swimming pool, a fully equipped gym, tennis courts, a football field, and indoor courts for basketball and volleyball. My mouth flew open as my throat suddenly ran dry

" oh I get Kaylee's madness" I muttered to myself staring at the basketball players practising. even they looked expensive, I was so distracted that I didn't know when I bumped into something.

" ouch!" I exclaimed falling to the ground, I stared at the figure that was glaring down at me her mouth curved in a snare, she was totally beautiful she had almond skin colour and a loose coil hair pattern which was packed in a long ponytail. Her entire appearance from head to toe spelt designer, my mouth went open as I noticed the stain on her dress from the bottle of soda she held, oh God what have I done?

" what the fuck!.....sei cieco! (Are you blind!)" She exclaimed her brows furrowed in a frown I stood up, adjusting my dress. I had dressed in a simple floral gown, some flip-flops and an old pendant necklace which was given to me by my late mom yes a dumb choice for a rich school but I was in a hurry I didn't have much time to deck up.

"Ah...ah" I chocked out, she snorted  taking a step closer to me

"Non-sei solo cieco ma Sordo?! (You not just blind but deaf?!)" She shouted taking the attention of the boys who were practising, I on the other hand just stood there awkwardly, I wasn't fluent in Italian though I was taking the subject... it's just harder than I thought.

" am sorry I wasn't watching, am really sorry" I pleaded hoping she understood what I said

"Veramente? (really?)" She scowled

" scusi(my Italian is not good )" I replied. my Italian was really not good and I hope I did pronounce that well I didn't want to get her more angry.

" sorry? Do you know how much this dress is worth? you circus animal!" She squeaked

" am really sorry I will get it dry cleaned I...." I panicked, she scoffed her eyes holding distaste

" dry cleaned?!" She said in shock as the boys who were standing behind her busted into laughter making me confused, did I say something funny?

"Oh, foreigner..... you're not from here? "

" well obviously I can see you're really not from here I mean the dressing....by the way, what is a wooden spoon doing amongst Golden ones " she smirked crossing her arms against her chest, she was so fluent in English.

"Huh?" I asked to confuse

"What are you doing in this school you certainly don't look like one of us" she answered making the two boys standing behind her chuckle.

" I....entrance exam" I stammered

" oh you belong to the help the poor project that explains your appearance....let me give you a few tips just in case you are selected which I doubt, when you are walking in public watch your steps " she said taking a step closer to me

" do you know how much this dress cost? come on take a guess" she said mockery evident all over her face

" ahh....five thousand?" I asked coyly, she scoffed exchanging glances with her friends before chuckling

" a hundred thousand euros and you really can't imagine these shoes I have on or my accessories" she bragged, my mouth fell open as my eyes dropped on her shoes and then trailed to her earrings

" And you want to get this dry cleaned? How dare you! do you know who I am you low born " she glared, I was taken aback by her attitude I know I made a mistake I was only trying to correct it. just breathe and avoid trouble, I thought to myself.

"Am sorry" I bowed my head about to leave but a hand gripped mine I turned to the boy who held it

" come on sorry? Is that all? You ruined a pretty girl's dress and all you can say is sorry?" His eyes glinted with excitement, I took a deep breath my patient running thin

" ok....what can I do to help " I started, and she smirked....you think a poverty-stricken person like you can help me? ....tch it would make me feel better if you go through the same trauma you just put me through" she spat glaring I frowned staring blankly at her what did she mean, she smiled staring at the soda can she held as she stepped closer to me and poured it's content on me. my mouth threw open as I felt the liquid cascade from my hair to my dress, tears formed in my eyes as they all gave a mocking laugh

" that's much better " she scowled I snatched my wrist from the boy who held me as I griped my dress trying to just stay calm and not cause a scene but she grabbed my arm her gaze falling to my neck

" That necklace how did you get it?" she asked staring intensely at it, my face began to turn red from anger.

" is that mine? It's mine, isn't it? given you probably can not afford such a necklace you stole it" she accused

" give it back " she tried dragging it from me but I held her hands and threw it back as I slapped her across the cheeks, she stared widely at me as she felt her cheeks

"How dare you? do you know who I am, I am Belkis Berhen!" She screamed as everyone began to murmur

" I don't care who you are! You can be the president's daughter for all I care what gives you the right to humiliate a person....do you also know who I am? do you know who you are disrespecting?" I said pointing at her everyone was shocked including me, I just didn't think I had it in me to speak back to people. she clenched her fist glaring

" you bitch you are messing with the wrong person! " she screamed,

" do not shout!" I screamed back

" you brat just because you come from a wealthy family you think you can speak to just anyone in that tone? What do you think of yourself that cause you bought a dress worth a hundred thousand euros you own the world?  .....the dress looks like rags to even think that you bought it for such an amount is hilarious!"

" Take!, get it dry cleaned...I made a mistake yes I admit. but it doesn't mean you can speak to me like that and refer to me as a thief. This necklace was given to me by my mother so don't you dare look at it " I said taking a few dollars from my wallet, and throwing it at her.

" Am sure to dry clean this dress is worth less than what I have given you....you think you all high and mighty but you haven't met me yet!" I screamed before walking out, I was fuming that if I were a cartoon you would see the smoke coming from my ears, it wasn't until I left the school's grounds my senses came back. Did I just give her my last dime?

I trekked home all covered in soda and all Kaylee could ask me was if I got caught and strangely she seemed perfectly fine. The time for the announcement of who the lucky twenty were came. those who wrote the exams are to get an email stating whether they were chosen or not. She kept checking her mail but no message came when she got too restless both of them decided to go and find out what exactly happened, well while they were out I was having the time of my life. I simply gave homemade pizza a chance and it was superb especially if coupled with blueberry waffles and some orange juice. I know going to a restaurant was also an option but hey I personally feel homemade food is the best. I was basically on cloud nine when the door flew open.

"Kaylee,! Kaylee!" Paula called out entering the living room I groaned pissed at my intruder she wasn't exactly a face I enjoyed seeing she was equally as annoying as Kaylee.

" Kaylee is not home" I replied taking a sip from my juice, her eyes landed on me as she gave her signature fake smile. she took a seat beside me in the living room

" your eating" she stated popping  a gum I rolled my eyes in reply

"Hmmm is this homemade pizza?" She cooed taking a slice of my pizza I frowned shifting the plate of food away from her.

"You know some chips would be nice, Claire go make us some chips I'm hungry" she said her blue eyes filled with an expression I couldn't make out, perhaps mockery.

" I....." I tried saying but was cut off by the loud bang of the door

" Claire!!!!!!!!!" I heard Kaylee scream my name I stood abruptly as her purse landed on my face causing me to stagger.