

“Lucky for you someone already got them before Capo could or else he would've send Valetti a message.”There's that name again. Valetti.Who the hell is that and from the sound of it,seems this Valetti guy really has pissed of their boss and was now using them as payback but how the hell do they fit into all of this she wondered.”Come on whore we've wasted enough time talking.”He roughly grabbed her hair and forced her down on her knees in the process she scrape them.She bit down hard on her lip to stop herself from crying out,it seems they got off from your pain and she won't give them the satisfaction at least her babies are safe she wonders who took them.

“Aaah....”She screamed out when she felt searing pain across her face,she landed with a loud thud on the floor hitting her head against the coffee table. Feeling something warm trail down her cheek she touched it only to discover it’s blood.”No please...” She murmured,Brie can feel she’s gonna fade and if that happens lord knows what these sick assholes will do to her and her sister.

She must fight and stay awake,hopefully someone will come and help them.A wish that seem far from happening.The tearing of her skirt brought her mind back to the present,with all her might she hit him on the head and kicked him in his balls.Groaning he clutched his jewels and fell to the ground writhing in pain. She used the opportunity to get up and ran but that thought was short lived when she felt another blow to her back she stumbled and fell on her knees the pain that shot up her legs made her gasp.’We done playing nice.You whore. Hold her down.”He commanded the others.”You gonna pay for this.”She received another slap.Brie heard the rest of her clothing being ripped off.

She began to trash under them,one was holding her hands while the other was pinning her down with his lower body.”NO!NO!”She yelled.”Oh God no... please...somebody help me!”She shouted while tears stream down her cheeks.

A hand closed around her throat cutting of her air supply.”No one is coming to help you.So I suggest you shut up and keep quiet,you might end up enjoying this.”

She clawed at the hand that was around her throat,she couldn't breathe her vision was beginning to blur.”Wouldn't mind if I join in on the fun fellas.” Another unfamiliar voice said,but wait...that voice she knows that voice.The hand that was around her throat let go,Brie coughed and dragged much needed air into her lungs for a second there she thought she wasn't gonna make it.

“El diablo....”She heard them say.Before she knew it the guy on top of her was thrown off she heard a loud crash and knew her coffee table was broken but she had no time to process everything because gunshots began going off around her it’s like she’s in an action movie.Blood is every where the guy that almost raped her is being beaten up by her rescuer,she cannot see the man's face his back was to her.Mr muscle man doesn't stand a chance against her savior he was beating up muscle man even though Mr muscle man is slightly bigger than her savior not one has he landed a punch.

“You wanna go around raping woman.”She heard her savior say, that deep thick accent sounds so familiar.Where has she heard it from.”Let's see how you'll rape woman without your dick.”Surely he wouldn't Brie thought,as she watched him expose Mr muscle man's less than average size penis and cut it off.What he did next almost made her puke he shoved it down muscle man's throat.His screams filled the air the sound horrific.”Call doc.I'm not done with him yet,I don't need him dying.”She wonders who he was talking to but that question got answered when another man appear by his side.A very attractive man,it’s then she took the time to look around her and saw all the men that held them hostage are dead.

And there's only three guys in her apartment,speaking of apartment the place is really torn apart her whole furniture is ruined,she’s gonna have to replace everything and that won't happen since she lost her job.Her gaze landed on Ari she’s still unconscious and a man was leaning over her covering her with a blanket immediately Brie made her way over there.”Ari...”When she got close to her sister she saw the man is.”Marco...”Shock couldn't describe how she was feeling.What's he doing here and why was he carrying a gun,blood covered his clothes.

“Sorry we couldn't get here on time.”She heard him say.

“What the hell is going on.”She demanded.”Who was these people and what did they want from us.”

“I’ll explain everything later,but for now we have to go.”

“Later my ass.”Brie said angrily.”I demand an explanation now.My sister got beaten until she lost consciousness,we were almost raped my face probably looks like shit after all the beatings I got.So NO there is no later.We not leaving here until you tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“Capo is certainly going to have his hands full with this feisty one.” She heard another voice say from behind her.

She spun around only to be met with another God of a man and from that accent and good looks it isn’t hard to tell that he’s Italian.”And you are?”

“Santino is the name but everyone calls me Tino.”

“Well I wish I can say nice to meet you Tino but I can't.After the shit day I had and all the blows I got I'm sure you can understand. I'm Brielle by the way.How do you know Marco.”

“Don’t worry you still look beautiful.”He told her,she felt herself turn red.”As for that fucker he’s my cousin.”

“Can we get a move on Capo isn’t very happy right now.”Marcelo stepped in. “I'm Marcelo.This asshole's brother.”He pointed to Santino,before handing her a jacket to cover herself.

“Can someone please tell me what's going on.”She asked again,the second she wore the jacket a familiar scent closed around her making her feel safe,protected without thinking she smelled the jacket,she know this scent only one man has this scent and it’s a scent she'll never forget because it belongs to Giovanni. “Who's jacket is this?”She asked them.

“Capo's...”Santino answered.”Why?Is something wrong.”

“Who's Capo.”She asked confused.”What are you guys involve in,from the way my apartment looks it can't be anything good.”

“And you look very calm for someone who got beaten,almost raped and has her whole apartment in shambles.”Santina threw back.

“Guess the shock hasn't wore off yet.Besides action and horror is more of my thing.I suppose watching all those actions movies has something to do with me not freaking out right now.”

“We gonna get along just fine.”Santino said.”Rocco can go and die in a ditch for all I care.”

“Good luck with that.”Marcelo added.”Capo won't let you near her within five feet unless of course you wanna eat your own dick too.”

“Guys we have to go.Gio is pissed off.’Marco told them.

“Gio...”Brie breathed softly.”Giovanni....”

“Yes that’s Capo.”She heard someone say,Brie tuned out everything and everyone.Giovanni is here.No it can't be...This has to be a mistake.

“What the fuck is taking so long!”An angry voice said from the door.A voice she knows so well.When Santino turned around it gave her a clear view of the man standing at her doorway.The gasped that left her mouth didn't go unnoticed. He’s still gorgeous as ever,from his black hair,chiseled features,tan skin and those hazel eyes that haunted her for months on end after she discover she was pregnant with the twins.Six and a half feet of pure muscle and sexiness,a jawline so sharp it can slice through paper.Lips that kissed and set her skin on fire with passion she never knew existed.

The man who set her alight with only a simple touch or a look.The very same man who cut off Mr muscle man's dick and made him eat it.Her savior.Suddenly the events of the day caught up with her,his handsome face turned blurry black dots covered her vision the last she remembers is someone catching her before she collapsed on the floor.

“Wow Capo...”Tino said.”What a way to make an entrance.Your voice scared her so much that she fainted.”

“Tino...”His brother said.”Now isn't the time.Hand her over to boss and let's get the hell out of here.”

“Capo has a phobia of being touched.”Tino reminded him.”Or have you forgotten,he doesn't let anyone touch him or like to be touched.”

“Well the way he is looking at you now says a different story.Hand her over now or do you want to meet Lucifer before time.

Tino met his boss's gaze and the look he saw in them were murderous.”Capo..” He started cautiously.

“Let's go.”He said quietly and stormed out.

“I'd advise you to not piss him off more than he already is.”Marco told them. “Let's get going.”

Gio is fuming all he feels like doing is fuck something or someone up.When he had seen that fucker on top of her all he saw was red, he wanted his blood and he got it only a portion but the bastard will pay for touching what's his.He will pay dearly.He’s gonna tear him apart piece by piece until there's nothing left,he made a mistake by messing with a Valetti....Whoa...he stopped himself what the hell is thinking..a Valetti...Brielle isn't his what the hell is he telling himself.She can never be his he’s too fucked up..too dark his soul is beyond repair there is no hope for him but she on the other hand has a life.