

**They promised to love each other for eternity, but they ended up separate. She closed her eyes one faithful day, wishing never to wake up again, yet she opened her eyes and she was surprised. She finds herself as the queen of an unknown kingdom, and the goddess of earth. She set on a journey to find ways to get back to the life she remembers, only to find out the life she is currently living was truly hers, with many secret and duties attached to it. The only one who could make her understand things better, was her late husband in the life she remembers, who happens to be with her in the unknown kingdom, but not as her husband. How will this man who had disguised himself as three different people to her, tell her the truth behind her real life, when he was behind every changes in her life. __________ ABSTRACT. "Please send me back, I don't want to be here anymore, I can't live this life you've given me." She said trying to get away from him. "Don't you think it's the best place to be together, for eternity as we promised?" He reply while kissing her on the neck and nape. "But you kno.... Mmmmmm... What..... are...... you...... doing.... " Her wards was cut short by him with a kiss on the lips, making her speak in-between kisses. "Just helping you to remember the moment we shared in our life as couple, and I miss you my love." He reply as he held the hem of her dress, ready to lift it "No! That's not what I came here for, why are you doing this to me, how can you live here knowing another man is abusing your child?" She asked, pushing him off her. He stepped close to her and took a look at her flushed face, then caressed her checks with his fingers. "Why do you want to go back, you've been here for months now, and you have a great life here, can't you stay?" "How can you do this to me, you made me abounded my family to be here with you, and what for, to fulfill a promise? Please send me back I don't want to be here anymore." She said angrily. "I thought you wanted to be with me, you even called me to save you, I did and yet you want to go back." He asked her calmly. "Yes I know, but we are not the same anymore, you are dead but am still alive, and I am married to another man now, so I have to go back to my life." Azura replied angrily. "So he's the reason you don't want to be here, then listen, you are my eternal wife, and I won't let you be with anyone, not even the king here. And as for going back, even if you sussed, you'll be a whole new person without memories of who you are or your previous life, so get used to being here." He said and left without waiting for her to say anything. __________ Hi guys, am a new author and this is my second book of the ETERNAL ROMANCE series, am not good at writing but I have lots of stories to share, please support me by reading and commenting. Book cover is mine, please do not use. all the names of characters and places are my imagination and creation, with few being names of friends and family members. It only coincidence if you have the same name.

QUEEN_ANND · Fantasy
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62 Chs


Abesselom knew now that, any pain or wound inflicted on him by Azura, would take a while to get healed, especially if she stays close to him. And if she intend to kill him, it won't take a second attempt for him to die under her attack on him, and he needed to save himself from her all the time.

He knew if Azura gets to know what he just found out, she would do everything possible to stay away from him. But he had no plans on letting her out of his life, when all his heart want is to be with her. He can afford to die in her hands if needed, but can't let her be with anyone apart from him.

"She's mine and can't be with anyone, I'll surly get her from that evel King." He said to himself inwardly, which of course his pet heard him loud and clear.

" Even if it against her will? Would you be happy seeing her sad, or you plan to let her leave another life again?" Gideon asked telepathically when he heard his master's thought, but Abesselom decided not to answer him.

He closed his eyes and allowed the hot water to float his body, maybe to calm the volcano in him. Soon flashes of images from the very first time he and Azura knew themselves came to his mind, and he remembered getting hurt by Azura on that day as well.

He was young and did give much thought to the fact that, the scratches on his body by Azura's finger nails, took a while before healing, even though he knew his wound always heal in seconds.

He thought it was his wish to keep seeing the marks on his body that delayed it from healing, but now he knows what actually happened on that day. He had been hurt by what could kill him, but he didn't know.

Abesselom wished Azura could remember her past life and get back to him as the man she loves, but he also feared what she might think if she gets to know what he did and who he really is. He forced himself to stop thinking about the revelations and swim down the water to calm himself faster.


A spot of light appeared in the darkness, and it begin to get bigger and brighter. The darkness also begin to get more darker, but the more it got darker, the brighter the light became. It felt as if the two energies were enemies and we're fighting to make a stand or mark out their position in front of the other.

Soon the white bright light turned into a woman-like figure, with the light still surrounding her baby including her face, making it difficult for anyone to see her well enough to know who she was. The only thing visible about her was the fact that her pale body was straggling to get out of the darkness.

A pair of red eyes emerged from the darkness and kept staring at the lighted straggling body of the woman in front of it, and the sensitive eyes could see nothing of the woman but her pale body and the light around her. The owner of the red eyes became angry and begin to curse his luck for being there.

Suddenly, both of them begin to fall, but it was an endless fall that non of them wished to continue. The light woman begin to swim upwards and the owner of the red eyes did the same, but the lighted woman stopped swimming after a while of trying.

"Are you giving up so soon? Why do you keep coming here anyway, and you always drag me along?" An angry manly voice could be heard from the darkness, in the direction of the red eyes.

The light woman froze for a while at the sound of the voice. She turned to see the eyes and for a while, she didn't say anything but just observing. "Salom?" She asked suddenly and the owner of the red eyes became shock.

He couldn't believe how the woman behind the bright light got to know his real name, and how she was able to keep calling him to where he didn't wish to be. He hated to be in that much light, but now he hated to be with someone who knew him but he didn't know.

"That's me, but who are you?" He asked as he made the darkness around him grow even darker, giving the woman no room for her to see him, except for his red eyes which kept glittering even in the dark.

" Why am I here? Who keeps bringing me to this much darkness?" The lady asked impatiently, ignoring the question from the red eyed owner.

" It's the same thing I want to know, but can you tell me who you are? How do you know me?" The owner of the red eyes asked.

Before the light woman could answer, a gust of wind blew them into different direction, making them loss sight of each other as a strange manly but a giant voice kept talking, saying what non of them could clearly understand, especially the owner of the red eyes.

"Your journey has already begun. Finding yourself was the first test, being together is the next, and when you come together as one, the continent would be set free." Said a voice, from the gust of wind.

__________ Abess's mansion.

Splashes of hot water fell out of the pool-like bathtub and dropped on the floor of the bathroom as Abesselom got out of the water in a hurry. His pale body was paler, nearly white, and his red eyes had lost most of it beauty.

He looked around as if to look for someone or something, and when he noticed he was alone in his bathroom with his pet sleeping soundly on a table in front of his dressing mirror, he forced his naked body to move to the walk in wardrobe, making the water on his body drop as he walked.

"You look... scared." Gideon asked as he couldn't believe what he was seeing, couldn't understand why his master looked so agitated.

"Did you have a dream again?" He asked and Abesselom nodded to say yes. "Was it about Salom, Azura or the unknown woman?" He continue to telepathically ask with a worried tone.

"It was that woman again, and I think she knows me more than I thought. She even called me with my real name." His voice sounded angry, but worry was what Abesselom felt.

"Don't you think that woman and The queen are all in one?" Gideon asked, which caused Abesselom to stop in his track of dressing up.

"As I told you earlier, I know Azura is from the light supernatural powers, but the light I see around that woman is too much to be from Azura. And why would she even hide herself from me?" He said and stepped out of the bathroom as he used his power to continue his dressing.

Abesselom told his pet every little details of the revelation he had and the voice he heard before getting out of the light, but non of them could understand what the message from the voice meant. Both Abesselom and his pet Gideon, remained silent as they thought of who the light woman could be, and what to make out of the message.

__________ At the palace.

At the same time as Abesselom got out of the water, Azura also waked up from her sleep and opened her green eyes to the darkness in her room. She roamed her eyes and thankfully, she was still in her room.

She got down from her bed and walked out of the tent covers and when she noticed she was alone in the room, she swing her hands and the wooden lamps turn on. She gave herself a smile and went straight to the fire place to set it up, and when she was done, she swing her hands again and the woods started burning as if it been set for long.

The smile on her face widened as she whispered to herself "I've been doing well with my powers nowadays. Is it because I accepted to be the real Azura or I really am the real Azura?" She walked to her bathroom and saw the light in there on as well, and before she could call for anyone to assist her, she heard the door to her room open and a knock on the door to the bathroom.

" Your Majesty, please let me help you." Lora's voice rang from behind her as she was trying to get the noble dress off her body.

"Your Majesty, what happened to you?" Lora asked worriedly as she kept looking at Azura's body.

Azura turned to her and when she noticed her looking at her worriedly, she took a look at herself and got shocked as well. Her body was full of bruises, as if she had been assaulted by someone. She looked at her friend for explanation but she had nothing to offer her.

She decided to take a hot bath, maybe it would go after, but even that didn't help. Before Lora could finish putting the heavy royal dress on Azura's body, she was interrupted by a question she wished she didn't hear.

"You said I healed myself when I was brought home by the king. How did I do it?" Azura asked, thinking of trying every single power in her body.

"Your Majesty, it is painful and you went unconscious for a whole day after that, I can't let you do it again." Lora said with a pleading voice, but Azura wouldn't listen.

"Lora, am commanding you as your queen and not your friend. Tell me how I did it." Azura said strictly, giving Lora yet another shock.

She saw some changes in her friend and she couldn't tell if it was for the good or bad. She could feel the power in Azura growing stronger as the days go by, ever since they visited Azura's step mother. She noticed she had no choice than to tell her queen what she wanted to know, and she excused herself after doing so.

Azura thought of how she got the bruises, since Lora said it was the first step in healing herself, but she couldn't find any answers to her many thoughts. She begin to think about the dream she just had and the voice she heard before waking up.

"Could this be another test?" She asked herself as she sat in front of her dressing mirror, staring at her body.

"If Enoch is the masked man and he was the one who saved me and the princess, then who is this Salom that came to give a warning note, and he keeps coming to my dreams and I don't know why I always get into the darkness." She murmured as she thought of everything that has been happening in her dreams.

She stood up and walked out of her room to the backyard of her residence and her maids and ladies followed her. She stood in front of the old tree and called out his brother's name, and as if he was waiting for her, Azus appeared immediately, just after her first call.