
Claiming Lucian (Volume 3)

Finally discovering why he was kept in confinement, Lucian continues his journey to Black Crystal Mountain to meet his brother but a different sibling awaits him. The stench of war blows near. Uncrowning himself may or may not be the wisest of decisions as he grows weak and closer to the darkness that lies dormant inside of him. War is inevitable and so does the blooming of romance of the five men competing to capture his heart. Would love finally claim this uncrowned prince or would he eternally wander unclaimed?

TierGodwin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 14: Yertle

  Querencia is where you can be yourself. This is a place where one draws his strength from.  This is home. 


We entrusted the unhatched eggs of the Moon Phoenixes to Sparkles who tearfully looked over the disaster that occurred on the floating island. 


"I swear I will restore the Moon Phoenix tribe before my body burns out. You are my witness, slave boy," she cried, staring at me with resolve. The "Slave boy" earned her pugnacious reactions.


"Who the hell are you calling a slave boy? Do you want me to piss on you?!" Caleb roared. 

Slade hauled him back. "Out of my way, mutt, if anyone's going to get a piece of that bird, it's me! I'm going to make sure I digest any possibility of her getting reborn!" 

Sevor walked forward with a stoic expression and with his hands behind his back that slowly presented one of the eggs. 


"It's not too late to take back what you said," he calmly threatened. Caleb and Slade stared at him with wide eyes.

"You're so petty!" they snarled in unison.

Peaches scoffed. The ring around my index finger stretched to his hand and transmogrified into a scythe. His eyes carried a deadly glint. 

"I'll turn you into a squid," he threatened. 

Garrison stepped ahead of them, wearing a wholesome smile. He raised his hand up, twirling it elegantly as dust swelled around it. "Why don't I give you a make-over?"

Raphael was completely quiet. The word "slave boy" rang differently with him because of what had transpired between us. Sparkles fearfully back against the wall because of the terror she brought upon herself. Rui could only release a breath of exasperation.


"Adults…" Rui grumbled.

"How could you say that about Lucian-nii?!" Buck shouted, equally riled up. 

Ciel whimpered in my arms from the ruckus but continued to sleep. I stood in between them before they could pluck Sparkles' feathers and stab her with them. I bowed. "Thank you for helping us, Lady Sparkles. This peasant is forever grateful for your kindness." 

Peaches was the first one to tame his aggression before whistling. "That's kind of hot if it comes from you, Lucian."

Sparkles regained her spunk, placing her wing against her beak, acting like she was holding a fan while laughing like a noblewoman.  "Hohoho, until we meet again, slave boy. Take care of my darling will you? He is more valuable than you'll ever be."

Raphael winced, turning away. "We're wasting time. The others must be getting worried."

The twins, Caleb, and Peaches looked at Raphael who in return became rigid and paranoid from their knowing stares. They held their snickering until we arrived at the mountain but not after hearing Sparkles scream:

"Farewell darling! I will remember our love for many rebirths to come!!!" 

We returned to Tourmaline mountain using Peaches' teleportation ability. The four men burst into a chaotic laughter, slapping each other's back and making sure that they included Raphael in that slap too. Garrison had to look away to remain graceful despite tearing up from the humor. Raphael's cheeks were as red as my tooshie when it's slapped. 

"What the heck was that?! Your taste is much worse than Sevor's!" Slade cackled. Sevor abruptly ceased laughing to glare at his twin. 

"What does that supposed to mean?" 

Caleb snorted. "I didn't have respect for you before and I still don't and after this I'll probably never will!" 

Peaches kept smacking Raphael's back playfully. "Full respect for you and your dick."

The angel couldn't bear the series of insults. He snapped. "Shut up, all of you! It was all an act. I had to do it in order to achieve Lucian's goal!" 

Sevor regained his composure. He cleared his throat. "We appreciate your sacrifice."

The chief of the drakes, Laeroth, Ikesha, Knox, Crowley and Ziru made their way towards us upon hearing the bickering. 

"I take it that everything went well?" Ikesha commented, amused by the laughter. Curious eyes were set on the sleeping Ciel. 


Raphael brought the conch shell and handed it to Laeroth. Ziru ran, hugging me by my waist.


"Welcome back, Lucian-nii!"

"Your Highness, I'm glad to have you back. Who's the kid?" Crowley queried. 

"Ciel, we found him in the temple where the key was kept. We don't know where he came from and he doesn't show knowledge about our language," I answered. 

Ikesha's expression softened, as if feeling sorry for the child. "Let's give him a home to stay in. I'm sure Lucius would do the same." 


Lucius welcomed strays without second thoughts. If one was in need, he wouldn't ask if they were a good person or a bad one, he'd help right away and the judging would follow later. 

Laeroth clapped to get our attention. "Well then, where's this city?" 

The crown on my head liquified, swirling on the ground and formed into Levi. My legs collapsed. Peaches was quick to catch me before I could fall face flat. All of my strength left me when Levi separated.

"Someone…hold Ciel…" I panted, making sure that Ciel didn't fall.

Caleb ran over, taking Ciel into his arms. "Be gentle with him…please," I whispered. 


The werewolf gently smiled to reassure me yet his eyes were filled with dread.


"I got him Lucian. I won't let anything happen to him."


Slade roughly grabbed Levi. "Oi? What's the deal? Go back and sit on his head!" 

Levi was unfazed. "It's just for a moment. Only I can use the shell. The city is my inheritance from my mother after all." 

Raphael placed his hand on my back; blue light shone to control my erratic heart beat that would speed up only to cease for a few seconds. Raphael grumbled behind me. 

"Lucius is a million times better than this brute."

My half-brother extended his arm to Laeroth with an open palm. Laeroth placed the shell on his hand. 

"Let's go to the shore and meet the city," Levi drawled.

Buck and Rui stared at each other. "Meet the city?" 

Peaches carried me on his back. The drakes, Garrison, and Crowley kept the children in one line as the night was still deep and they could get lost easily. The calm ocean pushed and pulled, rattling the pebbles and leaving seaweeds on the shore. 


Levi took the tip of the shell into his lips, blowing air into it that made a trumpet-like sound. Everyone waited with anticipation. The salty air, the cold breeze, and the children chattering amongst each other– tiptoeing to see what was in the dark abysmal sea– soothed the weakening feeling I had. From the horizon that was highlighted by the full moon, edifices of varying heights and widths emerged. A castle towered over the other buildings. The land floated to our direction. The children's chattering became louder. Elik and the other freed slaves cheered.

Gradually, the land that had the life of its own revealed its true nature once it had reached the shore. It was a colossal turtle.

"Look at that! Are we going to live there, big brothers?!" 

"That's amazing! Look at it, look!" 

"I can see it! I ain't blind ya know?!" one of the children yelled. 

The turtle appeared to have been awakened from a long slumber and wanted nothing more but to continue its sleep. It yawned, causing us to stumble forward from the pull of its breath and causing giggles to the young ones. 

"This…are you sure your mother won't mind us using this as our hideout?" Laeroth questioned.

Levi scoffed. "It's too late to change your mind. Yertle is already here."

"Sounds like your mom named him when she was drunk and couldn't pronounce properly," Peaches jokes. 

Levi turned to Saber, the chief. "I'll be coming with them until I figure out how to keep Lucian from dying from his own recklessness. Will you be okay?" 

The drakes bowed. "Yes, my Lord. Do not worry about us. We have to remain here and wait for Lord Lucius as well."

"Hmph!" came from Laeroth. He crossed his arms. "That idiot…He's taking too long again. If he does come, tell him that we will head for the Pracia Empire."

"Pracia?" I mumbled. I heard that from Lucius' summary regarding the war. They were in alliance with the Verdolaga and Chelery empire. 


'Nephew, it's Vosredal and Cheborg."

"Pak Choy," I replied.


'It is my new way of saying: exactly.'


I slipped off Peaches' back even when he whined and bowed at Saber who approached me slowly with his weakened joints. 


"Thank you for your hospitality. I'll be sure to repay it someday."

The old drake chuckled. "Do not mention it, young prince. Please take care of Lord Levi. He may come off as a very cold man, but he deeply cares for you and Lucius."

"What are you saying, Saber? Come now, let's not waste time," Levi called out, walking straight like he was hiding his face.

Saber drew closer and winked. "I wish you the best of luck. I am sure that in no time, your brother will find you from hearing your name in the streets. Make noise, Your Highness, leave your trail for people to tell your tale."

I wasn't sure what Saber meant by that. Old people could really say things as if they meant something but only wanted to act wise to the youth. 

"I will keep that in mind," I replied. 

'I'm sure you'll forget you ever had this talk with him as soon as you sleep tonight,' uncle commented.

'Pak Choy.'

'Don't agree when someone mocks you!'

Despite being out in the sea for many years, the buildings were clean and well-kept.  Children immediately scattered inside, running through the narrow pebbled streets that set the marble houses apart. 

"Hey, behave! We need to make safety checks first!" Crowley growled at the excited children. Knox looked around as if he was sightseeing. Ziru waved his hand in front of his eyes and he didn't flinch.

"You're blind, what are you looking at?" 

Knox floated behind us. Peaches continued to carry me with a contented expression. 


"What?" Rui queried, annoyed with Knox' vagueness. 

"Shrimp man."

The children ran inside the castle that had no door. Crowley groaned and ran after them. Garrison chuckled.

"Look at our Hanuman being so responsible."

"I never thought a proud Hanuman would stoop as a babysitter. Lucius' baby brother definitely has an influence on people," Laeroth said. Levi turned his head at me while walking. 

"Just a little longer and I'll perch back on your scalp."

"Why don't I just rip your scalp right now?" Slade snapped.

"Slade!" Sevor reprimanded. 

"You better know what you're doing," Caleb coldly muttered.

I shivered. Peaches' warm body helped with the chilling temperature of the air but the coldness continued to seep through my bones. 

"I'll be fine. Do not fuss," I told them.

Raphael's glare at Levi did not go unnoticed but my half brother couldn't care less of what they thought of him. He appeared to be confident that he would survive if the five of them were to attack him all at once. 

Screams broke out from the castle that made us all tense except for Levi. Crowley's scream was even more unsettling as blood splattered on the floor just outside of the entrance. A red thin leg came out, skewering Crowley with it in midair.

"That's a shrimp," Peaches said before looking at Knox who nodded.

"Found it."