
Chapter 59

You've done your job, Donovan reminded himself when they were back in their room later. You've found Sloane and she's agreed to come back to the Set. Tomorrow, they'd be heading back to London. He'd done what he'd set out to do - so why did it feel like the battle was still ahead of him?

Because you're still thinking with your knob, you bloody idiot. Because having Sloane here, close enough to touch, made it impossible to ignore the urges that she inspired in him. He'd already risked everything once to act on that hunger. If Roth or the rest of the team ever found out what they'd done, that he'd broken the oath they'd all taken, then he'd be on his own again. He refused to let everything be stripped away from him like it had before. He had a life with this team - one that actually gave him purpose and meaning again - and the risk was too great.