
Chapter 24

Kissing Leo was like an explosion. It was the release of a week's worth of tension, a rush of sensations she wasn't aware she could feel.

He'd said he didn't want to take advantage of her, but he shouldn't have worried. Right now, this was exactly what she wanted. What she needed.

Her fingers tangled in his long hair, and her lips pressed against his with all of the desire in her heart. She'd felt his body against hers before, several times, but that was nothing next to what it felt like to be pressed against him now, clinging to each other in sheer hunger, trying to get closer to each other than humanly possible.

She heard a soft moan and realized it was her. One of his hands was cupping the back of her neck, the other sliding down her body, and it felt so good to be held by him that she couldn't stand it.