
Chapter 9


The next morning I get to school around the same time as Katherine. I witness the thing that I was scared of seeing. She saunters over to Cole, and I can already see by the look on his face that he got what he wanted, and he's done. I shut my locker just as Pearce and Dominic walk up, and we all turn to watch what will be a show for the ages.

"This isn't going to end well is it?" Dominic asks.

"I don't think so, man," Pearce says.

“Hey, baby. Did you miss me?” Katherine purrs and flutters her eyelashes at Cole. She is rubbing her hands up and down his arms, and I see the irritation flowing off him in waves. Katherine is oblivious to all this.

“Who told you that you could call me that? Better yet, what the hell do you think you’re doing? I just slept with you once, that doesn’t mean that we are a couple or that I even care about you. You were just an easy lay. No one claimed you, so I just took what I thought might be a good time. Turns out I was wrong.” He turns and walks away, leaving Katherine standing in front of most of the school with her mouth opening and closing like a fish.

I feel my heart plummet to the bottom of my stomach. He just called her out in front of a ton of people. There is no way that she is going to take that lying down. She will have to let her frustration out somehow.

She turns around, and I can see the embarrassment on her face. When she looks in my direction, I know that I am in for it. She marches over to me, and I notice Pearce stand in front of me as if he's going to protect me from her attack. She walks right around him until she gets right in my face.

“You bitch! I know you did something to make him turn on me. Are you trying to get me back for that little dork I stole from you? God, you’re pathetic. So I slept with the boy you liked on the day of your first date. That doesn’t mean that you have to steal what I want.” She raises her hand, and before anyone can stop it, she slaps me.

Gasps are heard all around the hallway as people are shocked at what they saw. I turn my face back to her and look her dead in the eye. She has a fire in her eyes that makes me tremble with fear of what she will do once we get home. Then again she may be biding her time and planning on doing something way worse after a while.

“I did nothing. I was at work all night until I came home. I even asked him to give you a chance a few days ago. I have no interest in taking something that you think belongs to you.” I walk off towards my first class, knowing that everyone is watching and that I will be the talk of the school for the day.

Mason tried to talk to me about the situation in the first period, and I told him that there is nothing to say. I tell him the truth. That I got caught in the crossfire of the incident and that there is nothing to be done about it. I can tell that he doesn’t like that answer, but what can I do?

“Ophelia, know that whatever happens that I am always here for you. If she comes after you again, let me know. Please.” I nod and smile, but it’s one of those smiles that doesn’t reach my eyes. Mason notices this and drops the subject.

"So tell me about your job. How do you like it?" He asks trying to get my mind off of what just happened to me.

The rest of the class passes quickly, and I make a beeline out of the room and to my next class, hoping to keep from running into Katherine. Once I make it to class, I try and relax until I see Cole making his way over to me.

He gently grabs my chin and turns my face so that they can see the bruise that is starting to form on my cheek. I notice that he has clenched his jaws and that his breathing is harsh. I touch his hand to get his attention.

“If she sees this, she’ll get even angrier at me. Cole, you have to leave it alone.” I can see the anger rising in his eyes, and I know that he's not happy that I told him that. He takes a deep breath as if he trying to calm his self-down.

“Why does she get to act that way toward you? Don’t your parents put a stop to that crap? I can’t just sit back and let her get away with hitting you. This had nothing to do with you.” I shake my head at him, knowing that explaining all this will do nothing for him.

“You need to know that not all families love their children equally. Some have clear favorites, and in mine, that favorite is Katherine. So if you want to help me leave it. Please.” At this point, I know that emotions that I do not wish to show are all over my face. He nods his head in understanding and takes a seat next to me. “I will probably eat with Pearce today just to keep the peace.” I notice that his jaw is clenched again, but he doesn’t argue, he just nods.

Once lunch rolls around, I go and sit with Pearce. He's been overly protective since this morning. He has been coming and getting me after my classes. And making sure that I am not anywhere near my sister. He buys my lunch while I wait with Dominic. Pearce is a great friend, and I think that he'll end up being the one that I can count on while I’m here at this school. My brain keeps telling me not to trust anyone, but my heart is winning out. I find myself trusting these guys whether I want to or not.

After sitting there a few minutes, I notice that Katherine is nowhere to be seen and that Cole and Mason are entertaining a new group of ladies. Things never change, I guess, and that bothers me for some reason when I look at Cole. My heart does flips when he is around, and I know that I am slowly developing a crush on the guy. The problem is that I will never be with him. He only does the one-night thing, and I am not interested in that. I need to try and not fall for his charms, but that may be easier said than done.

The rest of my day goes by fast, and Maggie and I spend the night working and enjoying each other’s company. Although I had to give her the same speech as her brother, she doesn’t argue, and we pass a peaceful night at work. Once I get home, I once again wait to be yelled at, but nothing happens. I was right when I thought she is, waiting and plotting against me. Only time will tell how this is all going to go down.

Katherine will not let this slide without at least trying to take me down. One of her greatest thrills in life is making me miserable. As children, she would sit in her room and think of ways to get back at me if she thought that I did something to her. There were times when I would have to walk on eggshells for months waiting for her revenge.

This time she would come up with something to ruin me for good. Katherine was always possessive over her things, and she thought of Cole as hers. This would end in the worst possible way if she has her way. I can only hope that I'm prepared for what is to come. I have to focus my energy on getting through these last few months of school. Then I can get out of this family for good.

The thought crosses my mind about what my mother had said the other night. Will kicking me out be the thing that Katherine uses against me? Is she in there now telling my parents how I humiliated her in front of the entire school? These thoughts are going to keep me up all night with worry.

I know that I will be fine financially, but emotionally am I ready to be permanently cut off from my family? The thoughts I have been having lately, make me think that I won't be ok without them. I will feel even more abandoned than I already do. I don't know how I will ever recover from that.