
Chapter 33.

Everyone knew Sebastian had the hots for Rosemary. It was that bad. The only upside to it was Rosemary was old enough to be his mother and she was a divorcee.

It was a disgusting love and you can blame that on Rosemary dainty look. She didn't look older than sixty. She could easily pass for a woman in her late forties and her bones were still strong. Sebastian was in his mid-thirties. He didn't mind bedding a woman older than him by thirty years.

'Ew, Sebastian. Stop staring at the soon to be grandmother. It's disgusting." A man snickered as he caught Sebastian staring at the old woman. Don't get him wrong, they all respected the woman but it was gross to actually fall in love with her.

Sebastian scratched the back of his head. He averted his gaze when he saw Rosemary staring at him. It was embarrassing.

'The world is waiting for you two to kiss." Another man chipped in. He was carrying a very big table. He had an evil smirk on his face as he walked past with a lamp in his grip.