
Chapter 140.

He followed her gaze and understood immediately. "Do you want me to help you out?" He asked curiously.

Antonia shook her head. She hasn't said a word since she arrived in New York. She didn't want to convince herself that it was a good idea coming back and neither did she want to berate herself for coming back to a place of so many bad memories. "I think I can manage. Thank you for asking."

The driver shrugged. "Suit yourself." His eyes traveled from her feet, back to her face. Then he chuckled.

Antonia felt offended. What his look meant was degrading. It wasn't his fault she rejected his help. She was never one to ask for help and she wouldn't start doing so now..With that thought, she dragged the box gently on the rough surface. No matter how he try she did so, it didn't help.