
Chapter 138.

It was stunning when she didn't just drag those cookies in but she filled bottles with strawberry smoothies. It was perfect.

"My wife is sending someone to me and that person will bring food along side. I don't need this." One of them complained, eyeing the cookie with disrespect.

Laurel paused immediately she heard. She gave the last parcel the the one who needed it then she walked over to the ungrateful man.

"What is your name?" She asked sweetly.

"Diego." He replied gruffly, staring into her eyes like he was challenging her.

"Well, Diego," laurel snatched the parcel from his hands. "What I expected was a thank you even if you don't need it." She threw the parcel to an eager hand in the distance because they had all gathered around her. "You can wait for that person to bring that something for you."