
Claimed by the Lycan King

Before I knew it, he lifted me, setting me on his lap. I tried to move away, but his hold was firm. My pulse quickened as I felt his hands slowly move around my waist. The breath I took next was shaky. "Is that your heart beating so fast, little mouse?" Tristan whispered. "Are you nervous?" His fingers slid downward to my inner thighs, and I held my breath. Heat seeped through my veins, causing an ache between my thighs. I sucked in a gasp as his nails dragged over the heat of my inner thighs. I slowly closed my eyes, leaning back into him. Cool air kissed between my legs. "Say it aloud," he murmured. His face was inches from mine, and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. "What?" I asked, my breath ragged. "I know you want me inside you. Say it." .... Cover image belongs to me.

Gift_Candy_2415 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 29

Chapter 29


Sunlight fell on Tristan's hair as we hastily returned to the camp.

"Find somewhere safe in the camp to hide from the vampires," Tristan said.


"Don't make yourself a target."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I have a feeling you'd do the exact opposite."

"Kill as many of them as you can," Tristan said to the guard. I saw the male guard begin to load his gun with wooden bullets.

"Wooden bullets for vampires?" I asked.

"Not just any wooden bullets," Tristan said. "This wood is derived from the ash tree. One shot in the heart, and a vampire will dry out."

"Take this," Tristan took one of the guns from the guard and handed it to me. "Have you ever used a gun before?"

"No," I shook my head.

He took the gun back from me before turning to the guard. "You stay with her here and guard her until everything is over."

"You're going alone with no protection?" I asked.

"I can take care of myself," he said. "Just stay safe."

After he left, I exhaled sharply, running my fingers through my still-wet hair.

"Where's Hayley?" I asked.

"She's helping the others kill the vampires," the guard replied.

"What happened with the witches? Shouldn't they have come with us for the hunt to protect the Lycans against the vampires?"

"The witches don't just go around protecting the Lycans," the guard said. "They've done their part, and it's up to the Lycans to do the rest."

"What do you mean?"

"The witches created the Lycans," he said. "That alone is enough for the Lycans."

My eyes widened; I hadn't thought witches were the ones who created Lycans.


"They have the Book of Dis," he murmured. "They created us with magic. And they have the power to also uncreate us. That's why the Lycans do everything they ask."

"Everything they ask?"

"I don't think I should be telling you this."

"Why not? I'll be Queen soon. I need to know the history of the Lycans if I'm going to rule them someday."

"It was ten thousand years ago when vampires started killing women, men, and children in the village," he explained. "It got to the point where one of the father's whose children were killed, was a retired witch. He met her sister, asking her for help to create an upgrade of vampires to protect them from the bloodsuckers."

"What happened after?" I asked, crossing my arms. Hearing the sound of gunshots in the distance, I turned my head but saw nothing.

"Back then, witches aged very fast, and most of the time, they kidnapped vampires to perform rituals to help them age slowly. After hearing the words from him, his sister made a deal with him that they would create a creature in the image of werewolves but stronger. However, they wanted something huge in return."

"And what was that?"

The guard shook his head. "The King would order my execution if I said anything further."

I frowned. "I'll be Queen soon."

"Soon," he said. "And until then, I'll remain silent."

"Did you hear that?" the guard asked.


"I can sense someone nearby," the guard said, looking around. "Show yourself!"

"Since you asked nicely," a voice spoke up, and then a man appeared from the shadows. No, he was a vampire with darker skin.

"Vampire," the guard said, preparing to fire.

"You've taken so much from us, and you dare come into our hiding place to kill us?" the male vampire said.

"Have you forgotten how much we suffered at the hands of vampires long ago?" the guard asked. "Even now, you still invade our city to kill us."

"And you took our land from us," the vampire snapped.

Without warning, the guard fired an ash bullet at the vampire, hitting him in the chest. The vampire fell to the ground, convulsing, his veins becoming more visible. His skin turned a grayish color, his body slowly desiccating before he died.

More vampires began to emerge from the shadows, their eyes consumed with blackness. They bared their sharp fangs, challenging us for a fight.

The guard didn't waste any time and began shooting at the vampires.

"Run," he said to me.

"What? No."

"I said run!"

"I can't leave you here," I said.

"Find your way back to the camp and inform the others that I need backup."

I slowly nodded, turned around, and started running. After running some distance, I paused, turning around to see the guard buried under a sea of fangs. He fell beneath them as the vampires consumed him.

I held my breath as I watched the horrific scene. Before I could turn away and continue running, pain exploded from my side. I dropped to my knees, gasping for breath, and looked up to find a female vampire standing in front of me. She looked young, but I knew she was far older.

"The King has taken an interest in you," she said. "I'm really going to enjoy making you suffer. Once you're dead, your head will be displayed for those filthy guard dogs to see."

"You call them dogs, yet they're able to kill your kind," I retorted, almost laughing at her words.

"Well, look at what remains of your friend," she smirked. "Why couldn't he save himself?"

"He was outnumbered."

"Enough chit-chat," she said, her eyes bleeding black. "I've been dying for a taste of blood."

I tried to stand and escape, but the vampire was quick, knocking me down with force. She placed a knee on my chest, preparing to bite me.

I watched her with burning eyes, imagining her screams and pain when Tristan would stake her heart.

My eyes widened as I noticed something changing. Blood gathered on her chest, and her skin began to turn grayish and dry as if she'd been staked. I quickly pushed her away, wondering if someone had shot her with an ash bullet, but there was no one around.

Turning my gaze back to the vampire, I saw that she was dead.