
Claimed by my Guardian Angel.

Wanting to find answers about the disappearance of her roommate who hadn't returned back after entering the young Master Marcos room, Anna walked outside the Mansion to the backyard where Young Master Marcos often visits at midnight. She saw him standing with his hands tucked into his front pocket looking at the butler who was holding a shovel in his hand. He was digging a pit at the late hour of the night. "What are you--" Anna stumbled on her footsteps, making her fall on the ground. On hearing a female voice, Marcos turned around to see Anna standing near one of the graves holding a lantern. "What do you think I'm doing?" The corner of his lips tugged up with a cunning smile. "Burying a maid who refused to obey instructions." Anna took couple steps and she froze on that spot. Close to the butler was the dead body of her roommate! "Victoria!" "I told her to make me coffee and she made me tea instead." He put two and two together and his eyes went from her head to toe. "Maidens like you are supposed to be either on bed or working in the kitchen at this time. Anna what are you doing in the middle of the night all alone? Did you come here to seduce me again?" At his words, her face flushed with pink blush and she tried to avoid his gaze. "That is not true." As the butler was about to place the dead body into the grave, Marcos stopped him by raising his hand. "Find a way to dispose this body. We will be burying Anna instead." She felt her heart sink into her stomach at his words.

Gift_candy · Urban
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40 Chs

Birthday present

As Anna and Victoria continued walking, she noticed some maids busily decorating the living room with balloons.

"What are they celebrating?" Anna asked.

"The fifteenth birthday of the youngest child of the Windsor. Her name is Elizabeth." Victoria replied.

"Ohh...." Anna nodded her head, as she hadn't seen the girl before.

After a long walk around the Mansion, they both breathed out heavily.

"We should get going now to prepare for the birthday ceremony." Victoria said and they both walked to the kitchen area. They carried the trays of food that have been arranged on the wooden table. With their heads high, they walked to the dining room.

Anna caught sight of a little girl not less than eight sitting alone in the dining room. She had a creamy skin colour and small lips. Her long hair was neatly combed and tied with a band. She was dressed in a white coloured dress which swept the clean floor of the dining room.

"Who are you?" The girl demanded with stern eyes.

"A new maid. My name is Anna." She bowed her head slightly.

Just then, Butler Sam stepped into the room with a confused expression. His hand held his beating chest as he stared at the young Miss seated with an arrogant expression.

"What is it again?" The little girl turned to the butler.

"Who is she?" Anna whispered to Victoria.

"She is Elizabeth, youngest child of the Windsor." Victoria replied.

Anna stared at the little girl from head to toe. The girl was no less than eight years and she wondered if Victoria actually knows her real age.

"Their whole family has good genes. Rumours has it that they got their perfect skin from their father who do not age at all. He is dead now." Victoria said.

"Young Miss we already sent the invitation letters to the children but none of them are willing to come for your birthday." Butler Sam said with a shaky voice.

"Why?" She asked in an indifferent tone.

"You know..... Uhm—"

"Get out!" Her face turned frigid.

"I do not need those peasants for my birthday." She teared gaze from the Butler to looked at Anna.

"And you... What are you still doing here?!" The girl asked.

"Ohh..... Uhm..... I apologize." They both bowed their heads and was about to take a step when the little girl stopped them.

"Hey! You come here." She ordered.

Anna felt her heart sink into her stomach as she turned around to see the girl already standing.

"I want you to sit with me for my birthday, would you?" Elizabeth asked.

Anna's eyes went wide at the question. "I should sit with you?" She asked with surprise.

"Yes." Elizabeth responded. "There are so much food and drinks here that are prepared from the best cook in this Town. Come sit with me, I would love to know more about you."

"It's your fifteenth birthday and I wouldn't want to intrude on your time." Anna said as she wasn't sure this would end well, considering what her mother told her earlier.

She offered her a genuine smile. "You know you are supposed to celebrate this day with your friends and family. I am just a maid."

"I don't have friends." She replied.

"Okay.... What about your family?" Anna could feel her palm going wet because of sweat.

"Is that a no?" Elizabeth's once warm expression turned cold and frigid.

Anna felt her heart skip at her cold words. "I don't think I would ever reject a no from someone like you."

As Anna and Victoria took couple steps towards the girl, she stopped them with her hand raised on the air.

"I don't want you here." She said to Victoria.

Victoria nodded her head and quickly dashed out of the room.

Just then, the Madam of Windsor family entered the room. Her once brightened expression slipped away when she saw Anna with her daughter.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Mother she is my guest for my birthday." Elizabeth smiled at her mother.

"I think your governess is not teaching you lessons of etiquette of the house. A low life person like her is not supposed to be here." The woman spoke with a harsh tone.

"Don't worry she is my friend." Elizabeth assured her. "Would you not sit? It is my birthday today. Where is Brother Marcos?"

"He will be here soon." The woman went to sit far away from Elizabeth and her guest.

Just then, a cold breeze passed through Elizabeth and she saw Marcos seated with them.

"I feel threatened by your presence, Brother." She said to Marcos.

"Really?" Marcos raised a brow at her.

"Happy birthday, Sister Elizabeth." At the unfamiliar voice, she turned around to see a man standing there.

"Your mother did not tell you about me." Lucian smiled at the girl. "I am your older brother, Lucian."

"I brought you a special gift." Lucian brought out a small box and place it in front of the girl.

Elizabeth's eyes brightened up. None of her family members had brought her a birthday present or even wish her well. Seeing that this man remembered her birthday, she was more than excited.

She quickly opened the box to see pink powder substance in it. She looked at Marcos wondering what it was.

"This is the wings of the oldest fairy I have met. Grinded into dust, it would help in healing your wounds and make your skin look more pale and attractive." Upon hearing this, Anna felt the blood on her neck rush to her face.

A fairy wing? She started feeling uncomfortable sitting with the Windsor family.