
Chapter 9

I mean, what the heck is going on right now?

My palm was pressing against the bite mark on my neck, sending more endorphins coursing through me, so I couldn't concentrate on what was being spoken. Is it possible that he injected me with something? My slow mind could think of nothing else. Biting a person wasn't supposed to make you trip out.

"And here we thought things were looking up. "There was a lot of menace in his tone, Crete noticed.

"There's no need for things to heat up, you know. "

Alexander hugged me tighter. Confusion and delight flooded through me at the same time, and it was difficult to make sense of it all.

On the negative side, I felt very certain that I was the target of a kidnapping attempt. I trusted the guy who was holding me; he was a safe haven from the oncoming danger.

What possessed me to become so greedy? I should have known better.

Even as Crete's face become more red with anger, that response eluded my hazy brain.

“You really would mate yourself to a street rat? Do you really want to take over your pack with that kind of behaviour? "

Then there was that strange language again. To what did they refer? They didn't seem to be your typical gym guys who would resort to slang like that. It was amusing to think about all those senior, well-dressed guys doing big barbell presses and squats.

"I'll take care of it myself." "You're being stupid, kid."

There were a lot of simultaneous occurrences. Alexander suddenly handed me over to an other guy, who had been standing there the whole time. He seemed less menacing than the others since he was physically smaller than them.

Now that I was out of the way, though, Alexander was able to charge Crete with surprising speed, sending the older guy reeling backward as he hissed.

If you want to stay out of my way, you should respect my turf. "

"Are you an idiot?" another of the older guys said angrily.

"No, but I won't take it if you threaten or insult my mate right here in the middle of my territory. I will see to it that she receives a fitting punishment, so go! "

The weight of his speech chillingly inspired my own delightful fury to grow. He was powerful and authoritative in a manner I couldn't quite put my finger on, and I found that appealing.

Like, what the heck was wrong with me?

The guy who was holding me whispered, "Come," in a soothing voice.

Oh my god, that's wonderful. About this matter, I am the consummate diplomat.

The shorter guy helped me stagger/float away from the action, and I was able to get some distance. And just in time, for the guys in front of me transformed into wolves without warning.

"What the hell?"

No way is that accurate. I closed my eyes and reopened them, but it seemed to have occurred again. Suddenly, their limbs and legs were bending and breaking and making noises they shouldn't be making, and their skin was covered with fur. Even though everything occurred in what seemed like an instant, the memory of it stuck out to me like a slow-motion montage of horror.

Over the following several months, I was sure to be plagued by terrifying dreams.

The unexpectedness of it all managed to slice through my buoyant mood like a hot knife through butter. They must have slipped me something because all of a sudden there were two enormous wolves fighting it out in the alley.

I realised that I couldn't stay for another second. That torched every logical aspect of my brain.

I desperately elbowed the guy holding me in the stomach, then flung my head back till my skull made contact with his chin. Not enough to knock him down, but enough to let me escape his hold.

Totally crazed, I took out running without a second thought. As far as I was concerned, the only place I could go to get away from drug-dealing mobsters who were also animals was the school.

Certainly I would be secure there.