
claim by him

when kinn is the CEO of kinn enterprise and Porsche the mafia leader different people from different worlds when one is rising in lights and second is living in dark they want to claim the thing they always wanted in their life but ended up claiming something else they never thought of what will happen when they claim the thing they never wanted to or this claim will lead them to their fate for being together or heartbroken so let's find out the story of kinnporsche life .......

be_on_cloud · LGBT+
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ohh shit he said when he accidentally kicked on his friend face when he was dancing on a song in front of his room door but his friend open the door of his room get a High kick on his face and fall on the floor

he was checking him if he is okay or not but he is unconscious he know that he fucked up this is last time he is seeing this world and praying to Heaven's for his dear life

when he is mentally crushing at himself for his clumsiness his friend get conscious looked at him why I'm lying on the floor Pete asked looked all confused and trying to get up from the floor Porsche thanking heavens for sparing his life and giving him new life ( being over dramatic like always 🤦🏻‍♀️ )

ohhh nothing pete you just hit your face on the door he said suspiciously pete make wtf face not believe what Porsche said and went to the mirror looking at himself with black eye and bruised lips ( poor pete 🥺) Porsche feel relief because Pete forgot the incident that happened before Pete you are so clumsy what you are thinking when you are walking around Porsche said trying his best to convince Pete to believe him

but for his bad luck Pete expression changed to confused to angry one Porsche know that he is doomed there is no way he will survive form angry Pete there is only one way left for him is RUN

( I remembered the run song of bts while writing this lol 😂)

he shout sorry Pete and run for his dear life out of the room you little piece of shit how dare you kick my handsome face and you have a nerve for lie to me after hitting my face Porsche Pete shout and cursing at him none stop while running behind Porsche

it doesn't matter if Porsche is leader of mafia group and how intimidating and dangerous he is look from outside but inside he is still a child himself who is in his early twenties and get the responsibility of leadership pete is his best friend but when it comes to pete he always get scared of him when he gets angry

chasing after Porsche for some time Pete finally caught Porsche now Pete is sitting on the sofa and Porsche standing in front of him Porsche now tell me what should I do now with you Pete said Porsche showing him his puppy eyes for mercy Pete you know na I love you the most I'm your best friend so please forgive me this last time this

not gonna happen again he said being cute ohhh really Porsche last time Pete said yes Pete last time Porsche said

I think you forget about last time you also said that when you broke my favourite guitar did you forget about that Porsche he said in mocking tone Porsche was frozen in his place after remembering about his guitar last time he nearly survived from death pete please just last time leave me he said

okay pete said thank you Pete you are the best Porsche said happily but on one condition pete said he didn't even let pete complete his sentance before okay I will do everything you will ask Porsche said faster than bullet train but he was shocked because he didn't expect this from pete

I hope you enjoyed this chapter ☺️

sorry if there mistakes in my writing because English is not my first language