

Copious amounts of Izuku hero worship... Plus, Izuku becomes very famous)

As soon as Inko and Toshinori left the meeting room, they were at first chewed out by Naomasa and Nighteye. Then they were kneeling down and holding their earlobes like small kids when they do something they weren't supposed to do as Gran Torino scolded them mercilessly for keeping Izuku a secret for all these years. Then they were congratulated by the three, after which they were scolded again by Gran Torino for not putting more attention on Izuku's 'quirklessness' despite of him telling them about his body feeling warm. After which Gran Torino showed compassion and love (Gran Torino loves them with all of his heart, but he will very rarely show it) towards Toshinori and Inko and hugged them for bringing such a wonderful child and future hero into this world. A few tears of joy were also there, but Torino denied it and gave the old 'Something was in my eye' excuse. Inko then invited them to their house for dinner.

All Might's house, Same night.

"I still cannot believe you kept it a secret" Naomasa said while watching the TV

"How many times do you want me to say sorry?" Toshinori said.

"Forget about that... does anyone of you have an idea of how I should try to make it up to Izuku?"

"I think the best way is to somehow make Izuku spend time with Gran Torino..." Nighteye suggested.

"I agree... Gran Torino has known you for most of your life. If there is anyone who can persuade your son, it might be him" Naomasa agreed

"Whatever" Torino said coldly... but inside, he was jumping with joy, and everyone knew that.

'Toshinori is like my son... Does that mean I am a grandfather now? I always wanted a grandchild. Wait... does that also make me Gran Pa Torino?' Torino was in his own world.

"I was thinking the same thing...but how do we make Izuku interact with Gran Torino..." Toshinori said.

"The principal said that the UA sports festival will still be held two weeks later... I will send Izuku an internship offer. Your job is to make sure that he picks me." Torino stated, which surprised everyone as moments ago, he was acting like it didn't matter to him.

"Hmmmmm, yes... this could work. And since the festival will be telecasted throughout the entire country... he won't suspect that we set the internship up. He will think that Gran Torino saw him in the television..." Toshinori agreed

"Speaking of which, it looks like the media are doing their jobs... Over exaggerating the event from today... They're saying that many students got hurt and were taken to the hospital on multiple ambulances" Nighteye commented.

"They somehow managed to get a photograph of all the Ambulances and Police vehicles parked outside the USJ"

"Dinner's ready" Inko called them in a sing-song voice from the dining room.

"Coming in a sec" Toshinori said as he along with the others were getting up

"The other ambulances weren't even necessary... Aizawa, 13 and Izuku were all taken by a single ambulance... Good thing they didn't get to take a picture of them and show it to the entire world"

After having dinner, all of them were having a serious discussion about the possible return of All for One.

"Naomasa, did you find any information on this Tomura Shiguraki ?"

"As of now... nothing. It seems like he is a relatively new player. We've given his photo to many of our deep undercover officers, some of whome have been undercover for a decade...but they were not able to recognise him or find anything about him"

"And the villains that you apprehended?" Nighteye asked

"They didn't know anything...all of them say that they were warped in to the main hideout. And from the footage that we saw... he looked visibly upset when things didn't go according to his plan... he made immature, wild statements. He bragged about his possessions... about how much he hated you. He thought that everything would go the way he planned." Naomasa explained.

"The picture I get of Shiguraki is... some one who hasn't gotten rid of his childish sence of omnipotence-A man child" All Might added

"A child with power" Nighteye said.

"Could it be that he never received the quirk counseling that every child gets in elementary school?" Inko asked

"We arrested 177 villains today... what worries me is how a man-child was able to rally that many villains and make them follow him... even if they were just small time thugs"

"A man child...In some sense he's like the students, he still has room to grow. Maybe there is someone backing him, cultivating his malice...

We should've double checked the body." Torino commented

"If He is alive and had been working in the shadows all this time, grooming his successor, that means..." Nighteye said as everyone looked towards All Might.

"I will have to face him again... Who ever will be my successor won't be able to prepare themself with One for All in a short amount of time... Be it Mirio or Katsuki"

'But maybe... just maybe if Izuku accepts the quirk, he might be strong enough...'

Unknown location.

"So... what are your plans now. Our strongest Nomu is dead. The only Nomu that was capable of killing All Might"

"Ohhh... we don't need a powerful Nomu anymore. All Might has already chosen a successor...He'll be getting weaker by the day" The person said as he looked at the picture of All Might and Titan.

'It'll only be a couple of months before the last fires of One for All will die out... and then, there won't be any Symbol of Peace... or his family'

Next Morning

Inko and Toshinori were getting ready for their hero work. Torino and Nighteye left early in the morning. They had just finished eating their breakfast and decided to watch the news for any criminal activity or disasters. And there was one...A very big one at that.

An overbridge had collapsed, causing the train to drop into the roads below start a big fire. The train has many passengers still in it. Heroes like Kamui Woods and Death Arms were present there, but were unable to do anything because of the fire. Backdraft was also present there but his hands were full as he was desperately trying to keep the fire from reaching a gas station which was located next to the collapsed overbridge. Mt Lady was in the other side of the city and wouldn't be able to reach there quickly due to her size. She had to carefully move through the city in order to not crush anyone and so she decided to change back to her normal size and take a cab.

All Might and Titan didn't waste a single second. They immediately turned the TV off, locked their house. All Might then picked up Titan bridal style and launched himself towards the eastern part of the city. While on the way, they were planning on how to deal with the situation. But they weren't prepared for what they were about to see at the disaster site.

As soon as they reached the area, they saw that there were about sixty-four injured people being tended to by the medics. Some had severe burns, others had broken bones.

"It looks like a Pro arrived here first..." Inko said.

"WHERE'S THE KID!?" Death Arms shouted as he was trying to lift a giant slab of concrete from on top of an elderly man.


"Holy shit! that kid saved so many people!"

"I know right! This video is gonna get tons of views!"

"Kinda reminds me of All Might's debut"

Some bystanders said as they recorded the incident.


Both All Might and Titan went to Death Arms.

"Is every thing Ok?"

"What do you mean 'kid'?"

Titan asked.

"All Might, Titan... Thank God you're here... I could use a hand" He said.

Titan used her telekinesis to easily lift the slab, freeing the man.

"Give me a status report, how many people are still in there? And what is this 'kid' you're talking about?"

"He's freaking crazy. Appeared out of nowhere and jumped into the fire and began bringing people from the other side of the fire. He saved those people from the wreckage, 64 people withing 6 minutes...Only 7 more are inside according to him" Death Arms said as he pointed towards the injured people.

"Didn't you try to stop him?" Inko asked.

"We did... but he wouldn't listen. He's doing the 'I will always risk my own life to save others' thing" Death Arm explained.

"Titan, lift up the train carts, but not too hig-"

"Hey look! Its him!" one of the bystanders shouted.

"Holy shit! How many people is he carrying this time!?" A bystander exclaimed.

"...Five, six, seven... His carrying seven people!"

"Now that... definitely reminds me of All Might's debut!"

"I... I'm speechless... he saved all of them." A reporter said.

"But, why is he looking down?"

"Please don't tell me..."

"Oh no..."

Their worst fear had come true... He wasn't able to save all of them...Or at least that's what the people thought.

13 Minutes ago.

"So...The USJ was attacked...the ringleader said that the creature they created was strong enough to defeat All Might... and I think it was capable of doing it" Izuku was talking on the phone while going towards the market.

"That is frightening... If they do have a way of killing All Might..."

"The ringleader had thrown a full blown tamper tantrum when I defeated the Nomu... and... he threatened to kill me"

"Threatened you?

Then I would suggest caution. No one knows how the criminal and villainous minds works...No way of knowing when they'll strike"

"Got it.

Faulkner, I also recently discovered that I can make my body float"


"Yeah. When I direct RSE throughout my entire body, it makes me floa-"


"What the- I need to go, Talk to you later"

Izuku put the phone inside his pocket and began running towards the source of the sound.

Izuku arrived at the disaster site and saw that everything was in ruins... There was fire everywhere... Heroes like Kamui Woods and Death Arms were there, controlling the crowd. But both of their quirks were useless when it came to saving people from fires. And backdraft was trying his best to prevent the fire from reaching a gas station.

"Where the heck is Mt Lady!?" Woods asked

"She's on the way... her size prevents her from moving fast"

"What about the firemen?"

"The bridge collapsing had a butterfly effect throughout the Eastern part of the city. They're stuck in a traffic jam"

"Shit... there are people still in there" Death Arms said as he looked towards the train compartments.

'Wait... people are still in there?' Izuku activated his Predator Sense and to his horror there were... Not just adults...but babies and children were stuck inside too. They were suffocating, trying to break the door of the train... but in vain. The parents inside were hugging their children.

Even though there was chaos all around Izuku... he heard a faint whisper from two individuals stuck in the fire due to his Predator Sense

"Everything w-will be fine, right m-mommy?

"Don't worry... everything will be O-Ok" The mother said hiding a sob.

And that was it... Izuku's legs started to move on their own.

"WHAT THE- HEY GET BACK HERE!" Woods called Izuku but he did not listen and jumped into the fire.


'Ok... so there are 5 carts in total... I need to prioritise the carts that are on fire first. 25% to both the legs for fast movement, 25% to both arms to break the cart doors... and 20% torso should be enough to heal from burns.

With that he ran to the first cart. Izuku then pulled out the doors releasing a lot of smoke and went inside.


No response... He saw that all the passengers in the cart were unconscious. He quickly rushed to the front of the cart got the operator out of the cockpit of the train. Then, he rushed back to take the passengers out of cart and began to carry them... two on his back, two over his shoulder and four using his arms.

'35% in both legs should be enough to jump to the other side'

"What the hell, now we have to worry about that kid.

Where the heck are the firefighters?"

"They're still stuck in th-what the hell is that!?"

Woods, Death Arms, the other Pros, the media and the bystanders watched as Izuku jumped from the other side of a burning overturned cart with people on his shoulder and arms.

"Take care of them" Izuku said as he laid the civilians on the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing!?"

"I'm saving them"

"What about yourself!?"

"I'll risk my own life if it means that I can save others...and don't worry, I can handle it " With that he jumped back into the fire again.

'Ok, 8 saved... how many are left?'

Izuku activated Predator Sense and saw that he had to save 63 other people, 21 of whome were trapped in cars under the rubble.

He didn't waste any time as he moved from cart to cart and car to car.

Carrying people out of the flames and smoke and bringing them to safety. The Pros stopped objecting and began helping the wounded and injured.

After 6 minutes, Izuku had saved 64 people.

"How many are left?" Woods asked

"Seven, it'll take sometime to get them as they are stuck under some rubble" Izuku answered as he prepared to go to the other side of the overturned cart.

"Good Luck"


Izuku's T-shirt was already gone by this point. But he didn't care. He went to the other side and saw that the final cart was safe from the fire, but there were big pieces of concrete and steel rods covering it. Izuku knew if he didn't move the rubble out, the people would suffocate. And so he directed 40% to both of arms and began moving the the concrete slabs behind him, unknowingly making a small staircase . As soon as he moved the rubble out of the cart entrance, he broke through the door and the first thing he saw was the mother and daughter, lying on the floor. At first, he thought that he failed, but then used Predator Sense to see that they had merely passed out due to the lack of air, like the other passengers of the cart. He quickly picked them up and was about to jump to the other side but saw the stairs he unknowingly made that led to the top of an overturned cart which in turn led to the other side and so he decided to use them

'I'm a little tired, so meh'

He was walking up the stairs slowly. Looking down, carefully watching his footing. As soon as his head poked out... everyone was looking at him with anticipation, waiting for him to walk out. As he emerged from behind the cart, he stopped on top if it and was looking down... as if to say sorry. All of the people thought that he was not able to save them...

Then he looked up...

And he gave small smile of genuine happiness.

Everone knew what the smile meant.

And then... there was an uproar. Every one, every single person present there was cheering for him. All Might wasn't the centre of attention anymore.

"Does anyone know his name?"

"Izuku..." All Might said

"Izuku?... EVERYONE, HIS NAME IS IZUKU!" A bystander shouted and seconds later the people began to chant and shout his name.


The reporters, the Pro heroes, the policeman, the medics, the firefighters, and every single man, woman and child... clapping and cheering and shouting his name. Cheering for a 15 years old, who risked his own life. But in truth they weren't cheering for a 15 year old... No, they were cheering for a Hero. A Hero who acted on his own and saved Seventy-one people in 7 seven minutes.

"This is boy is a true hero. Without any hesitation, he jumped into the fire and put his own life on the line to save the people caught up in the disaster" A reporter said as the whole thing was being shown to the entire country.

Highland Office, Knight's Watch Office.

All the office workers from both of the offices were smiling. They were happy and were cheering. Some of them were jumping, especially the Weller brothers.


Faulkner and the board members were watching the whole Live thing through an Internet TV. All of them were smiling.

"If only Schmidt could've seen this" One of the board members said.

"He would've been the happiest person in the world" Faulkner completed

'I hope you're seeing this from up there, Adelbert...'

Yaoyorozu Mansion

The Yaoyorozu's, along with all the maids, butlers, florists, gardeners, cooks and drivers were on the edge of their seats as they watched Izuku repeatedly go into the fire. The Yaoyorozus were very worried, especially Momo. But when Izuku emerged from the wreckage for the final time and smiled... they cheered and clapped. Momo cried a little... not because of sadness, but because of joy and pride.

City Centre Hospital, 13's and Aizawa's room.

"This kid..." Aizawa was smiling under his bandages. He could hear some loud noises outside his room and concluded that the people were also watching the news.

"He saved them all...just like yesterday. " 13 said to herself.

UA Staff Room

All the teachers were smiling, grinning and cheering.

"I guess we can agree that Izuku will grow up to be a fine hero" Cementoss said..

"Didn't we agree that yesterday?" Midnight commented

"Yes, yes we did" Nezu said with a smile.

With Nighteye and Gran Torino

"Izuku could be Toshinori's successor..." Torino said to Nighteye

"After seeing what he did... I wouldn't object it"

All Might and Titan, who were a little worried at first but quickly forgot about it once they remembered what he was capable of, couldn't be prouder when they saw their son standing triumphantly on top of the cart. They knew that Izuku disowned them... but at this moment, they couldn't care less. They will be selfish and feel proud of their son.

Izuku slowly got down from the cart and walked towards the medics and laid them down on the stretchers. Seconds later he was swarmed by the media.

"Did anyone tell you to save those people?"

"Do you know that you've possibly committed a crime by using your quirk in public?"

"Do you know anyone personally from the people you saved?"

"Did you train yourself to rescue people?"

"Are you planning on becoming a hero?"

And since Predator Sense was active, he heard something that many didn't hear. Then he realised that he was shirtless.




Izuku immediately became flustered. More so when he saw many women were eyeing him and he did not like it one bit...

'I need to get out of here fast... I'll just answer a few questions'

Then Izuku began to speak.

"I am...(Iron Man?) not okay with crowds... so I'll make this quick" He said as he faced the cameras.

"No, one told me to save the people... My legs kinda moved on there own. Secondly this was my first time rescuing people from any disaster. Thirdly I didn't know anyone and yes... I am planning on becoming a hero.

I saved these people not because of fame or to get praised by Pro heroes. No, I saved them because it was the right thing to do. Moreover, I don't want to live the rest of my life with guilt"

"Guilt?" All the reporters gave a questioning look.

"Yes, guilt. The guilt of not saving them... knowing full well that I had the strength and power to do so.

If you want to arrest me then go on" Izuku said as he looked at the police officers, but they didn't do anything... How could they, this kid was basically a public hero.

"I don't care if I committed a crime... If I ever see people in need, I'll help them and I'll use my quirk if I have to. I don't care if get arrested...

Anyway, I'm starving, so I'll be going now. "

Izuku directed 60% to both of his legs and launched him self into the sky. The reporters were pushed back a little due to the air. After which the reporters surrounded All Might.

"All Might, how do you know his name?"

"He's a student at UA, first year... A very good and capable boy. He was able to defeat about a hundred villains when they attacked the USJ yesterday" All Might said proudly.

"H-Hundred!?" All of the reporters were shocked.

"Yes, a hundred... that too within a minute" Titan said



The reporters were even more shocked.

"He fought a hundred villains and saved seventy one people before he even became a licensed pro... His parents must be proud" One of the reporters said

"They are..."