
Civilization system

Ajax, a 9 years boy who was in a army civilization camp, he was a brave boy. His only goal was to became a solder but from badluck he unfortunately was kicked out of the camp, he dint have any way for sirviving. Then something happened witch changed his life forever That thing made him a advanturer and marksman. Ajax trained a lot for becoming a good marksman and a fighter. He got weapons, armour, skills and levels to became overpowerd. But this was not enough for the hazards on the planet. This story is about ajax's journey and the troubles he faced.

Lakshmi_Sandeep · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

New advanture partner

"Bested Ajax" Said xplo

"You, What are you doing here"

"I knew you would go out"

"Xplo, i"

"Ajax why your doing this"

"I want to explain you xplo"

Ajax and xplo went to tent

"So- *Full explanation*"

Ajax said everything but not about SB737 because SB737 said to not say that Ajax have a system.

Ajax explained everything and xplo understand that he is not doing anything wrong.

"Bro, your in a advanture for leveling up"

"Xplo, I am Not doing anything wrong, how can you even think this.

"I want to say something"


"Can I join you"

"For what?.....

"For being your partner for advanture"


"Please Ajax"

"Do you think it's a easy job huh?"

"No, but you know we are used to get tired and i am strong na"

"No your not"


"I mean- ...I don't have any problem-..."

"So i am your partner yay!!!!"

"Ok, but we can go out only at night ok"

"I know, that Ajax!!!,

Xplo ran to his tent.

Ajax dint expect that xplo would say like this.

Tomorrow xplo was going to come with Ajax so Ajax dint know what wepon he will give to xplo.


The sun was rising and everything became beautiful again, Ajax went for exersise.

Ajax did all the exersises and warm-ups.

It was just a normal day like every army man does.

It was finnaly night and Ajax thought to complete a misson for some coins and Ajax took help from SB737

"SB737 are you there?"

[Yes, how can I help you?]

"Please can you give me a achievement to complete"



[Achievement- Attack the Terrorists in the jungle REWARD- 1 Gold coin]

[Information- Thier team name is hihaga, they have common wepons like Ak-12, 1911 pistol

Place- They like in middle of the jungle and thier are so many hazards in the way]

"Wait will We get a gold coin"

[A gold coin means 1000 coins]

"Are you kidding me! Holy cow, if we finish this we are rich"

[Yep, but it's a very dangerus misson and the time is stopped for this achievement, you have infinite hours to complete this achievement]

"It's more good i am happy"

Xplo came to call Ajax.

"Whom are you talking with Ajax"

"A- Noone, i am taking to my spirit"

"Ok, we don't have time come lets go"

"Wait i will tell about the misson"

Ajax told about the achievement and about the reward"

"1000 coins yay let's go"

"Wait will you fight them with your fists"

"No, oh ya i forgot i need a wepon, Ajax"

"Why aren't you serious, it's not a video game, if we die we will not come back"


"I will give you a lether armour and a ELC silver sword, ok wear it"

"You have a military armour and i have a weak armour why Ajax"

"Don't complain atleast i gave you this armour and my sword, if you fight well or help me good, i will give you my Uzi"

"Realy, i will show you that I am not weak."