
The beginning

She lay her head against the glass window seemingly lost in her thoughts. The soft purr of the car engine in the background.

A thousand thoughts were running through her head. What was she going to do? How can things change so quickly, her once promising life is now on the verge of falling apart. A single tear falls down her face.

"Young miss! Young miss! Are you okay?" Asks the dignified looking elderly looking driving the car.

Iris quickly wipes the tear away and turns toward the room with a smile. "I was just thinking of some things, everything is fine"

The driver accepts this with a doubtful smile not wanting to make things difficult for this pale looking child. He remembers the first moment he saw her as she came through the airport terminal doors. She was bundled up in a heavy coat her small pale face and with heavy bags under her eyes looking like a if a single gust of wind could blow her away.

She was an exotically beautiful child with haunting golden eyes, that seemed to have dark hidden depths and untold pain. Flowing silky long black hair cascade down her back and forming a cloud around her small face.

Such a beautiful child and also such a shame, and with a self deprecating smile he thought to himself that it was none of his business as he had no right to meddle in the matters of his bosses.

Iris could see everything the driver did from the corner of her eyes but her face remained stoic. Although she had just turned nine she had done a lot of growing up in the past few weeks.

As the car turned left into the discretely hidden gates and up the winding tree line road she took in a shaky breath and a flash of determination quickly passed through her eyes and soon disappeared leaving behind clear eyes that exposed nothing.

To Never show weakness was a virtue instilled in her by her father. A large imposing villa appeared at the end of the road, it's many windows and a large archway enough to leave one breathless and it also gave a feeling of the absolute wealth that had lasted through generations.

As Iris walked through the doors her lonely shadow cast upon the marble floors, she was almost overwhelmed by the pure size of the place.

The master will meet you in his study"said a voice from behind her. She calmly turned towards the voice and with a soft voice asked, " in which direction is the study?

An elderly gentleman dressed in a black and white uniform looked back at her with expression less eyes "please follow me ", as he walked away with firm strides.

She followed him up the stairs and through a large door which opened into a room filled with books on the shelves. A large desk with a chair facing the window was in front of her the door behind her closed with a soft click leaving her alone in the room. A soft light came in through the window the dark heavy drapes swept to the side to allow the light to illuminate the whole study. Iris slowly took in a deep breath trying to keep calm, as she looked around she noticed a large fireplace with a few photo frames place upon its mantle. Curious she walked toward the photos.