
City plunder world crazy

This story Is about a young man named Sune Night who sets out on a journey with friends to prove his worth together they fight in their plunder crew call the Blackbands to save people they believe are doing the right thing and defeat those who are wrong not everything is sunshine and smiles however since the plunder crews are not liked by the government at all!

Jwolfy1025 · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Unknown guy running

Unknown Guy:Dammit it wasn't suppose to go this way

Weird fella:Come out come out wherever you are

Unknown Guy:This is our last hope

He gets to his destination and hands a guy with a scar a weird lookin crystal

Scar guy:Come on over here hurry

Unknown guy:You go without me I'll hold them off

The guy throws the weird crystal to the guy with a scar as the guy with a scar is leaving you see the unknown guy dies by the hands of a crystal like being

-Present day

Our main character Sune night is getting ready for the day

Sune:I can't wait to see mom and tell her my dream(where is my band?)

-To be continued