
City plunder world crazy

This story Is about a young man named Sune Night who sets out on a journey with friends to prove his worth together they fight in their plunder crew call the Blackbands to save people they believe are doing the right thing and defeat those who are wrong not everything is sunshine and smiles however since the plunder crews are not liked by the government at all!

Jwolfy1025 · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Episode 19:Rhino beetle 5

Foxxy:Lucas I thought you couldn't use banzai

Lucas:I'm a ex crazy hunter of course I can use banzai

Half:Hehehe alright

Half jumps up then quickly throws something at Lucas,Lucas dodges right into a kick to the face


Flea scurries to Foxxy to grab her

Foxxy:"Maul claw"

Flea:Aahh Dongo help

Putsy:Hahaha Flea he isn't here

Flea is grazed

Robo:"Robo slam"

Flea:Robo what?

Robo jumps in the air then smashes himself onto Flea,Flea spits blood and passes out

Putsy:Ahhh that easy

Robo:Underestimated the Blackbands you did

Lucas:Speaking my language now bolts

-Rhino village west

Scar:See little man you did this to yourself

Sune:*Out of breath*Ah ha ha ha

Sune is battered

Sune:Crap I guess I lost

Yuta:Traveler please run

Sune:Can't move


Sune:Shut it annoying kid

Scar walks toward the defenseless Sune

Scar:Now for the finale!

Beret:SCAR! Don't.

Scar:Beret*Infatuated tone*wh-why are you here

Beret:You're head for one day and you make a commotion then throw your family out

Scar:Ivan is a traitor,Yuta is a semi traitor and this here is trash nothing more

Beret:Please Scar no deaths today

Scar:Jeez fine lets see the city limit is about over there

Scar picks Sune up and winds him up like he is gonna throw him

Sune:W-Wait I know what you're thinking,It's not a good...

Scar throws Sune


Scar:That's a bit far

-Rhino village east

Half:Lucas prepare yourself

Lucas:You better prepare yourself to

Half:I Half Hair declare this day as your death

Putsy:Just kill him already and get the girl

Foxxy:Lucas hold that Half guy off a bit longer I'll take this beetle out

Foxxy uses maul claw to try and hit Putsy,Dongo appears stopping Foxxy by grabbing her arm and snapping it then Dongo says

Foxxy:*In pain*(Why again)

Dongo:Hahaha that was a close one eh boss

Foxxy:Agh ahhhhh as..asshole

Putsy:*Relieved*good thing you can sense when I'm in danger

Dongo slams Foxxy to the ground,Foxxy is out cold

Dongo:Night young lady

Putsy:Wait she's coming with us(did you finish off the head in this village?)

Dongo:I broke her arm on accident(yea one shotted him)

Putsu:Just have the soldiers keep her safe,finish the rest off


Dongo looks at Lucas

Lucas:Oh great a two versus one

Dongo:"9 Millipede"

Dongo appears in front of Lucas punching him sending his body into shock




Robo tries to fight Dongo,Dongo kicks Robo into a hut

Putsy:Alright let's go back home send the new followers towards west rhino(someone grab Flea)

Half:That was my kill Dongo


-Fruit forest

Mask wondering about,hears a crash

Sune comes falling down into some trees,Mask begins walking over to where Sune landed

Sune:Ah I want a rematch after I rest a little on this comfortable ground

Mask comes over into Sunes vision


Sune blacks out then wakes up to him leaning on a tree



Sune:Why are you bloody?(And why are you in this forest)


Sune:Righhhhht well whatever can you led us back to town?

Mask:Dongo beat you to?

-To be continued