
Episode 62:Orina cave

Arachne falls to the floor holding her chest

Arachne:*Hurt*Cagh cgh…

The Blackbands cheer in not only excitement but amazement

Foxxy:*Amazed*He did it!

Lucas:Ya..Ay! (What move was that?)

Robo:Victory is complete..

Ivan:*Jealous*Lucky hit..(I could have done that to Foxxy.)

Foxxy:(Didn't you almost die a second ago?)


The Blackbands celebrate to early

Ara:*Out of breath*In pain*Ha you damned cgh human look what you did..


Sunes zai is amplified by his maximum power V2, it hits Arachne in the face

Ara:*Bleeding*Begging*Ahhhhhh p-please stop human!

Sune:[The fact is I only have one more left in me.]

Sune walks towards her and forms another final tiger flame crush, he attempts to punch her she blocks with one hand and Sune goes right through it tearing it off

Arachne:*Scream of agony*Agahhhhhh!!

Sune falls to his knees in exhaustion, Arachne rolls around in pain

Ara:*In pain*I refuse to cgh die here with out taking one of you....I just cgh need to take one…

She starts crawling away, Lucas seeing this says

Lucas:Finish her Sune do it she's getting away!!

Sune near her forms his prince claw but Sune hesitates he turns around unable to look at her, Arachne takes this opportunity to aim her hand towards Ivan who isn't paying attention

Arachne:*Out of breath*That one hah he should be hah an easy kill.

Lucas:Sune now finish her now!!

Sune turns back around as she blast her banzai straight at Ivan hitting him in the eyes

Ivan:*In pain*Argh ahhh.

Foxxy:*Concerned*Ivan are you okay??

Sune:*Angered*Gahh why did you do that"Zai".

Ivan:I-I'm ok It's not as bad as it looked.

Sune hearing Ivan say this moves his zai making it blast the right side of Arachne's face, Lucas notices it wasn't enough to kill her

Lucas:Sune are you crazy?

Sune:Yes Ima crazy.

Lucas:No, that's not what I meant why didn't you kill her?

Sune:She didn't kill Ivan….She just hurt his eyes so I hurt hers there was no need to push it further plus we all deserve a rest right?

Foxxy:*Tired*Yes a rest.

Ivan:*Mad*In pain*Krrrr you're so lucky she hurt my eyes I'd kill her for you!

Sune:Let's get some honey and Beevert then get going to the next city! (How do we get out of this cave?)

Lucas:Sounds good.

Sune begins walking to the Blackbands without noticing something big has formed behind him, Ivan's the first to notice but he isn't sure if it real

Lucas:I'll get bolts free!

Ivan:*Can't see very well*What's that?

Foxxy:(What's, what Ivan?)

Ivan rubs his eyes trying to get a better look

Sune:*Smirking*Ivan jealous of how strong I am I see. Can't be helped I was just born this way.

Sune stands in place gloating, Kyber, Sigfred and Beevert freak out on the roof of the cave

Foxxy:*Freaking out*Stuttering*Pointing*S..S…S…S…Ssssssssss….Su...Su.....Sune!


Sune isn't sure why she's calling his name like that until he tries walking and can't then he feels a sharp pain in his chest, looking down an immense pain expresses itself within Sune

Sune:*Immense pain*Ah…Cagh what the?

Sune looks down seeing something through him, blood drizzles down his lip

Queen:You hurt my children beyond belief for that you die by the queens hand..

Ara:Sorry mother!

Queen:Don't worry my sweet perfect darling rest in my web.

Ara:*Eyes closed*Comfortable*Mothers web…

Beevert:[Spider queen herself!]

Spider queen puts Arachne on top of her hair then throws Sune at his crew then starts to walk off, Foxxy runs over to Sune, the Spider queen notices this then says

Spider queen:More humans? Die in this cave then!

She punches the wall causing the cave to rumble and a cave in starts

Foxxy:*Worried*It's going to be ok Sune just stay with us..


Lucas and Robo run to them

Robo:Master in critical condition we must head back to Bee queen now.

Foxxy:We need medical supplies immediately.

Lucas:Sune stay with us buddy stay with us! [If only we knew some healing spells.]

Sune seems dazed

Foxxy:We need to get out of this cave or Sune wont make it!

Lucas:With the injuries here there are to many to carry…

A rock hits Mask, he quickly jolts awake holding his head in pain

Lucas:That should have had the opposite affect...Right?

Foxxy:I have Sune..Please carry those that can't walk.

Foxxy tries lifting Sune up but he's a bit heavy, she looks at Mask, who is walking towards them

Foxxy:Mask grab Sune, I'll get Ivan, Robo get Kyber and Sigfred.


Kyber:No need.

Foxxy:Wait you got out?


Foxxy:Why didnt you help. (Jerk.)

Kyber:We figured it was the easier way to get rid of two enemies if she killed Blackband, I'll get Crab.


Spider queen still in view continues to walk off

-In Sunes head

A bright fire with stripes like a tiger appears in front of Sune

Sune:Tiger fire?

Lee:As you can see we have leveled up sort of.

Sune:W-What are you?

Lee:That doesn't matter now, does it?

Sune:You're not getting my body.

Lee:You feel it right your life slipping away I really don't want to die so allow me to take over..

Sune:It's hurts so bad, I'm going to die…

Lee:It would just take you letting go..Let me show you I am trustworthy.

Sune:Ehh I don't want to die yet..I still have to visit her..

Lee:Touch the flames, unite our powers, let me gain control and I promise you, you wont regret it.


Sune touches the flame, It shines bright thriving on the interaction with Sune

-Out of Sunes head

-To be continued