
City of Desire

Suffering the machinations of family, Remus is sent to the newly built border city of Greltheaven. A place filled with opportunities but also dangers. If it had been up to him, he would have stayed in the safety of the empire, slowly building his business as he had planned, but he did not have a choice, either go to the dangerous city or live a mediocre life. Which he is not willing to do. Swearing revenge, he packed his bags and moved to Greltheaven, a city of great dangers and fortune. ... A brothel is not an easy business to run, much less get success, but since fate had so kindly decreed it upon him, he will not only run the brothel but will make it immensely successful. He had plans, big plans for it; he only hoped the city would remain standing long enough to turn his small business into an empire. … There will be 5 Chapters a week, from Monday to Friday.

AnWan · Fantasy
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480 Chs


"Good morning, Master Silver," said Margaux and Ina as I enter my office after my training, which was just as painful as yesterday.

It is the first day Ina is attending the morning meeting. She seemed excited about it.

"Good morning, ladies," I said to three of them, before sitting on my chair. Immediately, I opened the file in front of me and a faint surprise couldn't help but appear on my face.

There is an increase of hundred and forty-seven thousand crowns. 95% is from food and drinks. It is the biggest increase in more than two weeks.

"The new chef, how is he?" I asked, and the face of Margaux and Ina lit up at the question.

"He is amazing. More than thirty people yesterday praised the food. Seven even called the chef himself to thank him," said Margaux excitedly and I wish I could share her excitement.

That man had burned the restaurants, and the sooner he got out of my establishment, the better.

Carla already working on finding a suitable replacement for Allen.

"There was a guard on him, right?" I asked. To which she nodded. "Yes, two guards with the sharpest eyes were always around him. Keeping eyes on everything he does," she replied.

"How are the new girls adjusting?" I asked. "Good. We have already started their spa treatments and all of them have finished answering their sheets," replied Ina, while motioning to the four piles of papers on my desk.

I looked at piles and felt excitement and a headache at the same time. We have to note and analyze the answers they have written.

At such times, I miss the computer the most.

It is based on this data; we will know their interests and assign them, the teachers, to foster those interests. Speaking of teachers, we will also need to hire more of them. The teachers we have are not enough for a hundred new girls.

A few minutes passed, and Margaux and Ina got up to leave after they have done with their business.

"Ina stay. The two of us would not be enough to sort these things," said Carla, motioning toward the piles of pages.

"Do you want me to stay?" asked Margaux. "No, you have enough responsibilities already," replied Carla. Margaux nodded and walked out, while Ina sat back in the chair.

"Let's begin. It is going to take a lot of time," I said, and Carla took the first set and handed it to Ina. "Start from name and then questions and answers they have written," instructed Carla.

Ina nodded and turned to the first page.

"Name, Senar Olgard…" Ina begins, while Carla begins to write. She is the best choice to write. She had got a skill about it.

Ina read while Carla wrote. Her voice is clear that Carla never asked her to repeat her. When she was done, it was my turn. I have the details of their classes and skills, along with the notes I have made about them.

The details of their classes are not only from me but also from the stores. They have provided the complete details on the girls.

The merchants of Owlspring keep a much better record of the girls than of the Namdar.

Or maybe it is just waris scent. I have only brought the contracts from him in the Namdar.

Time passed as we continued to note down answers and details of the girls. It is going fast; we will be able to finish writing down soon and then we can analyze and decide on the things they need to learn and hire teachers accordingly.

In two hours and ten minutes, we have finished writing down all their information and began analyzing.

Ina is so good at it that I am surprised by it. She had an analytical mind and could think more deeply than most people.

I shouldn't have been surprised, unlike most girls. She had not chosen even a single art class, even the one I had chosen for her, had to be stopped.

Her teacher had come to me, nearly begging me to relieve her of teaching Ina. Saying she does not iota of artistic talent.

She had been learning mathematics since the beginning and started philosophy and history, along with geography, after she stopped taking the art class.


It had been a little over three hours since we started working when I saw the gates of the establishment opening and the carriage coming inside from the corner of my eye.

Only a list of people could come directly, like Marina and Aydin. Others stopped at the gates. If they came outside of business hours.

The carriage stopped, and to my surprise, Stone walked out with Jon and Zela.

I did not think he would come since I did not hear from him yesterday, but he did. I did not let myself get too excited. There is a high chance he had come to reject my offer, seeing how he nearly did when I had asked him two days ago.

"We should take a break," I said as I put my diary aside. "I will come back in a few minutes," said Ina.

"Stay," I said, to her surprise. "Though you and Carla will need to sit there," I added, pointing to the sofa.

'Master Silver. The stone mercenaries have arrived,' said Jill through the new magical intercom. "Sent them in," I said to her, and after a few seconds, Stone walked inside with Jon and Zela.

"Mister Silver," greeted Stone, before casting a glance at Carla and Ina sitting sofa.

"Please, take a seat," I said to them. "Thank you," said Stone, as they sat.

There was silence after they sat. I waited for them; they waited for me.

"We have decided to accept the offer of your employment," said Zela finally. "But a year is unacceptable to us. We would like it to be six months long," added Stone.

"That is fine," I said with a smile, surprising them a little. I knew there is only a small chance they will accept a year of employment. I had just written it to gain the edge, and I have got it.

"When can you start?" I asked. "From tomorrow," replied Stone with his face twitching. He does not like the way negotiations are going.

"Any problem with salary?" I asked, "No," this time, it is Jon who replied.

They better not have any problem with it. I am paying much higher than the market price. At this price, I would have gotten more mercenaries of the same level, but they wouldn't be trusted or rather clean.

It had been only three months; they have come from the Mayhurst. It is unlikely they are secretly working for someone.

They are safer to hire than seasoned mercenaries with years of experience.

"Sign, these contracts to seal your employment," I said, and handed them the contract.

Stone and Jon did not touch the contract, only Zela did. She took it in her hand and begin to read it, and soon a surprise couldn't help but appear on her face.

By the time she finished reading it. That expression had appeared on her face a couple of times.

She placed her contracts down and took Stone's contract to read.

There is one thing to learn from the tech giants of the earth. Give them so many services and amenities that people wouldn't leave, even if they wanted to.

It is way, they keep the best talents, even in a competitive market.

So, I have given them much more than salaries. From accommodation, and food, to other things.

I want them to stay long-term. For it, even if I had to spend more, I will do it. It is worth it, seeing as it is a matter of life and death.

"They are good," said Zela, and immediately Stone and Jon signed their contracts, along with Zela.

"Welcome aboard. I hope you will have a pleasant experience working for me." I said and shook their hands.

They left after discussing a few things; they will be start working from tomorrow. With the other four members of their team signing the contracts by the evening.

"Let's continue," I said the moment the door closed. Carla and Ina once again sat in front of me, and we continued.

It would be great if we could finish it by three. I have a visit to the guild. Locke had sent me a message yesterday to come today, at least for an hour, as he needed my opinion on a few things.

Carla has to leave too; she needs to go to the employment guild for the chef. Drev is too much of a risk to keep.

I cannot have him burn down my establishment.

Soon it was two, and we have nearly finished. Fifteen minutes more and we will be done. Carla will take the list of teachers and post it in the employment guild and with the salaries, we are offering.

We will have no problem getting the teachers we need.


We were working when I saw a carriage coming through the gates. It is an enchanted carriage and seemed familiar. I was thinking that when I noticed something which made my eyes go wide in surprise.

"It bears the flag of the city," said Carla.

Soon, two people walked out and immediately recognized them. The short man is Kent. He is the clerk of Count Darrow, while the other person is a guard, who usually is present in the meeting chambers.

I don't know why they are here. It may be related to that strange meeting or maybe something else. I thought about it before pushing the thoughts away. I will know the reason soon enough.

'Master Silver, the people from Count Darrow's office are here,' informed Jill through the magical intercom.


"Sent them in," I said and a second later, the door opened and two people walked inside.

"Remus Silver, Count Darrow had summoned your presence," said Kent, the clerk, before I could even greet them. "Now?" I asked. "Yes, immediately," he replied.

"Can I at least change into better clothes?" I asked. While I am wearing good enough clothes for a meeting, it is Count Darrow I am meeting. I have to present myself better, lest he takes offense.

"You look presentable enough," he said, clearly rejecting my request. Seeing I would not get any time, I got up from my seat.

"Can you tell me why Count Darrow had summoned me?" I asked as we got out of my office. "Don't know, Lord Count had asked us to bring you to him. We are just following the orders," he replied.

I don't think I have done something that warranted such an urgent summons, but you could never guess with the nobles.

Soon, we got out of the establishment and sat in the carriage with them. In a minute, we were out of the establishment.

It took around twenty minutes for the carriage to reach the palace of Count Darrow before entering the inside.

The carriage stopped, and we stepped out before walking toward the doors of the palace. The closer we got to it, the more nervous I became. I don't know why count Darrow had called me and that is making me nervous.

Soon we reached the doors and entered inside.

It is my first-time entering a palace without the company of the butler and assistant butler.

The palace is vast, and we need to walk for more than ten minutes before stopping in front of unfamiliar large doors.

"Secretory Marta, we have brought the Remus Silver, as you had asked." said the short man, to the white-haired woman who looked to be in her mid-sixties.

Marta Winters, secretory of Count Darrow. She said to be one of the people he trusts the most.

"You both can go," she said as she dismissed them and turned to me. "Sit there Remus Silver. Lord Count will see you in a few minutes." She spoke.

I nodded and sat down on a luxurious chair before taking the magazine to read.

Half an hour passed and then another half, but even then, I am still waiting. I hid everything I am feeling in my heart and focused on reading the magazine.


A little more than ten minutes passed when the door opened and three people walked out. Seeing them, I couldn't help but became surprised.

Commander Atticus, the leader of Greltheaven forces. Guildmaster Hardt, leader of the merchant guild, and Guild-master Albelda, leader of the Mage guild. She is the second High-Mage the city has. Sent to the city by prince Grelt, like the other High-Mage.

They looked at me, and to my great surprise, nodded before walking away.

I have come across them many times before, but they never had such an acknowledgment of me. Especially Commander Atticus.

And is that jealousy I saw on Damon Hardt's face?

"Remus Silver, Lord Count, is ready to see you now," informed Marta. I nodded and quickly controlled my expression before walking toward the door.

I walk through the door and find myself in an expansive study. Filled with books and artwork. It was decorated wonderfully. The only flaw it had there been too much artwork.

If he lessened this cluttered. It would look even more amazing.

"Lord Count. Lord Lancel," I greeted Count Darrow, sitting behind the table and his son, on the chair by the window.

"Young Silver, sit," said Count Darrow. "Thank you, my lord," I said as I sat down. While he and his son looked at me, the silence stretched.

"Do you know why I had summoned you?" he asked nearly a minute later. "No, my lord," I answer, without using any excessive words.

"I had called you here to give you a job offer," he said, and I couldn't help but become surprised. I had expected many things, but not this.

"It would be my honor to be a service to you in any way possible," I replied. Not explicitly agreeing. I would be mad to directly agree, before hearing what job he is trying to offer me.

"I want you to serve as an adviser to my son," he said, and it had truly shocked me. So much so that I wasn't able to keep my emotions in control.

I can't blame myself; the news is too much and unexpected.

It may seem like I should have guessed given the interview, but things are not so simple here.

Many things needed to be looked for in this job. Allegiance, profession, and age, among other things. I do not fit into any criteria.

As my allegiance is unknown or neutral, considering I am a member of a house of silver, my allegiance is to them and whoever they had allegiance to.

As for my profession, it is not also something good. Something they will not have for an adviser, even in this world. How the general public thinks matters and a whoremaster as an adviser does not sound good.

Last is my age; I am only eighteen. Though, my real age is thirty-four, counting both my lifetime.

So, it is quite shocking seeing him offer me this position.

"Do you accept?" he asked, and it is a heavy question.

As accepting this decision will change the whole trajectory of my life. I will be officially counted in the camp of Prince Grelt.

Though I am nothing and no adversary of Prince or Count will assassin at me. At least not yet.

If it had been a week ago, I wouldn't have accepted it. The risks were too high, but now, it will be a shield for me.

"It would be my greatest honor to serve Lord Lancel in any capacity," I said. He smiled, but his son glared.

Seeing that I know the job will not be easy, but I never liked easy.

Though, I feel a little sad about Locke, from now on I won't be able to help him, as much as I am doing before.

With this new position, I won't be a legal adviser to the merchant guild.

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