
City's Alchemy

What If somebody told you that the history of the city your ansestors has lived for generations is nothing like what you've been taught at school? History is going to take a completely different turn when a teenage brunette shifts to the city of Willowspell.

Kashfa_Arman · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6


At the age at which girls go on dates and night outs, here I'm! running for life since past I don't even know minutes. My parents were rather supportive of my decision to be something no woman has ever been, a warrior, but it's kind of annoying at the same time as my very own mother kicked me out of the house at 4 in the morning, explaining it as 'Mr. Achilles told you to run. Hence, you should run.' I mean WHAT THE FUVK? If Mr. Achilles will tell me to eat cockroaches and WILL YOU MAKE ME DO THAT TOO? I know my parents are right but I whole heartedly despise getting up early on Sunday mornings. I don't even know how far I've run but I guess enough that my legs are like jelly and I'll need at least 2 people to carry me back home.

Reaching home by six, i finally did my morning routine: a cold shower, some tooth-brushing and daily Skin Care (the most important part).

We live in a society where there is an ideology called 'if I'm in trouble, I'll pull you into it too.' and I'm a great follower of it. So if I'm not sleeping then why let my dear friend sleep? I dailed her number.

K: you are up early?

M: You are up at all?

K: oh! I just had a nightmare.

M: what happened?

K: let's not talk about it. Just speak and then leave me alone. I feel nauseous.

M: oh! Umm.. I did some

running, my legs hurt and

I'm regretting my life decisions.

K: Don't do. You are supposed to

Visit the dragons at 4pm.




it's just the first day!!

K: indeed it is. You'll be okay kid,

Go get some sleep.

M: Good Night.

Okay so the next 5 hours I'm submitting myself for the selfless service of traditional human relaxing method called Sleep.


I woke up due to constant banging on my door. Mom, it must be her.

"Madeè! Open up! Open up! Open up!"

I unlocked the door, rubbing my eyes.

"Oh my! You are still sleeping! Don't you need to have lunch or do homework?" She asked sounding concerned.

"I do mom."

"THEN WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING TILL 12PM? THAT'S NOT HOW A WARRIOR LIVES." I almost jumped due to her sudden scream.

"Mom! Please Not Now" I declared trying to hold on my fright.

"Okay okay. Come downstairs and eat something." She walked away swiftly murmuring something to herself.


When I got off my father's Triumph Bonneville, it was 4:03pm. I was wearing a normal tracksuit ( cause my trainee uniform isn't ready yet), my father wished me luck as I spotted Skyler leaning against the wall, using his cellphone. He looked up and smiled as he heard my footsteps. WAIT A MINUTE? DID I MENTIONED HE IS WEARING BLACK! MY FAVOURITE COLOUR! I MEAN HE LOOKS SO AJSKSGFHSAFJKJDH!!

"I thought you won't make it!" He said approaching me.

"Oh i won't miss this for worlds! I mean I'm already in debt that you agreed for this." I smiled softly.

"Okay let's begin shall we?"

I nodded.

"Let's do some warm up first. How about you circle this ground twice? And then we'll do some exercise."

I looked around, the diameter of the ground is so large that I'm afraid I'll die. "Don't worry. It's not that large" He assured. Though i started with great dred but i finished the whole thing in almost 40 seconds. And that wasn't nothing for an amateur like me. We did some of lunges, squats or arm swings like stuff and they suck as pleasantly as they sound.

"Have you ever tried some sport that requires aiming?" He asked when we stopped for some water.

"I played dart when i was 10" I mentioned sarcastically.

"Let's try archery then" He suggested.

"Why not umm shooting?" I hesitatently suggested back.

"Because i don't want to burden you on the first day. Let's take it easy for now."

We walked to the other side of the ground where there were large boards for archery. He handed me the bow and the arrow and said, "Shoot."

I mean wtf? I don't even know how to hold the thing and he is telling me to shoot? Shoot what? Him? I want to. Deep Hearted want.

I stared at him without moving and he stared back cluelessly.

"What are you waiting for Miss.Roggers? SHOOT." I opened my mouth to respond but later turned my attention to my target. I clearly knew I'm holding the thing wrong but Since this man is challenging me, I'm going to screw him. I closed one eye, and tried to focus on the red mark, for a moment the whole universe ceased to exist and it was just me and the board. The arrow left my bow and pierced a spot just an inch above the red one. Disappointment to the power infinity. I mean if it was just a few inches lower, it could had been BULLS EYE!!

"Most people don't even know how to stretch the bow string properly and hurt themselves , you are impressive." He said clapping lightly.

"Umm. That's me i guess." I said shyly, i never understood how to take compliments.

"You held the bow in an aggressively wrong way though." He further added laughing. I mean he don't have to tell me that.

"Come here, let me teach you." He flattered, back hugging me, his warm breath on my skin gave me goosebumps and his slender fingers slightly intervened with mine. Though i was sweating, i started feeling cold and nervous.

"Miss Roggers, please stand straight. Head up." He ordered. Sur!! How can I do anything when you are so appealing. We practiced till 6pm, it was a boring start but i was having fun afterwards.

"Sur, why did you choose to be a trainer and not an actual Army General or something like your father?" I asked randomly trying to cut the silence as we were waiting outside for my father to show up.

"Why serve the people at power when you yourself can be on power?" He let out a dry laugh. "My father was a man of great morals, yet died a miserable death. I don't want to end up the same way." He said staring at the silver ring in his hand.

"I'm sorry. Your father died due to sickness?"

"Yeah. He was a hard headed sicko who stabbed himself and left his wife and ten year old son alone to suffer." I waited for him to continue. This is turning way more serious than I wanted it too.

"Ironic. How he wrote on his death note that he can not handle the truth. The truth that he himself burned the kingdom he swore to protect but agreed to widow his loving wife who dreamed of growing old with him."

He finished still staring at his hands.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I didn't knew what else i should say.

"I don't need sympathy Miss. Roggers, I got enough of it when I was young."

I turned silent.

"It was your first day but from the next class, I expect too see you in proper Uniform and not even a minute late. Also there are certain rules you need to know, one you are not allowed to walk in the campus, you'll always jogg to move anywhere. Two, sitting without permission or trying to pull tricks on your teacher will be punishable. Three, don't get into anybody's personal life."

He almost yelled the last part.

I mean i didn't asked him to share his personal details. Did I? This is going to be a sick ride for sure. God this man is something else.